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Everything posted by ehunt

  1. 320"....what a great bull....she probably gave her dad some shootin lessons huh????
  2. ehunt


    I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! i drew a Coues 'n' Sheep tag!!!!!!! anyone want to come along on the hunt??????
  3. ehunt

    Not a Drill!

    Seeing that your a fireman that gets to eat steak and lobster every night it might do you good to pace around for a while hahahaha, thats funny right there
  4. ehunt

    Not a Drill!

    Greeaaattt....now i can't leave the house, i will be pacing around for the next hour
  5. Gino, you arent foolin us.....we know you are a "closet caller" so let me know when they are out
  6. ehunt

    Bear and Bones

    wow great story!!!! sounds like an awesome adventure, thanks for sharing!
  7. its now almost 11pm and still 22 users reading this thread...hahahaha....this is awesome
  8. holy cow AZmeat, you need to calm down and breeaaaaatttthhh every year when everyone is speculating about the results and i have called over a thousand times i eventually get tired of it and call the game and fish number......when the guy comes on talking hit 0 for operator....when they answer ask for the draw department.....now the "sweet lady" will answer and now comes the time for some smooth talking try it and see what you find out p.s. she did want me to spread the word that AZMEAT did not get a unit 9 elk tag
  9. hahahaha sorry this time im not messing around....this is coming from the sweet lady in the draw department, and usually she gives some very accurate info
  10. I love this time of year!!! now its even more exciting because we have three draws to wait on sounds like the draw has not been completed but they are expecting results out the end of this week or early next week i cant stand it any longer
  11. my brother's uncle has a friend whoe's aunt has a dog that talked with the game and fish mascot quail and was told any day now!
  12. ehunt

    Ojo Caliente Outfitters

    wow!!! very impressive bucks
  13. ehunt

    Gunna buy a new pair of boots.... need advice.

    i hear ya i thought sportsmans carried them but was in there the other day to get a pair for my dad for fathers day and i couldnt find them..does anyone know if outdoorsmans carries them?
  14. ehunt

    Holy Side Rack, Batman!!

    great find!!!!!
  15. ehunt

    Gunna buy a new pair of boots.... need advice.

    i was in the same boat as both of you, unsure after trying alot of boots.....but i listened to a friend of mine and spent the coin and went with the kenetreks and am very glad i did
  16. ehunt

    Gunna buy a new pair of boots.... need advice.

    you can go to www.kenetrek.com to take a look at them.....
  17. ehunt

    Gunna buy a new pair of boots.... need advice.

    gino, have you thought about the kenetrek mountain boot? i bought a pair in november and they are awesome!!!
  18. ehunt

    unit 42 cleanup

    That is awesome you guys are setting this up in 42! im scheduled to work the 7th but i will try to get it off....if not i will be getting in contact with you creed to see if theres anything else i can help with.
  19. ehunt

    Prayers for Casey

    Good luck!!! stick with it you will do awesome...hope you know your espanol
  20. ehunt

    My 2009 Desert Archer Mule Deer

    What a smoker buck!! congratulations, a buck like that is extremely hard to kill, and you managed to do so with a bow!! Great Job!!!!
  21. ehunt

    3 bulls and over 1000 inches of bone……

    colton is sure on a roll this year!!!!! Great job guys, those bulls are freakin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. ehunt


    WOW!!!! what a great bull!!! congrats little man
  23. ehunt

    TLH hits the big 5-0....Happy Birthday!

    Happy B-Day!!!!
  24. ehunt

    Once in a lifetime

    Arthur, That ram is a STUDDDDDD!! congrats, you worked hard and put alot of time in on a well deserved trophy!!!!
  25. ehunt

    Huntin' For "Sticks"!

    congrats!!! awesome buck!!!!