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Everything posted by ehunt

  1. ehunt

    Bighorn Sheep information?

    Congratulations on your tag!! My advice is to just take a deep breath and enjoy every minute of the hunt! As Gino said, talk with as many people as you can that are willing to share info about that hunt and keep a notebook with info that you can reference back to. I recommend contacting Don Martin(for info) because it sounds like he has experience with that particular hunt! Again Congrats and good luck on your hunt!!!!
  2. ehunt

    Theyre up!!!!!!!

    44 desert muley for me, im glad to be going huntin!!!
  3. ehunt

    worst draw system in the west!!!

    its funny how each person has a different answer..........unreal
  4. ehunt

    worst draw system in the west!!!

    there is still hope , i just talked with a guy in the office and he said keep trying that they are hoping this afternoon but if not over the weekend. he said they would try to have it up on the phone and computer at the same time!!
  5. ehunt

    worst draw system in the west!!!

    OMG that is the worst news ever
  6. ehunt

    Draw results

    Are you serious? Where did you hear this? i heard it from the game and fish operator...........but i have heard from others they say today so it depends on who answers the phone
  7. ehunt

    Draw results

    they are saying next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope they are wrong
  8. ehunt

    Jr's turkey - Grant's first yote

    Way to go Grant!!! That is a great looking yote!! Also... way to step up RL, you are a stand up guy for all you do!!!!!
  9. ehunt

    Draw results

    they are now saying probably not until this weekend sometime!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. that has to be one of the funniest things i have ever seen whats funnier is you took the time to think of that and set it up !!! EBB, that is great
  11. ehunt

    Fundraiser/Benfit in the Rim Country

    Gino, we are still gonna try and make, i am trying to get saturday off at work.......uggghhh!!!
  12. ehunt

    New youth member

    Thats a great looking pig and a great looking bird dog!!! Welcome to the site glad to have you!! Where is this avatar everyone is talking about????
  13. ehunt

    Draw results

    That is just funny i just wish they would post them because i am getting absolutely NOTHING done today!!!!
  14. ehunt

    It's official!

    wasnt it 5 or something like that
  15. that sucks sorry to hear that BTW your buck in your avatar looks like he is dying of starvation
  16. it does not hurt to check if they said you made a mistake...i have heard of guys that checked and nothing was wrong so they were able to get their first choice!!
  17. yes you can go to the main office and request to see your error, they will then pull your app and let you see a copy. i had a question on one last year and they let me see the mistake.
  18. ehunt

    The loss of a CWT member

    wow how sad!! my heart and prayers are with the family!!
  19. ehunt

    Draw results

    That's good stuff man!! I think we all did that. been there,done that and i can add to it! after calling all day,i had to go to work. i work in a secure area so you need a code to get in. i caught myself at the door keypad punching 602-942-3000! needless to say,it didn't work on the door either! Thats funny right there!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. ehunt

    Draw results

    thanks ultramag that was some really good info you shared with us.....hahahahaha!!!
  21. ehunt

    Draw results

    i just wish they would post them already, and hopefully it is online so we all do not spend hours and hours calling to hear "you were not drawn for"....i hate those words!!!!!
  22. ehunt

    My son

    Kent, my heart goes out to you and your family. I will you keep you in my prayers.
  23. i sure hope so!!! i really feel sorry for the archery deer hunters who will only have a few weeks to prepare for their hunt!! good luck everyone!!
  24. ehunt

    Big wall tent

    what kind of price are you looking for?
  25. ehunt

    Little Brutus

    mike, that is a great looking gun!!!!