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Everything posted by ehunt

  1. ehunt

    Spring Gobbler

    We always hunt the second season and it is usually timed perfect! They are accepting applications right now for tags for next year so you might still have time
  2. ehunt

    Spring Gobbler

    Thanks everyone for the comments! Amanda you are right, it is a treat to hunt up there! I look forward to it every year! I think the tags are $225 but i could be wrong.
  3. ehunt

    White Mountain Turkeys!!!!

    I just got back from the San Carlos Reservation and the birds were going crazy!! Alot of the gobblers were already with hens as soon as they left the tree. I will post my story soon.
  4. ehunt

    Pray for a friend's baby

    That is great news Jeff!!!
  5. Awesome pics!! That first snake is huge!!
  6. ehunt

    Pray for a friend's baby

    That is horrible!!! Prayers sent!!!
  7. ehunt

    Congrats again to SpotNStalk

    Great job Arthur the story turned out great!!!
  8. They are adding permits to unit 15d for sheep to a total of 9!!!! That just seems like too many permits for that hunt, but the sheep must be doing good.
  9. ehunt

    need a little help

    prayers sent and hope your recovery goes well!!
  10. ehunt

    Happy Aniversey to Me

    Congrats Mike!!!
  11. ehunt

    Kenmore Elite grill

    ohhh gotcha i forgot you ended up gettin those 15's...
  12. ehunt


    We have two labs and they are great dogs!! If i hear of someone looking for one i will point them in your direction.
  13. ehunt

    Kenmore Elite grill

    Dang Arthur...you want some swaros bad!!! Next your going to have your house or car on here!!
  14. ehunt

    Not your everyday carp

    Very cool!!!
  15. Jim, i am in the same boat as you...i want a unit 9 archery tag just once!!! After that i will start applying in other units. Switchback, hang in there man!!! I know a bunch of guys who have had tag after tag in great units which is BS!!! But stick with it and your time will come!
  16. ehunt

    Ancient Art

    Very nice pics! I know how you were feeling with the bees!! This last January i was stalking a great 180+ desert muley and while waiting him out in a rock pile i somehow aggrivated a hive of bees that were right below me!! I freaked out but only got stung once in the hand...but the stalk was over!
  17. ehunt

    **Draw Results**

    Mullins Outfitters..they are a sponsor of this site.
  18. ehunt

    **Draw Results**

    A big congrats to everyone that drew this year!!! 2010 is going to be a great year and i hope everyone kills giants!!!
  19. ehunt

    Not many but all good....

    Great Bull!!! Now you need to kill him this year!!! See you Saturday pal!!!
  20. +100..I just found out my friend just drew his 3rd archery bull tag in 4 years, with 2 of the 3 being early archery 9(which he got this year)!!! I am in favor of a 2 or 3 year wait for a tag!!
  21. its been 9 years for me..now up to 11pts!
  22. ehunt

    **Draw Results**

    Nothing for me..fiance drew unit 7 rifle antelope!!
  23. ehunt

    Friends need prayer!

    Hey all...A friend and fellow Captain from work lost his 9 week old baby boy last week Him and his wife need all the prayers we can send them to get them through this terrible loss! We also need prayers for our guys that had to try and revive their own co-workers baby...i can't imagine being in their place and i know they need our support right now!!! Thank You!!!
  24. ehunt

    Desert Bighorn Mount

    thats awesome! Great ram!!
  25. ehunt

    Desert Bighorn Mount

    Awesome! What did he end up scoring?