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About Elkaholyk75

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  1. Elkaholyk75

    And the Card hits will begin

    Fingers crossed
  2. Elkaholyk75

    How long until cards are hit??

    My entire group hit the next day.
  3. Elkaholyk75

    How long until cards are hit??

    I asked several questions and she seemed as though she didnt mind talking to me. It may be a copy and past but that answer combined with all the other circumstantial evidence its not over yet should make ya feel a bit better, no?
  4. Elkaholyk75

    How long until cards are hit??

    This was a serious post, it was me who called and spoke with a representative.
  5. Elkaholyk75

    How long until cards are hit??

    Not that mathematically impossible. That would be a drastic change. I did see someone post AZGFD is the laughing stock of the west, and I whole heartedly agree. I didn't quite buy into that theory until they banned trail cam use, then I realized it wasnt about the average Joe hunter anymore.
  6. Elkaholyk75

    How long until cards are hit??

    Patience is my virtue!
  7. Elkaholyk75

    Elk hits tomorrow????

    My card got hit this morning at 0605 hrs.
  8. Elkaholyk75


  9. Elkaholyk75

    Whuan Olympics, anyone watching?

    I watched about ten minutes of it, specifically some mogul competition. Then, I started to hear the wokeness and even the commercials are terribly woke. At that point, I turned it off. It's unfortunate, the winter olympics were always something I really enjoyed, but I just cant stomach all the victimhood.
  10. Elkaholyk75

    Draw odds help?

    How about 3138 and 3190? Much appreciated!