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About Dialn911

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  1. Dialn911

    Anyone want to trade SRPs for LRPs?

    Sorry for the delay, I was out of town. I have CCI#200 I can trade if you want.
  2. Dialn911

    Anyone want to trade SRPs for LRPs?

    I'll look and see if I have what you want.
  3. Dialn911

    Free vortex Rangefinder box, case etc.

    That would make me sick. Sorry to hear it. You like the impact? I almost bought one, but picked up a Sig 1800BDX on sale instead.
  4. Hey guys, a friend told me this was a good place for trading and selling locally. I'm in the Payson area. If anyone is interested in trading smalle rifle primers, I have a good supply of large rifle primers available for trade. I'm also looking for a PVS-14 if anyone has one they want to sell or trade. Thanks.