Have an old bow that was sitting in air conditioned storage for awhile. The bow itself was used a little bit about 10 years ago by me for an introduction into archery. Only used it to learn and practice so not tons of use. Was sitting in storage and figured someone else could get good use of it. Would like 100 for everything so everything you see in the pics is included. From what I remeber draw length is 27 and was set to about 50 lbs. See attached pictures.
I have 1 LB of the following powders: Titegroup, BLC-2, and Accurate 2015. I want to trade pound for pound for any of the following powders: Accurate 1680, Alliant Reloader 7, IMR 4198, or H4198. Would also consider trading either small pistol primers or small rifle primers as well for one of those powders, as I am looking to load some subsonic 300 blackout ammo.
PM me if interested.