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Everything posted by elkhutnaz

  1. elkhutnaz

    Turkey Hunting

    Bill let's see those sheds, come on DON"T TEASE Andy
  2. elkhutnaz

    Turkey Hunting

    Anybody killing this weekend? Headed up next weekend to 6A and I all ready can't sleep. Andy
  3. elkhutnaz

    Scouting Footage Of A Big Bear

    nice bear I would be putting some time in for him
  4. elkhutnaz

    A big elk shed...

    Screw work I would still be out there looking for the set
  5. elkhutnaz

    left over

    only two hunt numbers with limited opp cow rifle tags, you are better off buying an over the counter, it will give you more time to hunt . left overs are hunt number 3072 with 20 tags and 3084 with 24 tags
  6. elkhutnaz

    Bonus point?

    it doesn't work well and could use a "tweak" This weekend at the expo I heard a guy pull 3 rifle 1 antelope tags in a row and 4 guys 3 out of state with NO points pull early rifle bull tags, it just doesn't seem RIGHT
  7. elkhutnaz

    Saw a sticker yesterday.

    White Sequioa is my wife's, she was headed to her 9 to 5er Andy
  8. elkhutnaz

    Results are out

    Nothing, come on new mexico and hopefully montana
  9. Thank you for turning down CABELAS, enough said
  10. elkhutnaz

    2 successful youth hunters!

    Well took my son and daughter's boyfriend pig hunting this weekend, first time for both with bows and both got pigs within two hours. My buddy put us on the herd we hunted, I dropped both the boys 3/4 mile up a wash and drove around to the low side where I set up to glass from, the wash was very deep where I was at around 200 feet and 300 feet wide. After a bit I could see fresh sign in the bottom of the wash so I dropped off the check it out. I cut alot of fresh tracks and could see they were head up the wash towards the boys so I stayed to the down wind side of the wash and walked the bank. After a little a ran into the boys they had no seen the pigs so I took them across and we set up to glass from the edge of the wash, the rain was starting to move in so I threw a rock into a thick bottom and nothing, we were about to pack it in when Tyler, the boy friend, spotted a mom with a baby coming out of the bottom, we followed them over the top to the next cut into the big wash and pigs went everywhere. We watch for a little to get a game plan, Austen my son dropped in and headed down the wash to where the pigs came from, while tyler and I headed across to the other side to cut them off and try to turn them back. Austen didn't go 80 yards and came face to face with about 6 big pigs, he drew and hit a big boar perfect, at 10 yards. I turned to see all the other pigs running everywhere so I yelled to Tyler who was already across and topping out to come back down, He was headed our way when Austen said Tyler is getting ready to shoot, We watch he release and we could hear the hit and the pig run off. At that point Austen and I headed up to where Tyler shot to see what he hit, we looked around for blood alittle and we left him to head after Austen's pig, as we were headed to where Austen shot from we cut blood and found Tyler's arrow, we yelled and he came over the hill to us in the bottom of the wash. We followed the blood thru the bottom up to a real thick edge where the pigs were bedded so I got down on all fours and headed in to follow the blood, as I came thru the brush I was face to face with his hit pig(lucky he was a small boar), I backed out and yelled to get Tyler another shot, and the pig was done(or that is what we thought). We stepped off to give it some time to die and headed to where Austen shot from but it was only 20 yards away up the wash, He showed us where he was and whre the pig was, he had a pass thru with good blood, so I started tracking his pig. As luck would have it the pig he shot passed right thru wherre Tyler's pig was lying, as we tracked him Tyler's pig wouldn't die so I had to stick him with a knife and only another 15 feet away in some real thick cover was Austen's boar. I was very cool to take both the guys out and pop their archery cherries with this hunt. Andy PS they are both HOOKED, trying to get pictures resized to get them up for all to see
  11. elkhutnaz

    Gun Smith on the west side

    David Arganbright White Cloud Custom Gunsmithing 602-292-1986 www.customrifleman.com
  12. still a nice buck, with GREAT genes good job Andy
  13. elkhutnaz

    Well, it worked!

    Sweet elk and don't fix the deer, i LOVE those ugly bucks
  14. elkhutnaz

    Best bow

    Bargin Cave at Cabelas, look for a Black Ice, will do just about anything you need
  15. elkhutnaz

    Good times

    sweet story, I am glad to se other people take the kids along too, I always try to have the boys tag along, the youngest is into it the most, but the older two have found "GIRLS" and are forgetting all the life leasons the woods can teach. Enjoy it while they are young, it is a very special bond and they will also remember Andy
  16. to all you that got down south of the border, let's se some pictures, I am looking into spending some money for next year and heading down if I don't get my New Mexico oryx tag. aNY INFO WOULD BE GOOD, who ever you used and etc.............Andy
  17. elkhutnaz

    Whats In A Name

    ELKHUTN is my plate on my truck
  18. elkhutnaz

    Next Years Buck

    hard to judge, mass is Huge but tines are where you get your points, Still a huge buck and a shooter, just hope he lives to get killed by a killer, not cat food
  19. elkhutnaz


    that is AWSOME, he looks HUGE
  20. elkhutnaz

    23 matching set

    here is a set from 2 years ago, I was bird hunting and found the set
  21. elkhutnaz

    FINALLY a javelina

    don't try to tell me that Matt's wasn't still feeding on MOM
  22. elkhutnaz

    2 successful youth hunters!

    here they are, now the boys want to try for an elk
  23. elkhutnaz

    mule buck on wt doe

    Spent Jan 1 in 19 B trying to glass up pigs for my son and we saw a little 2 by muley trying to breed a whitetail doe, first she drop her backend little it was cool and then whenn he got close she kicked him and took off with her little one, the little muley was with two does already but he just looked at them and put his nose to the ground in hot pursuit of the whitetail, Has anyone seen this before?
  24. elkhutnaz


    Headed over the 44 North for a sheep hunt but they are only getting little showers and hoping it will blow thru tonight, They are sitting on some bombers Andy