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About smoneal86

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    Globe, AZ

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  1. smoneal86

    School me on getting suppressors

    I went with a form 1 build first to see if I really wanted to invest in getting into the suppressor game. I purchased a kit from jkarmament and submitted my form 1 online. The kit is developed for the end user so it’s not some cheap tube from eBay. I was cleared in 28 days and was legally cleared to drill. I’ve loved it so far some of my buddies that have bigger name suppressors are shocked by the quality. This kit did its job and convinced me to invest in a legitimate suppressor so I’m more willing to invest in the wait time now.
  2. smoneal86

    24A Success

    JKArmament Form 1 build.
  3. smoneal86

    24A Success

    This year was a little tougher but we got it done again. His second year hunting with me and I can’t keep him out of the country now. He has quickly became my favorite person to hunt with.
  4. smoneal86

    Dry Rub Venison Back Strap

    Espresso Brown Sugar Salt and Pepper Chili Powder Paprika and Garlic powder Sear strap on all sides in a pan with olive oil and then baste with butter. Finish off in the oven to preferred doneness.
  5. I love the HMR. It’s an excellent rifle. As for the suppressor it was a form 1 build using jk armaments solvent kit. E form approval was only 24 days and though it may not be as effective as a silencerco it worked flawlessly.
  6. Spent the first few days getting skunked. Finally dug in and got further out there. One shot a piece with a 6.5 creedmoor at 590yards. First one dropped and the next walked out broad side, after impact it took one step then dropped in its tracks. The excitement that came afterwards is something I’ll never forget.