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Everything posted by iwannakillsomething

  1. iwannakillsomething

    saw a sticker

    tan dodge truck 04-08ish at san tan movie theater at 730 or so!!!! who was it?
  2. iwannakillsomething

    While in the woods/desert

    lion! aint nothin worse then sittin waitin for your deer and hearin one making a bunch of racket close by
  3. iwannakillsomething

    Name this snake!!

    i agree with dead!!!! ha 12 g. to the head
  4. iwannakillsomething

    Time for a name change!

    another for azcouesandelk ha sounds good
  5. iwannakillsomething

    Air conditioning

    another pm sent
  6. iwannakillsomething

    Microwaving Water

    my aunt had that happen to her when she boiled disteled (sp) water on the stove! she put a spoon in to stur it and it blew up, she got 2nd and 3rd burns all over
  7. iwannakillsomething

    saw a sticker

    saw sticker at lindsay and warner at 5:50 ish white nissan fronter youre sticker was on the windsheld who was it?
  8. iwannakillsomething

    Nevada mule deer!

    good job on the tag lets us know how the hunt goes!!!!
  9. iwannakillsomething

    got a pronghorn tag

    all right good job but let us know when the buck jumped amd you missed!!!! just kidding sounds fun congrates
  10. iwannakillsomething

    Powder storage ?

    closed tight put on self dont last long though maybe a week before its all shot up! that happens when your 18 and have alot of free time
  11. iwannakillsomething

    Tundra ?

    yes toyota is coming out with a deisil i would wait though because they still only get 15 to 16 mpg thats the gas one i wouldn't plane on much more i would get a tacoma all you need is intake and exhast gives you 20 horse bounus and 20 mpg thats what i have and havn't got stuck ether
  12. iwannakillsomething

    Range Finder

    i went with nikon and love it.... went with it cause it fit my budget better than the others
  13. iwannakillsomething

    One For Lark

    ha ha to funny thx for the laugh
  14. iwannakillsomething

    You Guys are going to HATE Me

    beat wepons game 1st try 182,324 kitty game 1763ft
  15. iwannakillsomething

    Badlands 2800 FS

    got any pictures? thx. -tanner
  16. iwannakillsomething

    New Bow For sale

    hey what year? like brand new or newer? -tanner
  17. iwannakillsomething

    fall-away rests

    well right now i shoot the wiskerbisket but are the fall aways that much better? -tanner
  18. iwannakillsomething

    No point

    k so what started this tread?? cause it is about 5,000,000,000 things now!!
  19. iwannakillsomething

    2006 Mount

    looks good. great job
  20. iwannakillsomething

    Pretty pictures

    wow nice pics guys almost as good as watching it for real!!!!
  21. iwannakillsomething

    he's back

    looks good!!!!
  22. iwannakillsomething

    A few Coues pics

    dang good job man
  23. iwannakillsomething

    January Pictures

    great pix.
  24. iwannakillsomething


    hahaha thats great!
  25. iwannakillsomething

    Funny clip

    GO USA!!!!! HA HA HA