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Everything posted by iwannakillsomething

  1. iwannakillsomething

    Guess How many posts in July

    i guess 4,056 but if thats been said then 4,065 and like KGAINES i will blame global warming or some other bs if i wromg
  2. looks good i guess 105 as well
  3. iwannakillsomething

    Happy Birthday Dad!

    hahaha thats funny happy birthday man
  4. iwannakillsomething

    "little" coues bucks

    nice lookin deer!!!! good luck
  5. iwannakillsomething


    RINO got one just before strted scouting it rocks
  6. iwannakillsomething

    WTB - Swarovski 15's

    wow you guys sound like 3rd graders.......... i have a brother thats a 12th grader hahahahahaha jk guys but it is funny your fittin over who has better glass!!!! what you want them to see the 10x10 they just looked over?!?!? ha
  7. iwannakillsomething

    2008 Trail Cam pictures

    dang to bad you didn't get him
  8. iwannakillsomething

    Nice Buck

    thats a good lookin one there
  9. iwannakillsomething


    k but what if its a plan to find all the growers? then kill them
  10. iwannakillsomething

    some "big" WT deer..

    shoot man if you plan it right you can sleep with the window open and not have to leave bed tell you hit it!!!
  11. iwannakillsomething

    Caribou shed

    nice finds guys
  12. iwannakillsomething


    looks like fun nice pix........ good luck on your hunt
  13. iwannakillsomething

    Your first hunts

    no father in house... so uncle took me to white mt. first draw i got and got a spike. was way happy THEN my cousin got a 10 pointer and rubbed it in my face
  14. iwannakillsomething

    my camera stolen too

    well there is almost a way........ i say almost because there is a sd card out there that uses wi-fi connection to send pix from the card to your computer. so if they walk within an open network it emails you the pix. so they do have it BUT it aint cheap..... a lady i know had her camera stolen from her purse and the guys were takin pictures the whole time and the cops used the pix she got emailed to her to find them...the best thing was she got the pix of her little baby girl emailed as well so she still got the normal pix... and the card has a code so you can have it send to almost any computer. but again it aint cheap!!!
  15. iwannakillsomething

    Cam Pics

    nice pic's man
  16. iwannakillsomething

    Cam Pics

    nice pics
  17. iwannakillsomething


    good job................. next time tell them after you cook it up though ha
  18. iwannakillsomething


    lookin good BUT it would be better on my wall ha
  19. iwannakillsomething

    A few on camera

    thanks for the good pics.
  20. iwannakillsomething

    Barrel Hunting?

    dang looks like i need new broad heads
  21. iwannakillsomething

    my Nov. rifle deer 2007

    nice buck and with a cast too good job ha
  22. iwannakillsomething


    ha now your hooked on here too!!!! jk welcom to the site -tanner
  23. iwannakillsomething

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    1 large sand for me
  24. iwannakillsomething

    Aimal attack

    so..... an attack is bitting now????? DUDE MY DOG JUST ATTACKED ME CAUSE HE IS A PUP AND IS TEETHIN!!!!!!! i might have to call animal control
  25. iwannakillsomething

    A Week in the Chugach Mountains-Alaska-July 2008

    cool pics thanks for the cool post