hello fellow bass anglers!! just joining in on the discussion about the smallmouth as well as largemouth bass being removed from willow springs lake. my brother and I fished willow several times in the past 2 years, and he caught a nice smallie weighing 5.6 lbs, it was an awesome battle on very light line. wish I had photo, but follow Larry OGrady on facebook for photo, plus all our other photo's. This was shocking to find out that az game and fish is actually removing smallies from these waters, for trout. Trout are stocked a couple times a year and don't fair well, and goes as far as the trout go, they lose weight and barely grow . and the waters aren't really beneficial to trout without feed and fertilizers. it could be a great smallmouth fishery, as well as largemouth. I saw something about this project is slated from 2019 to 2029. i guesss it worked for them a few years ago. what a shame. What i also would like to know what did they do with the 10,123 smallies removed last round? we have been up there 4 times since early summer 2019 when my brother caught his 5,6lber. plus lost one that appeared bigger. I saw both these fish. since then it has been a struggle to catch 1 or 2 very small ones. removal must be a factor. at any point, we're done with willow springs lake. THANKS AZ game and fish! FYI my opinion is small, but to me you've ruined an excellent fishery