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Everything posted by 125coues

  1. 125coues

    Is it worth it to go to RMEF banquets?

    Yes 100% of the money raised by AES stays right here in AZ.The money for the auction tags goes to the AZGF but the organizations get a say as to how that money is. used.But remember those groups cannot do what they do without our help such as buying a membership or going to one of there fund raisers.Even when you go to your local sporting goods store and you see someone selling tickets for a gun raffle and you buy one you are helping in your on way.
  2. 125coues

    Is it worth it to go to RMEF banquets?

    Injunjon, I am just wondering what it is you are expecting to get or hear when you attend a banquet I go to banquets because it is a great place to meet new people who have the same love for the wildlife as I do and if I win a gun or a water can then great because I know the real wiiners are the wildlife . If you want to learn more about hunting then maybe you need to go to one of the many hunting seminars given by just about every group out there. Hopefully you will hear some good advise or learn a new technic while attending one. If you need help locating a certain hunting seminar in your area then you can ask here on this site and I am sure someone will help,there are alot of good people on here. I will be attending the first ever AES White Mountain Chapters first Banquet tomorrow in Showlow ,The AES will also be having there annual elk hunting seminar at the FOP lodge on 19th ave in Phx on July 26th,The doors open at 8:00am . You can go to the AES website for more info are send me a pm and I will help with any info I can.
  3. 125coues

    2012 F350 Lariat FX4 Super Crew

    Just think TJ if he sells all the add-ons it will be cheaper. who needs custom bumpers and wheeels when you got a trick 5th wheel to pull behind it.
  4. 125coues

    2012 F350 Lariat FX4 Super Crew

    TJ needs this rig to pull that new 5th wheel
  5. 125coues

    Gould Nuggets

    i think i see my next goulds
  6. The wife and I plus my nephew and his wife and kids plus another friend with his family will be there.we will see you there.
  7. 125coues

    *FREE Montana Canvas cook shack for wall tent

    I think he said first one to show up will get it
  8. 125coues

    San Tan Chapter MDF 2014 Banquet

    What model if rifle is the cross canyon.and can you post a pic of it as I am unable to be at the banquet l might want to bid on it by phone.
  9. 125coues

    Zero stop setting

    None and you should have plenty of shims.
  10. A lot of misplaced Texans here. Fulch my brother lives in corpus if you would like to go red fishing I can call him to get you guys to meet up at craw daddy's some day.my nephew and his wife are on there way here with a ice chest full of reds and snapper. Let me know . Mark
  11. 125coues


    Sorry we changed your post from trying to find your dad a rifle to how you play the guitar.good luck on finding gun.I have a friend up north who has a 300wsm I will ask her if she wants to sell it and get back with you. Mark
  12. 125coues


    i do not think a couple of lessons would do me any good Hoghntr i would love to have this guy as a neighbor he plays great. can we ask for request some metalica or pantera would be great.
  13. 125coues


    cool looking guitar wish i knew how to play .
  14. 125coues

    Good Luck Christian

    Just wanted to say good luck in Washington with your new job.Hope to see you on here sometimes. Mark and Kathi
  15. I am from the Texas Hill country and what I have seen done is if you can trap the sow while the little ones are still feeding on her tits they will stay with her and you can take them all out all at once . this has worked for some people i know of quite well good luck with getting them.
  16. 125coues

    Arizona Chapter of SCI Banquet

    We had s great time at the pool great food and beverages I will get some pics up soon.
  17. 125coues

    Arizona Chapter of SCI Banquet

    Just heard that Amanda is on her way here and Rodger and Ilene are also on there way so hurry up you CWT'ers we need to have z great pool party.Maybe we can get TJ to do some redneck belly flops in the pool
  18. 125coues

    Arizona Chapter of SCI Banquet

    Once again my wife and I are at the beautiful resort here in Tucson sitting pool side and waiting for the CWT people to start showing up TJ and his wife Peg are already here . I am throwing out an invite to any CWT members that show up at the pool the 1st blood orange margerita is on me Hope to see a bunch of y'all here Mark
  19. 125coues

    best Sea food

    How big was that lobster.it looks huge
  20. 125coues

    best Sea food

    I will need to try that the next time,do you get a big portion of etouffee . Thanks Mark
  21. 125coues

    Jim White Tripod Heads in stock now!

    I left you a message on your phone
  22. 125coues

    *** Heli Bacon

    The hunter on the left side is a very good auctioneer . I met him this year at the NWTF convention I plan on doing this hunt next year it only cost $2000.00 per hour if any one is interested in the cost . My friend Cookie who is 70 years old has this hunt on her bucket list so we will both be hunting. One thing to know is they pick up the dead pigs and donate them to a local food bank and if you want some them you can get them also.
  23. 125coues

    Beautiful birds!

    We saw a bald eagle today at Dogtown lake it was stealing fish that other birds were catching
  24. 125coues

    Boat for sale with all the extras

    No trailer
  25. 125coues

    Govenors Turkey tag

    just to let you know it was 3 years ago i did a phone bid for the tag and i stopped bidding at 4500.00 and i think that was the year some one payed over 5K for the tag,the next year my wife bought it for me at the AZ ELK Society banquet for 3600.oo .and i thougt it was a good deal.I also had a great time on the hunt as i was able to go into alot of the units early and see the birds as early as march .And yes i will be at the SCI banquet to bid again because it is one way that my wife and i like to help donate money to a great cause and if i win the bid super great i get to go hunting for goulds again and if not thats great to because atleast i know that someone else out there fills as i do . I hope to see some of you at the SCI banquet this year and we can all help raise money for a great cause. Mark