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  1. Donnie, i just meant the controversial subjects. i will still post. the only thing i can do to help is stand behind what i believe in. We need to all stand together to make sure these and worst regs don't happen in the future. easier said then done!
  2. you are right! i shouldn't be posting on here. my emotions get the better of me on subjects like these. take care and good hunting to you all!
  3. isnt it? hehehehehe pretty sad if you ask me!
  4. guess i took it to far, you want to hear an excuse? i love hunting!
  5. your right, i appoligise! disgusting!!
  6. no thank you, i was almost as out of line as he is.
  7. are you going to let needle **** call me chicken ****, and not delete that?
  8. Some people are passionant about there passions!
  9. i have been around for at least 3-4 years, and to answer your question, you were worse
  10. what i would like and support is neither of you having a voice in any decisions that have to do with hunting. are either of you from California? and tell me why you want to limit your ability to be able to go out and hunt? you guys wouldn't be closet huggers would you? O i was just joshin, i don't mean and hope no offense was taken. take care
  11. you guys like it???? what a joke. we will see how you like it when you don't get drawn! " to many yahoos"??? are you one of those guys that think that you are the only one that deserves to be out hunting, and will support any restriction even ones that don't need to be in place just so you can limit others sucsess? get a life, if you don't like hunting around people get off the road!!! and if you enjoy hunting don't support crap that hurts all hunters!!! Granola isle 3 trees needing a hug right around the corner. WOW some of you are amazing!
  12. username

    8 0r 10x els

  13. username

    Anyone seeing lions while out scouting?

    25-06, are you kidding or just slow?
  14. username

    Anyone seeing lions while out scouting?

    Boy you real lion hunters are geniuses! who would have thought if you just put restrictions, that dont need to be made on lions that it would keep you in the clear. you guys really messed up, pissed off a lot of hunters. and i will put money on it that you guys will loose your right to hunt with hounds real quick. too bad, you might even have pissed off enough other "real" hunters who would have backed you other wise. real smart, who would have thought?????? i hope that you all know that you really hurt all hunting in AZ, this will put a real fire under the anti's and i bet they will come out full swing with some other crap. thanks buddy, after you clean up all that dog crap could you pull the knife out of our backs???? great job!
  15. username


    i have never had a dog bit but have herd give them condensed milk and they will get through it. don't hold me to it though. has anyone else ever herd that, and does it work?
  16. I am looking for hunters that were drawn for big game animals here in AZ. if you got drawn for Elk, Ant, or get drawn for deer, big horn or bison. and don't mind being filmed i would like to talk with you. i am looking to put together a DVD spotlighting AZ hunts. i am also looking for lion and bear hunts. if you are confident and believe you will tag out send me a PM or a email. Thanks