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About Linz

  • Rank
  • Birthday March 9

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Costa Mesa, CA
  • Interests
    Hunting | Fishing | Real Food
    Snow Skiing | Sailing | Scuba Diving | Fitness

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  1. Anyone hunt unit 20 a, b or c? I was leaning toward units 34 and 36, but Unit 20 would knock off a few hours from my drive, lol.
  2. Uh, this sounds like so much fun! Thanks for the tip ;)
  3. Awesome, thank you in advance! I do have On-X and use it extensively with google earth. Agreed these are great tools!
  4. I went on a Javelina hunt last year with some friends (I did not have a tag, just along for the ride), and it was an absolute HOOT! I'm coming from out of state and will likely not have any time to scout the unit I get drawn for. This is a bit premature, as the draw has not yet taken place, but I'm putting in for units, 20C, 22, 23, 36A, 36B. I'd appreciate any information on good access points, general hunt areas (you can PM me) if you are familiar with any of these units. Also, if you would recommend one of these units over the others. I have a basic understanding of finding sign and how to glass for these little guys. Just looking for a good starting point.