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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    The reason I became a member of CWT

    Soooooooooo the jokes on me. OK, I get it. I should have looked up the gps before packing the bags. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm a big boy and can take it. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Willhunt4coues

    Happy Birthday young man. Enjoy! TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Thanks Healy Arms

    Thanks for pointing that out Amanda. I never noticed but yes I had my cwt hat on like always. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    The reason I became a member of CWT

    Here ya go TJ! Decimal (WGS84) : 32.533787, -117.018256 Decimal Minutes (GPS) : N32 32.02721 W117 1.09535 Degrees Minutes Seconds : N 32° 32' 1.6326", W 117° 1' 5.721" Wow, I never expected that. I'll let you know what I find. Thanks! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    First setup, first pics

    That is one good looking camera box for sure. Great job Steve and thanks for posting your trail pics. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    The reason I became a member of CWT

    I certainly would like to help you out with his whereabouts. Please pm me the gps readings and unit. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Thanks Healy Arms

    Shortly after Mark called and said Peg's new shotgun was in we both made a trip to Healy Arms and purchased it from Mark. Needless to say Peg can't wait for the upcoming dove season to start. Mark, thank you once again for making Peg's purchase a memorable one. She was so excited to have finally bought her very own gun she insisted on getting a picture with Mark in front of the store so we could post here. If you are in the market for a firearm, e-caller, which he demonstrated while I was there, ammo, or supplies related I highly recommend you stop by Healy Arms. You won't find a friendlier bunch to do business with. Not only did Mark have the lowest price I found but did I mention he is a sponsor here on cwt. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    Many moons ago I was hunting in 24B for deer and spotted a herd of javelina. I have a fascination with these animals and decided I would sit and watch them for awhile. A few minutes had gone by and I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye. At first I couldn't make out what was crawling towards the pigs at a very slow rate. It obviously was stocking the pigs whatever it was. By the time I figured out what it was not only was I a total basket case with nerves but the wind was blowing so hard I could hardly keep it in my rifle scope. It had to be 200 yrds and I missed with my first shot. It turned and ran up over a huge rock and as it leaped thru the air, which would have been my last view of it, I pulled the trigger. I have to admit it was a lucky shot and I certainly messed up someone's hunt. Lion #1 is hanging on my wall. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Kidso fedish

    You certainly have a good spot picked out. Can't wait to hear your success story. Actually you have already been successful with the pics alone. Thanks for posting. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Future 100"er

    Nice picture of the little guy. Hope he grows up to be the buck of your dreams. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Rattlesnake Vaccination

    Naturegirl, you are absolutely right about that. I had my lab done a year ago up in New River. I will be calling and making an appointment this next week for sure. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    FREE Air Conditioner

    Nice talking with you Bryan. I hope it works out for ya. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Photos from todays trip

    Them are some good photos. I knew before I even opened your post I was in for a treat. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  14. I want to give a shout out to my good friend "My Rights As An American" for stepping up and offering to deliver a hip quiver to "8OWHUNT247" in Phoenix tomorrow and thank you Andrew for the purchase. I can't say enough about the integrity of our cwt members. Thanks gentlemen! TJ
  15. TJ, I work in downtown Phoenix and would be happy to pick it up and deliver to downtown Phoenix area or close by if 8owhunt247 wants to meet me around these parts. I might be able to go out a little further than downtown on a lunch break or shortly after work. I need to come by and pick up the floor jack anyway, and it would be no problem to help out a friend! Brian, I just pm'd 8OWHUNT247 and waiting on an answer. Leaving now to pick up Peg's gun so will be back here in a few. Thanks for your generosity. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Thanks Healy Arms

    Actually that would be Peggy's shotgun. I knew there was a reason I called in sick to work today. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Tribute to Missy

    Thanks! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Checked cam again

    Nice spot you got. Bulls are looking good. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Thanks Healy Arms

    Globe has a high school? TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Quick Picture

    One of the best I've ever seen. That has to be one happy hunter. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    nice lookin sheep

    You're very licky to have the opportunity to see sheep going and coming from work. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Hunter score's a trifecta this year

    You definitely have your plate full with all the family tags. I'll be on a buffalo hunt nov. 8th and was wondering when your daughter's hunt was? Good luck to all. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Coues Bucks

    Wow Ernesto, them are some pretty nice bucks. Hope you got a tag for the unit. Good luck my friend. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Prickly Pear Chicken

    Prickly Pear margaritas are awesome. It is that time of year again for picking. Thanks for the reminder Dan. TJ