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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. Keep up the good work and don't forget to add a story with all the success. Congratulations Patrick! TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Mr. DesertBull

    Happy Birthday cwt member. Hope it went well. TJ
  3. bonecollector777........so your post reads "NMGFD almost as crooked as AZGFD". You know there are bad apples in every organizations and AZGFD certainly have had their share of negative publicity in the department lately but over all I'm pleased with the job our AZGFD does. It's easy for people like you to sit back and claim how crooked our AZGFD is because of a few incidents. Why not take the time and look into all the good things they have accomplished over the years like getting the young involved in our sport, working with all the organizations with water catchments, and habitat improvement to benefit not only our game but each and everyone of us. Bonecllector777, maybe you are involved in some of our outdoor organizations and if you are I applaud you and you certainly are titled to your opinion, but if you're not then maybe you should attend a water catchment project or a similar project to see first hand just how hard our AZGFD works to bring us the opportunity we have in this state which is much better than most states. Just my humble opinion, TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Is it bad when you find out you're injured and

    Here's hoping all goes well with your rotator cuff. I've been thru it and it's no picnic. I ended up getting a cross bow permit and did quite well. I killed a 5x5 elk, small buck deer, pig, turkey, and a javelina that year. Hope you don't miss any hunts. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Javelina Back Strap

    I bet I'm to late? That looks like something I would sure like. Thanks for sharing Stephen. Congratulations on your pig. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Mounts for sale

    +1 TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    S. Az javelina

    That might have been the smallest but it's still a dang nice pig. Congratulations and thanks for sharing and introducing the young one to hunting. Good job all around. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Mounts for sale

    No pictures?????? TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    ELk Season recap! lots of pics!

    +1 on the no wifi and connections. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    2000 29ft Mallard 5th Wheel

    The wife really wants this sold to make room for her new trailer in the back yard so I'm dropping the price to $6800 obo here on cwt but will leave the $7500 on Graig's List. Thanks for looking! TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Touching story

    I shared it with my co-workers yesterday. Great story! Thanks for sharing Hector. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    online elk tag result guessing

    My sister's husband's best friend is married to a coworker who has a cousin that really does know an insider and he told his wife's brother the other day the results have been finalized but they're having trouble with the net work that was suppose to process this a week earlier than usual. Now it has to be redone with another program they are waiting on out of Ukraine which just happens to be the same program the Obama Care used. Hope this helps PatrickJr TJ why do i feel like you made that up??? <_< Just having a little fun with ya Patrick. Being a newbie as you are you wouldn't know this is an old song we sing year after year. It's always good to see some new blood on here. Welcome to the site and expect a little fun from time to time. It's an old way of saying you're liked. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    online elk tag result guessing

    My sister's husband's best friend is married to a coworker who has a cousin that really does know an insider and he told his wife's brother the other day the results have been finalized but they're having trouble with the net work that was suppose to process this a week earlier than usual. Now it has to be redone with another program they are waiting on out of Ukraine which just happens to be the same program the Obama Care used. Hope this helps PatrickJr TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    ELk Season recap! lots of pics!

    Glad to see you had a good year Lance and thanks for sharing. Some really awesome bulls for sure. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Mrs125coues & Bowhuntaz1

    Happy Birthday to two of my favorite cwt members. Hope it was a great day. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    What's the Problem?

    I know it's a girls thing about revealing their age but why don't guys post their age in the community post on their profile? I just don't get it. What am I missing? To old to figure this one out. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    What's the Problem?

    I agree! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Pima cup soccer champs

    Congeratulations to your girls Jimmy. That's awesome they came away with a win. Helping with the team saids alot for your charecter. You're a good man my friend. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Firearms for Sale

    bump bump for a super nice guy. TJ
  20. Beats where I'm at. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    javelina processed - yield

    That's about right Tommy. I misplaced my scale and haven't found it but my pig was probably in the high 35 plus and no blood shot. I scraped the bones and ribs and got around 11lbs. You don't get much but what you get is awesome. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    My first elk hunt.

    What unit did you apply for? TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    What's the Problem?

    heck snapshot, you've been on here for more than 26yrs. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    My first elk hunt.

    First of all congratulations on your cow and second welcome to the site. That was a great write up for your first ever and a great picture of you and your cow. I can't wait till you score again and bless us with another good story of your hunt. Memories with your dad will forever be itched in your mind and I wish you many more. Thanks for sharing here on cwt. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    What's the Problem?

    Not really sure why I even started this post. lol TJ