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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Desert Pics

    Now that's a whole lot of piggies for sure. You can share with me if you like. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Monsoon is here!

    This is good news for sure. Now if it can just find it's way farther north we all would be happy campers. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    New bowfishing deck

    You definitely have put alot of thought into this. I was a fabriactor/welder for years and know the work you have put in to this. It's looking great. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Custom Lifesize Black Bear

    Very impressive! Great job. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Apps are in

    I don't know what could be anymore stressful. I have been looking over the odds for the last few days and I am exhausted. My mind is fried but I'm glad it's finally over. I even changed my mind at the last second. Go figure!!!! Now for the wait but it won't be as bad as what I just put myself thru. Good luck everyone. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Giving away 2 Loc Jaw's

    I checked out your web site David. You did an awesome job with it. I tried to enter the contest but not sure how to tag people or how to share. Just plain dum when it comes to this puter stuff. Have a Happy 4th and thanks for being a sponsor here. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Desertsheep

    Hope it was a good one for ya. Happy Birthday! TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Good Sunday with Dad

    Anytime anyone can get out with their dad in the woods or desert is a blessing and you hit the jackpot on them finds. I would say you had an exceptional day. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Few bears from June

    If it was a rope I would think the bear could chew it off. Nice pictures and thanks for sharing. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    A couple as they lay pics

    Thanks for sharing! TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Catfish Time x2

    Now what do you think of that cwt members? jk TJ
  12. Lookin good. Thanks for sharing. Now I know why the critters love them. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Short video of my lily eating bull

    TJ, they're daylilies . There's a lot of them around Payson /Pine gardens. It's a good thing they grow fast, the elk eat them to the ground. I was up that way fri & sat to check out a couple of my elk spots and think they would look nice with a few lilies planted around. Saw quite a few elk and they look to be in good shape. Come on rain. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    San Tan Chapter MDF 2014 Banquet

    Marshall, the banquet was a big success. Peg and I would like to thank you and all the other hard working folks who helped put this banquet together. The food from Abuelos was awesome as usual. It was a fun night and lots of folks won some really nice stuff and most of all I'm glad to see so many donating their hard earned money towards an organization that is working so hard to not only benefitting the mule deer but all the wildlife in the area where multi projects like water catchments and grassland improvement are taking place with the money raised. Sorry for no pictures. Forgot the camera. Thank you Mule Deer Foundation. TJ
  15. Some of the clearest pictures I've ever seen. Great job on them and thanks for sharing Jay. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Short video of my lily eating bull

    What type of lilies? You gave me an idea. Thanks! TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Catfish Time x2

    There's no doubt you got a good spot and had a great time fishing with the boys. Now we need to see some pics of the fish fry. I assume somewhere on the Black River? Did you catch any bass or was this just a catfish trip? Thanks for sharing! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    unBELIZEable! our fabulous carribean vacation

    Glad you and Paul got away and had a great time. Looks absolutely beautiful as I'm sure it all was. Thanks for taking us along thru the many pictures. TJ
  19. Retirement can't get here soon enough. Is it possible to float it in my pontoon boat Jay? This definitely is on my bucket list for sure. The pictures are great and makes one feel they are there. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Lexie's New Friend

    Came home from work tonight and my wife informs me we have a new resident. Someone dropped off a bunny in our yard and Lexie thinks she needs to mother it. I can't believe how tame this bunny is and so young. Peg put it in the bath tub and Lexie jumped in with it and started licking it like a mother would. Peg wants to keep it but it's going bye bye. Anyone want a nice rabbit for a pet? It's a very young rabbit and very tame. I"m not sure why Lexie wants to mother this rabbit but she is very protective of it and she has never seen a rabbit before. Anyone want to give their kids a pet? TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    New To AZ...

    Welcome to cwt Kevin and I hope you nothing but the best young man. I think you'll love az and all it has to offer. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Andy S. Rip

    Thank you for that nice tribute towards your friends. I'm sure they are looking down from above and approve and proud of what you've become. Thanks for sharing with us and welcome to cwt. If you have any pictures I'm sure we'all would love to see them. TJ
  23. I'm a strong supporter of azgfd and I think they get way to much criticism and not enough praise for all the hard work they do for us but this time I think Casey has it right on, "come on mannnnnnnn." TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Lexie's New Friend

    I get home from work tonight and Peg informs me we still have the bunny. I'm thinking the bunny is getting quite comfortable and now thinks it owns our bathroom. I thought for a second I could actually see a smile coming from it's face. I'm afraid if it's not gone by the weekend Peg just might want to start a bunny farm. I'm thinking rabbit stew myself. Did I mention free? Very young so many enjoyable years with the kids Very mellow and tamed. Does a bunch of tricks like wiggles it's ears and twitches it's nose without any commands. Pees in the litter box. Loves to be cuddled. Loves children. Loves to watch cartoons with the kids. Bugs Bunny is it's favorite. Did I mention Free? TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Lexie's New Friend

    Bo still wakes up from a naps and freaks out at all the mounts! IMG_0063.JPG Awesome to say the least. TJ