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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. That's pretty good Christina. I wish I could shoot a group like that at 30yrds. Good luck on your hunt and don't over do the practice. That's when most people hurt themselves. Take it easy like you're doing and I'm sure you'll be ready. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Decent bear

    That's a nice bear David. Congratulations on getting it on trail cam. TJ
  3. I have one as well. It's not for sale or rent but willing to loan it to ya. PM me if interested. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Overnight Camera Set Up

    Thanks for sharing Deb. You will have this down in no time. Glad to see you having fun with the cameras. Can't wait to see some more. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Venison Sausage stuffed zucchini

    I had a breakfast burrito here at work around 10am and didn't bring a lunch thinking I might go out and buy something. I decided I could make it thru the end of my shift untill I looked at this awesome looking zucchini stuffed with venison sausage. I now have the shakes and going thru withdraws. My mouth is watering and my stomach hates me. My relief better get here before I'm foaming at the mouth. Thanks Amanda for putting me thru all this. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Here's a couple of scouting pics / enjoy

    I understand quite well. Thanks again for posting the pictures. I hope not to much of your area got toasted with this last fire. Looked like it was getting close to your place. TJ
  7. Thanks Jay for showing us another of God's creations. Who else could have made such a beautiful fish. Wishing I was there sharing it all with you. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Here's a couple of scouting pics / enjoy

    Nice pictures. I like the antelope in the trees. What unit? Thanks for sharing TJ. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Pics from another evening drive

    Great pictures as usual. Your pics are always a welcome sight to see. Thanks for sharing! TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Prayers for this earthly vessel

    Thoughts and prayers to ease the pain and for a good result with the hunt situation. TJ
  11. That's pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing that educational video Amanda. Monsoon song and a whole buncha lovin. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday TJ!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Tommy. It will be super as soon as I get out of work tonight. The city treated me to a 12hr shift for my birthday but I will make up for it with some hot wings and a few bud lights later tonight. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Happy BirthDay TjHunt2

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Spending my birthday working a 12hr shift. Maybe some hot wings and a few bud lights at Applebee's after work tonight. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday TJ!!!

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Spending my birthday working a 12hr shift here at the water treatment plant. Maybe some hot wings and a few bud lights at Applebee's, after work tonight, with the wife. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Fighting Jackals

    You did an awesome job on these jackals. Thanks for sharing with us. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    A few pictures from the last week

    That's a great group of pictures. Thanks for sharing them. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    MayTag UpRight Freezer (sold please delete)

    Can't beat the price. If I hadn't already have three I would jump on this. TJ
  18. I can't believe they have made their way this far north. I've seen several along Apache Lake. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    First pics of the season (Take Two)

    Got to love the pigs. My favorite! TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Coatamundi at Apache Lake

    Three years ago while hunting Apache Lake I couldn't believe my eyes. How in the world did they get all the way to Apache Lake? They are on both sides of the lake now. Ringtails have been there for years. I have a good ringtail story I will share around a campfire. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    Looking good on paper. Get in a few more practices and then a check up right before the hunt. You should be good to go. Buying two is a very good idea. I know from experience. I lost mine while on my hunt but still managed to get one on. TJ
  22. There's no doubt you are excited with a tag in your pocket. Nice pictures for sure. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Coues right?

    Yes, coues! Thanks for sharing. TJ
  24. If you got my unit I can put you and your wheelchair in one of my blinds. I have seen a few tv shows where they have done this as well. Sorry about the bad luck but let me know if I can be of any help. TJ