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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. I was shown this about 4 years ago and it's really slick. Before this was taught me I use to cut and pry and actually broke the tip of one of my favorite knifes. The two cuts make if much easier but not necessary. They will pop right out if hit properly. Thanks Jay for sharing. TJ
  2. When god created the trout and all it's surroundings he must have sat back and said, " I have out done myself again." Thanks once again Jay for sharing. You are having one tremendous summer by the looks of things. I'm so jealous! TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Last of the steaks

    Man does that look good. Com'on deer season. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Amanda needs your prayers

    I saw on face book this evening were Amanda's husband, Paul, was bitten by a tick helping out on one of Amanda's owl surveys and is very sick. It appears he might have gotten what they call Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever which can be fatal if not treated right a way. Much needed prayers would be greatly appreciated at this time for Amanda and Paul. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Trip to Alaska

    Congratulations on a nice buck. I have dreamed of going to Alaska my whole life. Thanks for sharing and keeping my dreams alive. The pictures are awesome. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    FS Wall tent barrel stove

    I have seen this stove in a few tents and I would have to say I thought it was very cozy in the tents I was in. I would buy it if I had a need. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Pics of my latest outing

    Thanks for the great pictures Christina. I wish I could spend everyday of my life out there. Pictures like yours keep me going. My favorite is the chipmunk just because they are so entertaining. Thanks for sharing! TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Mady's Bull

    There's been some good stories written here on cwt over the years but I can't remember reading one with the excitement this one brought me as I drank my coffee this morning and then seeing the pictures were just jaw dropping. Congratulations to Mady! I have never seen a bull this big. My hats off to you dad for all the hard work you put into the rifle and preparing your beautiful daughter for this hunt. I had the pleasure of meeting Justin years ago in the middle of my huntin grounds and I knew then after talking with him he was a great guy. Glad you got to be part of this little girls hunt of a lifetime Justin. My hats off to A3 Trophy Hunts and AZ Ground Pounders. These two are definitely class acts. I have met Gino so this doesn't surprise me of their generosity. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to get my hands on the magazine. Again, great job Mady TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday willhunt4coues

    Happy Birthday Clay. Hope it's a great one. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    antelope pics

    Thanks for sharing David. Nice lookin buck for sure. Some day I will have a tag again. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Pines or Junipers?

    That's a good problem to have. Looking at new places just improves your knowledge of where or where not to be. Good luck on your hunt. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Heck of a day at Saguaro!

    Congratulations on topping your best and good luck in the up coming tournament. Them are some really healthy lookin fish. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to shake off the cobb webbs and head for the lake. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    12a otc lion tag

    Mike is right on. I have never seen a lion while hunting for them but I know plenty have seen me. You should always carry a lion tag for the unexpected. My wife and I have seen 14 lions between us and I was fortunate to have killed 3. Good luck on your deer hunt and may the hunting gods be with you in your quest for a lion. Take lots of pictures and share your hunt with us. TJ
  14. My hats off to Youth Outdoors Unlimited. They do an awesome job from what I hear. Congratulations to all the kids in passing their Hunter Education Class. TJ
  15. Congratulations on a nice bear and Kudos to David for spotting your trophy and everyone else involved in getting it out.. Thanks for sharing the pictures and your story. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Thx Junior at Archery HQ

    If you haven't been to Archery Headquarters you need to treat yourself to one of the best archery shops in Az. They definitely will do you right. You might pay a little more than an internet price bow but you will find in the long run you save way more money by the time they set you up and give you everything you need to know about shooting. Archery Headquarters is the way to go. TJ
  17. Thanks Jay for sharing so much information. I have learned a lot from it all. Glad you are a part of cwt. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Hunt Pix over the years

    Thanks for sharing. Wow, you got some nice ones over the years. May you take many more. TJ
  19. tjhunt2


    Sportsmanwarehouse has their SKB Hunter Series Bow Case on sale right now for $99.99 down from $149.99. You might want to look at it. TJ
  20. Now that looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    More critter pics

    Good pics as usual. Thanks! TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Desert Edge Taxidermy finished my Deer

    That's a very nice mount. Congratulations! TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Forgotten New Mexico turkey - Story told

    Always enjoy reading your stories Tommy. Thanks for another good one and congrats on that bird. Good pics as well. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Hawk vs. Bull Snake Video

    Scott, you were a messenger from God. That snake might have choked to death and the hawk would definitely not have made it. You gave life to both! Must have felt awesome to see that hawk fly away. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    A very sad day!

    Thanks for your service and good Karma will definitely come your way when you return. Prayers for a safe trip home. TJ