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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    THIS ONES FOR YOU tjhunt2!!!!!!

    Sorry to hear that Stephen. Cat bites are the worse. Thoughts and prayers for you and lets hope the infection gets stopped with medication. Hang in there. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    THIS ONES FOR YOU tjhunt2!!!!!!

    Congratulations on your pig and thanks for dedicating it to me Stephen. Sorry for the late reply. I've been out of town and I'm not to computer savy with my phone. I feel honored. Thank you very much. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    37B Stinker..... Updated Mule Deer Down

    Nicely done. Congratulations! TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    2015 javelina down!

    Congratulations! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    2015 archery pig

    Congratulations David. That's a good start to 2015. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Another great 10 yr old season

    Holy cow, that young man is on a roll. Congratulation! Good job dad! TJ
  7. tjhunt2


    What a year for Tessa. Congratulations young lady and big KUDOs to you dad. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  8. Congratulations on sticking it out. What a way to end the year. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    26M east valley hunt buddy

    26m was a tough hunt for me as well last year Keith. Good luck on the 33 tag. I sent you a pm. Good luck! TJ
  10. Best of luck to yens all. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Little late season freak action!

    What a way to end the year. Congratulations on a very nice buck. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Successful scouting trip.

    You certainly got my blood pumping with the video. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  13. What a nice surprise for your daughter. The mount looks great. Good job dad. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    First coyote with my bow

    Way to stick with it Christina. You have accomplished something I have been trying to do for years. Congratulations on a great start thinning them dogs out. You made that sound exciting as all get out. Now that you have a kill under your belt the rest of your hunts are going to go a lot better simply because you now have the confidence to get the job done. This was a great read and thanks for sharing. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Roosevelt Lake - Roundtable Meeting Minutes 12/18/14

    Thanks for sharing. It looks like the future for Roosevelt is unclear as to what might happen but I'm hoping it bounces back to the good fishing we had back in the late 1970 and 80s. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Changing a tire

    Now that you got every bit of information on how to change a tire you must feel much better about heading back off the main road to hunt. Always check the condition of your tires and keep that cell phone handy. I would bet there would be a cwt member not far who would come to your rescue. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Song dog double

    Awesome job Patrick. Thanks for sharing with us. TJ
  18. That video was kick a$$. Wow, good job Phil and congratulations to both of you. I know I will watch it at least 6 more times. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Finally Fur Put Up

    Thanks for sharing Brian. You have worked hard for these no doubt. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all my cwt friends and their families. TJ
  21. tjhunt2


    If you lived closer I would take you up on that offer. Being that I might not get out and hunt this year I would be all over your offer. Watch over the herd for a short time and try not to shoot a momma with babies. Just something I do. Good luck on your hunt. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Thank You Millers Meat Processing

    They have been in business a long time. I used them back in 1976 when they were located in Mesa. I took my buffalo to them. Good people for sure. I hear nothing but good from those who use them. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Javelina January 1st, who's hunting where?

    I too wish we lived closer. We have so much in common. I'm definitely on the mend but still have a long way to go. Good luck Stephen on your hunts. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Once again thanks for all the kind words and prayers. Much appreciated! It's been a tough 5 days but I finally got some pain relief which is a good thing. I was able to get out of bed on my own this morning and walked a short distance without the walker. I had a lot of time to think about my past life, while laying there on that cold hill side for two hours, and how thankful I was to live another day. I thought about our men and women who have gave so much for our country and the sacrifices they have made with loss of limbs and those who never made it home alive. I truly am blessed and thankful I wasn't paralyzed or dead. I was diagnosed with a mild concussion, cervical strain, lumbar strain, thoracic strain, bruised ribs, and badly bruised abdominal organs with a lot of swelling. I'm told as the swelling subsides my pain will also. I'm not looking for any sympathy for trying something stupid just thought I would share since so many have asked for an update. Here's wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Javelina January 1st, who's hunting where?

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed I heal well enough to get out before the season ends. TJ