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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Bowtech: Allegiance or Tribute?

    I hope I'm not opening a can of warms but I have to ask. Are you wanting something that you can shoot targets at 100rds and/or hunting situations at 100yrds?
  2. tjhunt2

    Swarovskis Vs. Leica

    Wow, shortpants hit it right on the antler. DON'T BUY ONE OVER THE OTHER BECAUSE OF PRICE!
  3. Thanks for the reply. I can also remember many hunts but not the year or details myself. I feel your frustration as well, that's why I thought I'd mention it to others. Good luck on your future hunts.
  4. tjhunt2

    My 2006 Summer

    Keep them pics coming. My wife and I enjoy!
  5. tjhunt2

    Swarovskis Vs. Leica

    I own the 10x50's swaro and have barrowed my neighbors 15x56's for gamehaulers sheep hunt and I was able to look all day without any eye stain. I also recently sent my bino's back to be repaired from a bad fall and they repaired without a receit and no costs to me. You really have some great replies. I would say you can't go wrong but my next pair will be swaro.
  6. That was really enjoying. Great piece of work. Concrat on your birds.
  7. tjhunt2


    That's some great info, thanks for the follow up.
  8. Bass,thanks for watching my back. Look out Mike caus I'm gettin smartter fast.
  9. Very good point but, Tom is technicaly challenged That's very funny Mike. I can't help it, but we didn't have this technology back when I went to school. Don't know what happened with the spelling either.
  10. That's for sure, thanks!
  11. tjhunt2

    First pig for son of bowsniper

    Troy, that's a great story to go along with your first big game. I'll bet it won't be your last. Concratulation on a great hunt. Start a diary. I have a feeling you're going to need one.
  12. tjhunt2

    Test pics

    Looking good here as well. Pictures off a cell phone? That's it! I have just got to put my best efforts towards figuring these gadgets out.
  13. tjhunt2


    I need to know where I can get one of them decoys. They look so realllllllll Just kidding, nice photo!
  14. tjhunt2

    First Turkey!!

    Way to go! As I sit here looking at those great pictures of you I almost feel like I'm there with you. When I first saw your pictures I thought to myself to tell you that you need to start a "HUNTING DIARY" but I see Game hauler beat me to it. 22 is my favorite unit as well so we might meet some day. Concrat. on a fine bird. Keep up the good work Dad.
  15. Coosefan, I always like looking at the rats here than in the wild. I use to kill everyone I saw but haven't killed one for a long time. If they leave me alone I leave them alone. Thanks for sharing.
  16. tjhunt2

    Spring Fling...

    Them are some great pics. I have been always told there isn't hardly any public hunting left and you got to pay out the ying- yang unless you know someone. I came from Ohio and even back there all the private clubs are buying everything up. We're still pretty lucky to have the public land we have here. You lucky dog you. Keep them pics coming. I enjoy the heck out of them.
  17. tjhunt2

    Our turkey hunt recap!

    Nice story and congrat on a fine looking turkey Lance. The story made me feel like I was there. What a way to wake up to start the day!
  18. tjhunt2

    elk calling

    I sure appreciate your offer. I'm as stupid as they come about working anything with wires. I haven't figured how to get them on my computer. I don't have digital video. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks again!
  19. tjhunt2

    5-A Tom and some bone

    I'm just wondering which one is the turkey? OK OK, I'm only kidding. Nice bird!
  20. tjhunt2

    AZ Top 10

    That's way cool Mike. Can't wait to see it. Good luck on this Fridays turkey hunt. Are you going with the bow?
  21. tjhunt2

    My 2006 Summer

    Younghyunter, you're killing me with these pictures. I'm going to hide in your suitcase!
  22. tjhunt2

    My Spring Hunting Season

    Good pics and keep up the good hunting the rest of thr year.
  23. tjhunt2


    Here is some info on rattle snake bite. After talking with a friend of mine this morning he said Mike Wiederhold of Rio Verde K-9, who is a dog trainer from Carefree, told him about the vaccine. There is a series of 2 shots which cost around $16 ea. Sounds like a pretty reasonable price to pay. Gilbert Animal Hospitol, 480-892-1554, Gilbert,AZ Power Ranch Animal Hospitol, 480-988-6488, Mesa,AZ I would think any vet would carry it. Oh ya, then you have to repeat just 1 shot every year there after. Thanks again for posting the subject. I think I'll have my dog done.
  24. tjhunt2

    Best load for Turkey

    Well, here's my$.02 worth. I really enjoyed reading Lance's reply. Sounds like he has had some expience and would be hard to disagree with that. I personally believe it's alot like archery hunting. Any shot will work as long as you know your comfort kill zone. If you use quail shot then you better be real real real close. The bigger the shot the farther away your diatance can increase. I personally don't have any one particular shot I refer. A full choke works well out to the longer ranges but for setting on decoys any choke will work. #2 & 4's are probably your norm. Good hunting and shoot straight!