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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    My best coues shed ever

    Your right Jason. It isn't the size of the horn but the taste of the meat. Ask any women!
  2. tjhunt2


    What kind of lights did you get to fit your decoy and do they come on by solar panel or battery? I've never seen them in a catalog before. Thanks for sharing!
  3. tjhunt2

    .264 Win mag??

    Ok, here's what I'll do, tho. Tomorrow I'll start a thread in Other Big Game, upload pictures of my trophy rooms and maybe some more "hero' shots from the field. How's that? -TONY I think that would be fine with me. Let's see'em Tony.
  4. tjhunt2

    Ethics VS Law

    Good story Tony. Thanks for replying. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    nice buck

    Nice looking buck. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of one like it a couple years ago that I got buck fever on and could not pull my bow back. I'm shaking all over agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Ethics VS Law

    What makes you think that all them elk are walking around dying of a slow death from a poorly shot arrow? That is what the PETA and anti would like people to think. Yes, it happens but I like to think most poorly shot animals recover and if they don't then most dye quickly and the feed chain continues as nature intended but with a little help. I wonder if G&F have any statistics on how many they think survive a poorly placed arrow or bullet. Maybe Amanda would know. Diamondbackaz.......I never intended to place you in any catagory other than a supporter and sportsman of coueswhitetail.com. Your quote would bring up a good TOPIC on how everyone thought the outcome plays out. Tony...you've been around the block a time or two. Do you have any insight you care to share on the topic?
  7. Thanks for sharing that one with us. Reminded me of the time I decided to clean an elk head for a friend who left it in water for weeks and it spoiled. I brought it home and put it on the roof. When maggots started falling from the house and the neighbors complained of the smell my wife said enough. Well, I had to finish the job. Never did get the smell out of the antlers and the roof smelled for months. Something to think about here .........One of a poacher's old tricks is to kill an elk and cut the head off and put it in a tree only to return later to recover the anlers once it has been cleaned by birds. Many of poachers have been caught this way. It's good you got the video just in case you needed it and you are a better man than me to have tackled that raunchy head. You must have edited the part of you puking while removing the head. TJ
  8. The video was awesome and this redneck even got pumped up with the music.
  9. tjhunt2


    The answer to your guestion is ........kiss your a*& good bye. Just kidding, you got some good information from everyone. My Mother use to put us kids under the bed when it lightninged so you will find me in my truck scared to death. I've been bit on the boot and had several close calls with rattlers and I'm on the look out for those guys all the time. Really, they don't scare me that bad.
  10. tjhunt2

    Kaibab Hunt Help

    Great pictures Tony. That has got to get those tag holder's blood flowing for sure. You're a great asset to this site. I think I've seen that picture of your younger days somewhere. Was it in a magizine once? TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    what are you guys doing?

    No one will listen but here is what I've learned over the years of not taking care of myself. Azpackhorse.....Talk about trama, now I can't run but have to walk for exercise because of a titaniun plate in my neck, recent rotator cup surgery, over weight, and NOT LISTENING to my elders. Casey ...........them football shape days are over and will distance themselves quickly .....stay after it. Ron G..........sounds like you're on track David....keep the dust off the treadmill Jim....elyptical is the way to go....just started myself......let Casey beat you to the top just to let him think he can
  12. tjhunt2

    Anyone Seeing or Hearing???

    Wow, them pictures are making me want to forget about a meat elk and go for the big one. Thanks Gino for sharing. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    how do they look?!

    Never new leica made them in green ........them sure look like a pair of tasco to me. Just foolin around Casey, nice set up and good luck on your hunt. Will you be using them on Game Hauler's daugther's elk hunt? TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    what are you guys doing?

    Good Birthday card of you and your Pop.
  15. tjhunt2

    what are you guys doing?

    Put 25 lbs on since rotator cup surgery 4 months ago and decided enough was enough. Joined pure finess, 6 weeks for $19, and been walking 2 miles every day since the first of July. Them 12 oz curls are my down fall but really trying to leg up.
  16. tjhunt2

    Helicopters Collide

    My heart & prayers go out to all the friends and families of those killed in such a tragic accident. May God Bless!
  17. tjhunt2

    Ron Green article

    Glad to share. That's why they put them up there. Here are links to a couple of older articles on the RM G&F site. This one is the article on Sergio Orozcos P&Y world record Coues. World-Record Coues Buck! This one is an article about the mulies CW member John Noble, his brother and his dad killed on the Strip. 3 Bulls Down, 3 Bucks To Go -TONY Tony........... this is the first I seen of these articles. They are amazing to say the least. Thanks Tony for sharing with us. venadoslayer....I won't touch that one. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    having a fire while hunting?

    Yes Dad!
  19. tjhunt2

    What would you do?

    Now that is where I draw the line. Your chances are looking good for next year. Good luck!
  20. tjhunt2

    What would you do?

    I hear what you're sayin. Can't beat that time of year during the rut. Good luck on next year's tag and all your hunts to come.
  21. tjhunt2

    having a fire while hunting?

    Didn't know the two could be seperated.
  22. tjhunt2

    Can an Archery Elk permit be converted?

    In essence, a crossbow is a bow with a draw lock. It's just a lot shorter than a normal bow. -TONY I'm not one for words or explaining as well Tony but they said a draw lock on a compound bow. Sorry for that.
  23. tjhunt2

    What would you do?

    Rugerman...11BP wklman....8BP .... Arizona Guide....9BP azpackhorse....7 muledeerarea33....8BP That adds up to 43 elk hunts between the 5 of you guys. Here is my take and I'm not trying to rub salt in to a wound but either you are unlucky as he#@, don't pay attention to the odds, or it's rifle bull no matter what. Not all of you but certainly some of you would rather not hunt unless it was a bull tag. That is fine if that's what you want but I personally will take any hunt over not hunting at all. While all of you have spent not hunting elk I've been filling my memory bank with a whole lot of memories spent with family and friends that I wouldn't have had if I had been holding out for a 1%-5% draw tag. A trophy elk hunt means the world to some of you and that is what you like but to me it is all about the hunt, meat in the freezer, and memories galore. I've heard just about every excuse there is when it comes to why people don't want to burn there elk tag on an archery hunt but the one that gets me the most is,"I don't have time to hunt archery". First of all let me knock on wood...I've had at least 21 elk tags over the past 30 years or so that I can remember. I have had an archery tag every year since 1991, 17 tags straight, and some years I got to be picky and pass up dozens of bulls and went without but still have 10 archery filled tags out of 17 and a whole lot of memories to boot. So to answer your guestion rugerman, yes I would burn BP's for an archery tag. Each their own but the hunt means more to me than wanting to hang a trophy on the wall. It just might happen anyway to me before you draw your tag. I HOPE NOT! Good luck on your next year draw.
  24. tjhunt2

    Can an Archery Elk permit be converted?

    Here is a direct quote from G&F, "You can use a crossbow for elk and you can use a draw lock on your bow with a crossbow permit". That part doesn't sound right to me either. I'm just telling you what I was told.