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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. Talking with the Game Warden this last couple of weeks, he told me about the same thing. Not quite sure if it's next year or the year after. I'm going to have to stick with the bow. It's not as noisy during the season and I can get some rest in my ground blind. He said there are just as many bow kills as rifle kills in 22 and I still can't figure out how all this makes any sense for the change. What do some of you think about it all? TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    First buck by bow!!!!!!!

    Geoff, that is a nice deer no matter what you shot it with. Cong on a fine looking archery animal. Thanks for sharing. I'ld take that deer any day of the week. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Another Carp With a Bow

    That's one hick of a nice muley. He sure looked happy in that pic. which he should. Great job of helping out tracking. It pays to have an extra set of eyes helping out. Game Hauler bailed me out as well. One can get confused during all the excitement. Great JOB!
  4. tjhunt2

    First Bow Kill for the Dentman

    Getting that first one under your belt is sweet. That is a nice deer and congrat. to you on a fine animal. Ride the cloud as long as you want caus you deserve it. TJ
  5. He jumped forward with the first hit and he put a second arrow in him and he fell over in the water. That is where he draged him out. I wish I could be so lucky. c&s.....hope your scouting is going good for ya. My wife has grounded me as well. I have to go back to work tomorrow after 5 months. I'll be back Thursday night for some more scouting. Haven't told her that yet.
  6. tjhunt2

    Kade Is On a Roll

    Congratulations to Kade on becoming one of us. He is certainly on a roll. Kade puts me in mind of Game Hauler's youngest daughter when she was 10. Keep up the good work on making him a good hunter and outdoorsman. The picture saids it all. Way to go Kade. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Dove hunt turns into archery deer hunt!

    Don't you wish all dove hunts were as good as that one? Good job to the both of you. You didn't say how many shots for those 3 birds. TJ
  8. Thanks everyone for the kind words on my trophy couse. As you can plainly see in the picture I haven't stayed in the best of shape so it was hard to hold out for one I could handle myself. Letting those big ones go really hurt. I won't go into much detail but it went something like this. Borrowed an EZ Winder to cock my bow, which broke the first time I used it on Friday and it bent my scope on the borrowed bow from a friend. After zeroing it in for 20yrds I was set to go hunting by Monday, after a friend cocked it for me Sunday night. Three days had passed and it was killing me to hunt. I had one shot and no way to recock my bow so I had to make the shot count. At 9:30 am, 10 turkeys came in to my blind and I took the biggest. Thank god it was a good shot. I loaded up my turkey and headed for camp and found a couple of surveyers along the road and I asked them to cock my bow for me. Now I was ready for another shot at a deer. On Tuesday after spending most of the day in Payson on the phone with Horton Company, I finally got all the necessary info and mailed out my barrowed EZ Winder and back to camp but it was to late to hunt. The deer was visiting the water between 10am and 2:30pm and I would wait out the day in camp. Early Thursday morning had me putting my trail cam on a salt lick only to find a bear on it. As I approached it only ran off 35yrds. and stayed there the entire time I hung my camera. It would go from tree to tree and peak out from behind it while it circled me competely. As I finished with my trail cam I started for the truck and it jumped on a tree scared to death of me, I think. As I passed within 25yrds it jumped down and went back to my salt. Yea, I got it on camera. On my way to my water hole I had an eagle fly right over my truck as to say this is the way. In the blind by 9:30am and a smaller 3 pt came in at 9:45 which I spooked. Yes, they make them smaller than what I shot. Five minutes later my buck walked in and drank for 5 min until it turned for a 15yrd shot. I had only been sitting 20 min. Time I got to Game Hauler's for an ice chest, ice, and asked a water truck driver along the road to cock my bow it was almost 2 hours before I started tracking it. I knew my shot was a little back to far. After jumping him out of his bed at noon, it comfirmed my hit. I waited an hour later to track and thought I heard it on the ground before a lightning and rain shower put me back in camp for lunch. At 3:30 the rain let up and I was determined to serch untill dark without any sign which got washed away from the storm. Game Hauler met me at 4 and he found my deer at 5. Without his help I would not have found that deer. The rain cooled the temperature down and I never lost any meat. Thanks Game Hauler for your determination in helping. I promised to be in better shape by my Nov. elk hunt. I will be back in camp tonight, as soon as my wife gets off work, for some more scouting of 22s. As you can see in the picture that Amanda posted, I do hunt with my belly in mind. Good luck to all you other hunters.
  9. tjhunt2

    firstcoueswas80 December Tag

    OK Casey you're off the hook. We should change your voting poll from "how many times you are going to tell us you have a deer tag" to "how many times Game Hauler is going to tell us he finally dug deep into his pocket and gave Amanda some money" I Gladly did what I did and am not bragging on it I bumped it to the top to get more folks to do the same. Now I have added another way to try to raise funds to support the site Mike Mike, can't you take a little of what you dish out all the time? Now you know I was just joken with your head. It's good what you've done and I'm sure everyone on here feels the way you do. I for one will also be donating to Amanda's fund just as soon as I get back to work. Now how much was it again? Have a nice day! TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    firstcoueswas80 December Tag

    OK Casey you're off the hook. We should change your voting poll from "how many times you are going to tell us you have a deer tag" to "how many times Game Hauler is going to tell us he finally dug deep into his pocket and gave Amanda some money"
  11. tjhunt2

    16A ELK TAG

    Thanks Gino, PM sent!
  12. tjhunt2

    16A ELK TAG

    Just got a call from a friend and he has a 16a depradation hunt. He has never been there and either have I. Does anyone have any information on this area? Sure could use some help. TJ
  13. tjhunt2


    Good luck, I'm not that good at calling in them doggies but I call the hick out of those foxes. Don't know why but they just like my calling. Shoot straight! I only use the circe call. Called in a few bears in my time as well.
  14. tjhunt2

    16A ELK TAG

    Ghostbuster, that is some good insight there. Wow, I'll pass it on and thanks a whole lot. That does sound like a fun scouting trip. I'll let you know how things go. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    16A ELK TAG

    Azryan....thanks for all that info. I will forward it on to the hunter of this area. No, I'm not quite ready to even start to pull the bow back yet. Thanks for asking though. Are you [downthebarrel[ and changed your name or are you another from Gilbert? Again thanks for your reply. GH.......just keep curling them 14 oz and don't worry about TJ. You stay on the north side of 260 and everything will be just fine. Troy.... thanks for replying. Good luck on your hunts this year.
  16. tjhunt2

    16A ELK TAG

    My bad on that one. Yes it is! GH .....
  17. tjhunt2

    16A ELK TAG

    Thanks Troy, it'a for a friend who just found out he has this hunt. It's from Sept.1st thru the end of the year. Every little bit will help. He is one of 10 hunters and I don't know much more than that.
  18. tjhunt2

    couple bucks

    Just kidding! Nice spot!
  19. tjhunt2

    Trail Cam Molester!!

    Thanks for sharing your pics c&s. Always enjoy!
  20. tjhunt2

    couple bucks

    It's good to see one of my old water holes still producen good bucks. It brings back memories of lots of hours spent there. As Sinatra would say, "thanks for the memories". See you there. TJ
  21. Can anyone lighten up the faces any? Did I miss what unit this was in? TJ
  22. tjhunt2


    Geoff, congratulation on a great hunt. Just joined the forum and may not be real popular for this reason, "I don't give a @#$% about score!!!" Don't downsize your bear. If you were happy with him he scores a 100% in your's and my book. On the same token, I haven't read the story on "Firstcoues," lion, but any lion is a great lion as they are wreckin havok on our wildlife populations since trapping has been outlawed. In short, if your happy with your trophy, "BRAG TO BEAT ALL!!!" LUVR I am sorry for starting 2 post this way But Right up front something gave me a feeling about you In the few post you have made you remind me of someone I'm not sure but I think he HUNTS2 Do you like to consume your game more than looking for the beast? Ya I thought though Don't take me to serious, I just like to have Amanda wonder what I might say next Mike Dont't worry about it Mike. I have thick skin! Makes the converstion interesting. To answere your question, I hunt for and enjoy harvesting a, "Bomber," like anyone else. However, I just think the emphasis on size has overwhelmed the hunting community. I'm not a novice!!!! I've taken nice bucks (Score not to be mentioned to validate my personal profile). I've taken good bucks both with a bow and a rifle. And yes, I'm an avid hunter hoping for the buck of a lifetime! "I may have taken some in your book!" Also, I have had tags unfilled, both elk and whitetail, in the hope for something bigger. I just think a person should show respect to the animal that has died at his hands, rather than the opinion his peers may have about that animal. AMEN to that one. They'll grow out of it! TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Isaac's first coues shed!!

    Great pics. You got to be one proud papa. TJ
  24. Tom, Thats Youngbuck not Younghunter Mike....thanks for keeping me straight. Youngbuck.....my bad. I don't know what the hick I'm going to do when I get old.
  25. tjhunt2

    First Coues pic

    You got to start somewhere and I have a couple like it myself. They are my most memorable moments that I will never forget. Congratulations to your brother and thanks for sharing. He could pass for Game Hauler's younger brother if he had one but your brother is way better looking than GH. Now don't take that the wrong way guys. TJ