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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    He Regresado de Mexico!

    Casey, congratulations on your Mexico buck and thanks for sharing your story with us. Ever since I first started looking at this site you have taken a beaten by just about everyone. You are a pretty good sport and one must have a great personality to take so much crap. From everything I've seen on here, you were in some really good company with Jim and Pops. Can't wait to see more pics from your hunt. TJ
  2. tjhunt2


    Bill, thanks for sharing some of your earlier memories with us all. TJ
  3. tjhunt2


    I know this is a coues site but what better way to get those youngsters excited about coues than getting them up and personal with those pigs running by at close range. I have had the pig fever since my first archery hunt when I shot all my arrows and then climbed up on a rock, with my bow by one end, to protect myself from any charging maneaters. That was back in 1972 and 4 years later I decided it had to be done with a 7mm magnum in 1976. I've learned alot over the years and they are my favorite thing to hunt. What I'm getting at is, pig hunting is alot like fishing. If the fish aren't biting then those youngster loose interest really quick but what happens when them fish start to bite? Look how excited those little ones get and from then on they're hooked. The same goes for chasing those crazy little pigs. I've been hooked ever since and I'm sure your son or daughter will to. TAKE a KID pig hunting and help them with getting a journal started for the later years when they start to forget. How many times have you wished you would have had a journal of all your hunts from the start of your outings as a youngster? That's what I'm getting at. Pigs or small game, get'em started and they to might be the next great Coues Hunter. This 08 pig was special. It was dedicated to my Dad who had to give up bow hunting this year at the age of 79. TJ
  4. tjhunt2


    Troy.....so that is what Bill looks like. Bill.....thanks for sharing with us. Didn't know pigs had entered Arizona yet back then. Troy, what area are you chasing the pigs in? Good luck! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Arch Javelina 9 tags!!!

    Lance, congratulations on what looks like a perfect hunt for everyone. Were you hunting on a private ranch? No matter where you were that is amazing to harvest that many. Thanks for sharing and a big CONGRATS to TY on his first pig. TJ
  6. tjhunt2


    Troy, congratulations on your pig. That must have been pretty exciting. Keep it up and remember to write your hunt down in a journal. Thanks for sharing Dad! TJ
  7. tjhunt2


    Great story Tony. Thanks for sharing that with us. I could just picture that happening. TJ
  8. tjhunt2


    Bill..... my wife and I threw out the first pig we cooked because it stunk up the house and tasted like it smelled. I then turned to barbeque under ground with lots of BBQ sauce or italian dressing and found them edible. Tony & Bill.....I wish I could have been on some of them outings you two put together. Sounds like you two have taken your share and then some. Have any pictures to post? I'm sure there are several ways of preparing pig and I'm certainly not saying my way is the best but it's just how I do mine and my neighbors love it. If I can, I prefer to skin them without gutting them, (only if you don't have to carry them very far). Usually I am to far away for this and have to gut it being very careful of getting the piss bag out without spilling any. #1. Getting the hide off and guts out quickly will help cool down the pig. As Bill said earlier, keep the hair and gland from ever touching the meat. Then wash your hands before handling your pig. If you are waiting for your hunting partners then get a game bag on it and either keep it in the shade or in an ice chest with ice if possible.(Make sure the feet are cut off before putting in the ice chest) #2. After arriving home, I remove all blood shot areas and hose my pig off with a garden hose inside and out. It goes directly into my walkin cooler. #3. Next day I bone out all the meat into 1" to 2" pieces and cut out all the fat.(I usually average about 12lbs of meat give or take a couple lbs.) #4. I use equal amounts of pig to pork. If 12lbs of pig then 12lbs of pork. (pork shoulder or whatever is on sale will do) #4. Mix the pork, pig, 1 1/2 cup of ice water per 10lbs, sausage mix, and mix really good. (I use a italian or sage breakfast sausage mix I brought from Colorado years ago.) #5. I run it thru my grinder once right into the bag. ( 1 lb. packages ) [
  9. tjhunt2

    Monster Archery Buck *UPDATED*

    There is nothing left to say that hasn't been said already. CONGRATS> TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    January 08... I'm done!

    I wanta carp like that Congrats. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Swarovski 15's for sale

    Thanks Elkman for the binos. One happy guy! Very Funny Tom Just for that I will not bring any of my Swaros on your sheep hunt Mike Ok already! I knew that would rattle your chain. Did you buy them for us? TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Swarovski 15's for sale

    Thanks Elkman for the binos. One happy guy!
  13. Doug, I hope you have a good BD and wish for lots of tags when you blow out those candles. TJ
  14. tjhunt2


    You are exactly right. That is the key! TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Tag Soup!

    I am with you on this one TJ these guy's are sick. In the past few day's they have passed up a couple of bucks in the mid 90's and some bucks in the low to upper 80's But I guess that's what you got to do to wack a 100+ buck like they do every year. Every time I call Gino he is BUISY moving his stands a few feet here or a few yards there. I am just waiting for Gino to call me and tell me that I can sit his stand that he keeps seeing a true monster out of Maybe he will pay for my fuel to get there too How bout it Gino I will only shoot a buck between 70" and 90" and if the monster comes thru I will pass on him for you letting me sit your stand Hey Troy, First off I'd be the one passing on the mid to high 90's bucks thus far, My man Gino can't seem to find a buck of that calibure to save his life at this point , secondly, you need to to find a better way to ask, your starting to sound just like alot of our other freinds. ha ha ha !!!! Remember: The nail that stands out the most, always gets hammered !!!! '' ouch!!!!!!
  16. tjhunt2

    1st Archery coues deer

    What's up with the tire track along side his neck? Just kidding Congrats on your first coues. TJ
  17. tjhunt2


    Never made it far enough in school. Thanks Mike, it's worse than my spelleng. My Bad! Will edit! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Dec. 31st Success

    Congrats on the nicest buck I've seen in a long time. I just love those chocolate horns. Looks like he might have been in the creosote brush country. Beautiful! TJ
  19. tjhunt2


    STINK? You might be right Mike, but they both are the best eatin critters of all. My wife and neighbors fight over the sausage. This pig made 30 out of the last 33 yrs. First one came down with a 7mm magnum, 28 archery, and this year a crossbow due to the bad shoulder.
  20. tjhunt2

    back from the san carlos

    Congrats on all those San Carlos bucks. They sure have some of the nicest country in the state for the coues. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    October Hunt

    800 yrds out? No wonder you're called Eagle Eye. Congrats on some fine looking coues. Sounds like you got yourself a honey hole. Good luck this year as well. TJ
  22. tjhunt2


    Thanks John, it took me 4 years to harvest my first so stick with it and glass more than walk. Good luck on your hunt. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    My 2008 archery pig

    Wow, that is a really big pig. Thanks for sharing and congrats. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Tag Soup!

    I am with you on this one TJ these guy's are sick. In the past few day's they have passed up a couple of bucks in the mid 90's and some bucks in the low to upper 80's But I guess that's what you got to do to wack a 100+ buck like they do every year. Every time I call Gino he is BUISY moving his stands a few feet here or a few yards there. I am just waiting for Gino to call me and tell me that I can sit his stand that he keeps seeing a true monster out of Maybe he will pay for my fuel to get there too How bout it Gino I will only shoot a buck between 70" and 90" and if the monster comes thru I will pass on him for you letting me sit your stand I will have to come along to take your picture Troy. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    pigs...3 for 3!!

    Geoff, way to go on them there pigs. Congrats and thanks for sharing. TJ