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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. Awesome ....115 3/8.....great looking buck. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Swarovski Spotter For Sale

    I got a little blood left but I have to make good on my deal with the wife now. dang, that hurt when she stuck me with that needle. I thought she was kidding. I got a chance to look thru my 15x56's today at the archery range and still couldn't find my arrow after missing the target. I hope Casey isn't right about the swaroski name. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Swarovski 8.5 x 42 EL

    You have no idea how many Chupacabra's they have glassed up! I still have nightmares Chupacabras Christain, it was good seeing you at Ursery archery range today and it was a pleasure meeting your Dad. We shot 3hrs. Chupacabra them binos would scare me TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Reminder to cherish every day.....

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Bool's family, Vicky, and all their family and friends in this time of need. I didn't know them but my wife and I will keep them in our prayers. Thanks Amanda for sharing. Life is something we should all cherish each and everyday. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Mother knows best

    How many of you let your dog drink out of the toilet but think it's cute to let him give you kisses? That's what I thought. Good one Game Hauler. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    What did you apply for?

    Firstgirl... definately needs to draw this year. GH....elk-yes...ant-yes.... Linnea...both points... As for me...archery 22 bull! I've been blessed with 20 plus elk tags in my 30 plus years in AZ. and have hope this year brings 18 straight years with an archery tag. GH, I know you hate me boasting about my draw success rate and what unit but it is what it is. KNOCK ON WOOD!
  7. tjhunt2

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Gino, I hear where you are coming from on this one. I totally agree with ya and it just burns my butt that it has come to this. You said it right when you said WE gave them another tool to use but, Gino, where do we draw the line enjoying with others on this site the things we like & love to do. That's what we are on this disscussion forum for to share hunts, technics, breggin rights, ect. I for one am not going to let these Peta Ba$!@%$ types dictate what I want to say or share with other hunters . We have definately got to stick together on this one. The AZGFD has made alot of changes lately that I totally disagree with but I will continue to support them as a whole. I truely believe they have some bad apples in the bunch that lean towards the PETA types but they better listen to us hunters and that is why we have to save our energy sticking together rather than pointing & flipping fingers at each other. Gino, I always enjoy reading your opinions. Good luck on your draws this year and keep them comments and pics coming. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Deer Cain Minerals

    GH is a friend of mine but I have to disagree with him on this one. Has it gotten to a point where one can't ask a guestion on something that is legal and that most everyone on this site has used or is using still to increase their odds of success? Is it any different than GH, or anyone else for that matter, posting trail pics with animals on salt and feed? Don't you think PETA could use these pictures much more affective than just words? YOUR BAD MIKE and whoever else takes your side. Don't get me wrong, I agree with GH that this could be some ammo for the animal rights idiots but I also disagree GH going off on someone asking methods about salt & feed and members commenting on their success of its use. You know what they say about those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. OK, so do we stop talking about binos, radios, trailcams, custom rifles shooting out to 1000 yards, guides taking money, for animals found, so clients can kill, etc. See what I'm getting at. We need to stick together and not throw stones. This is just what the anti's would like for us to do. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    My awesome december buck

    Welcome to the site. This a a dandy buck you havested. I have shot my share bucks but nothing like you have shown on here. Congrats. TJ
  10. TJ I hope you can make it up and bring John up also he needs to get out of Sportsmans and have some fun. And what is the difference between 20 and 100 yards anyways Sounds like there is going to be a good turnout this year Lance!!! Don't know if John can make it but I think I will. I plan on bringing the wife. She can cook some good grub. Hope to see everyone there. Christain, do you need any antlers for your scoring contest? Let me know if you need any help since you are the man in charge.
  11. Ok, Christain, I hope you smoke all those old timers. You better hope I don't get in on the competition. I only shoot 20 yds but I can probably luck one in at 100yds. TJ
  12. Ok, I guess I am going to have to show up just to meet everyone. I'm actually going to be at a family reuion two weeks before at Morman Lake Lodge and wish I had a place to leave my 5th wheel untill the coues whitetail outing two weeks later. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Short Lion hunt close to home.....

    Wow, I just got home from work tonight and these pics are really great. Gino is right, these are some of the best pictures I've seen. Made my night except for my 15x56's that came today. I may sleep with my 15x56's! Thaks for sharing Jim.
  14. tjhunt2

    2007 Desert Sheep Super Raffle

    tj, the ram scored 164". eric Wow, what I would give to have one like that in my scope. I would sell everything I got for a sheep tag, which isn't much. Well, maybe not my 15x56's that I'm waiting on to arrive any day. Congratulations again Eric. Gino would have his work cut out for him trying to get me down over what sounded pretty nasty. As long as he got my sheep back. What a way to go. TJ
  15. Jim, now I know why you have been so successfull. I assume you also have a coues you ride as well? Please post the pics. Why didn't I thing of that! TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Pretty pictures

    Casey, this is one of my favorite topics since sunset is the part of day I love watching as the day ends. Thanks for all who posted pics. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    2007 Desert Sheep Super Raffle

    Again Eric, congratulations on your ram and I enjoyed your story. Sounds like you had the right ones on your hunt with you. Great job! What did it score? TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Javelina Success

    Congrats on your pigs. Good picture as well. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Brand new 15x56 Swarovski's

    You found them/ TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Youth Javelina

    Bill, I sure wish I could help ya but I'm here in AZ, but I can still wish your son a safe and successfull hunt anyways. Post the pictures after he scores on his hunt TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    My sons first big game!

    Congrats on your first pig Garrett. Make sure he writes it down for the future years ahead. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Brand new 15x56 Swarovski's

    Thanks Gino, I'll believe it when they are in my hands............. Old my wife said the same thing. TJ