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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Where am I?

    I know where it is. One steep climb to get there. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    FS: 1978 International Scout II

    No TJ I was saying that this was right before I went to Alaska in the summer of 2006. I graduated on June 8, 2006 and left the next day for Alaska and started working on June 10, 2006. I wish I could have ditched graduation and left a few days earlier though My bad, I need a day off. 21 days of work with just 1 day off and I think I'm loosing it. Got to get my city folk butt up to the mountains and check my cams. Hope your new bow limbs are working out for ya. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    FS: 1978 International Scout II

    Christian, are you really leaving for Alaska? What will you be doing? TJ
  4. I for the life of me can't figure out how to get the pics from the red X's. I need some help here. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Anyone shoot a bear yet?

    Nice mature bear right there. Thanks for sharing! TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Clay. Getting older has it's advantages but I can't remember what they are. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Three Bar deer study

    Amanda....pm sent.
  8. tjhunt2

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    Amanda, Praire Long Sleeve 1-XL 1-2XL Vegas Gold Long Sleeve 1-2XL Thank you! TJ
  9. tjhunt2


    Welcome aboard, now fasten your seat belt and hang on. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Great Coues Mount

    That is a dandy buck, congratulations. Thanks for sharing! TJ
  11. Lance, I feel your frustration. I've yet to have one stolen but know it will happen. I just got a call from a friend of mine on his way back from Payson and he was mad as h*$$. Someone had stolen his trail cam and I know of a few people who know the spot but don't believe they would have done something like this. At least I hope not. If I ever catch a trail cam thief I will post his picture for all to see and that is a promise from me that I will keep. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    trail cam

    Thanks Clay for the heads up. Like everyone else, I checked several stores and they all said the same thing. "Someone came in and bought the last 3 or 4 we had." BINGO, finally found one with 15 in stock. Just got back and my hunt'en partner and I bought 8. For 25 bucks how could you go wrong. You do have to learn how to position them since they are a little slow, buy a SD card, but you still got one heck of a bargan.Thanks to some members, with experience with these, I am one happy camper. I now am the proud owner of 8 trail cams. Lance.....thanks for your experience with these. Clay.....thanks again for the notice. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Happy B-day Pops!

    Hey TJ, he puts up with me 'cause he has to He's never had a choice in the matter.....just ask mom! LOL! I will say that our family has always felt very fortunate to have a dad like him, we are who we are because of him and we are proud he's our Pops! I'm sure you are Jim. May you have 100 or so more years of great hunting and fishing with your Pops. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    New Member

    Welcome fish. The information you will receive here will put you on to some great hunting. Caution....sometimes you have to read between the lines with the group we have on here but you will enjoy their funny side. Good luck with your hunt! TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    North of the River Muley's

    Thanks, ehunt besides coues hunting that has to be one of the best times and places to hunt. It looks like a banner year up there for you guys that have tags. Been some giant deer seen this summer. Good Luck!!! That statement just got my blood pumpin'! Thanks for all the pic's guys, you all have some whoppers for sure! Eric, those desert mulies are a breed of their own and arent' as easy to come by, fantastic job on that collection!!! I'm leaving again for quite a while, so hopefully there's a bunch more pics on here when I return! It's been really nice to get my "Muley fix" here instead of going over to the other site! Thanks all for the great pics! JIM> Jim, I'm sure it has to do with scouting or hunting and hurry back with some good stories and some pics for us all. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Happy B-day Pops!

    Pops, we've never met but I bet we do some day and it will be a pleasure to have met you. Wishing you a belated Birthday and how do you put up with Jim? Just kidding. May you have many more and happy hunting. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Good Luck Charm!!!

    What a cutie Foundryman. You got to be one proud papa. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    rock and tree are one

    I can't seem to get the red X's to come up no matter what I do. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Time for a name change!

    no its not that at all. Its my email address and I dont care to hunt mulies near as much as coues. Well its up in the air between 4 names now and I will make the decision tomorow It will either be coueswhisperer, azcouesandelk, SHARD or Wolfy Younghunter speak with fork tongue. Did not pick a name on tomorrow like he said. Just for that you will be Younghunter forever. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Pics of my mount

    Awesome! TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Scouting for my elk (pics)

    Thanks for sharing. Them are some great pictures. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    hi new

    Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy as much as the rest of us. Amanda has done a great job here. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    new member

    Let me be the first to welcome you to our site. Your Dad is right about it being addicting. WELCOME! TJ