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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2


    Amanda, what are you doing without a camera? That's not like you is it? I can just imagine how beautiful it must have been. TJ
  2. Thanks for sharing them great pictures and story. Wished I lived closer to get in on some of that mearns hunting. Sounds like a blast but hard work to find them little guys as well. TJ
  3. I haven't been in SW for several months but always enjoyed going there since my very first visit in Grand Junction, Co. They always treated me nice and I will still respect the store until other wise. Things are tough now and they might be going thru a rough time but let's give them a little slack. Things might turn around for them. Ryan....it was always a pleasure to go in and say hi to you. Let's hope they continue to hire people of your quality and weed out those who need it. They still have my support! TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    AZ Elk and Antelope draw

    That huge mail box looking monument has been there for years for drop off after hours. I will go through my usual rutine of putting on my lucky hat, taking the dog along, bypassing the monument mail box, go inside, give my envelopes to Dwane, who works there, he hands them back, and then a prayer before dropping them into the left hand canister inside the building. The last one in has to be the first one drawn is how I figure it. I'm shooting for 19 elk tags in a row. Wish me luck. Live is good! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    big pig

    Congratulations on both your pigs. I wish I would have gotten one but they won out this year. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Lion Sign

    I sure got a lot of laughs on this one but no one took me serious. I can't blame you all but I just got the answer from a friend of mine who knows one of the best houndsmen around and has seen this before. He said it was done by a big male bobcat. I was leaning towards maybe a bobcat but wasn't sure. Since he spends most of his time out chasing critters I'll take his word for it. Mistery solved. Some of you was wondering what I was smoking. LOL Put that in your pipe and smoke it guys. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Lion Sign

    While camped out on my pig hunt I discovered this the morning I was leaving to return home. Two of my friends shot pigs and left the cape, head, and ribs 20yrds. from our campers and this is a picture of one of them that got buried. It was only drug 10yrds. before it was buried with dirt and sand. I'm assuming it was a lion but I need some help with this one. Do bobcats do the same? We were leaving Tuesday or we would have put a trail cam on it. What do you guys think?
  8. buckhunter.....Thanks for sharing those pictures. I can't believe I never got out once this year to chase them birds. That's about what I do is chase. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    My 08 lion

    Had to work superbowl and yes we'll be at your wedding. That is a good date and will be easy to remember since it is my sister's biryhday. pm sent. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    My 08 lion

    Casey..... I had my first one done in a full mount and have it hanging in the house, the second one I had a rug mount done and had no room for it in the house so I gave it to my sister in Colorado. Gino.......I definitely will give g&f a call. Thanks! Jeffd.....I'm bout out of elk meat so I have plenty of room in the freezer. 300ultramag......should have stopped by and gave me $3,000 and you could have told someone you had one heck of a guided hunt. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    What do you see in this pic?

    I can't wait to get my first pic of a bobcat or lion on my cams. Good job Amanda and thanks for sharing. I hope to do the same some day. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    My 08 lion

    thanks for the pm. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Our archery success... (pic heavy)

    Gino, loved the thread and stories. A big congratulations to Tiana on her first. That'e a nice 86" one Clancy shot, and I can imagine how proud you are of Tina shooting her first and having Colton videoing it. I really enjoyed the picture of Luke shooting his first coues and Jason's buck is one heck of a nice buck for the wall as well. As for you, Congratulations on your buck and I know the feeling of letting them bucks walk by. 100 incher isn't nothing to pass on in my book. To the whole bunch of you my hats off to ya. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Thanks for sharing and good luck in the up coming draw. Almost forgot to congratulate Colton on his bobcat. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Two labs need loving home

    Absolutely beautiful dogs. Wished my place was big enough. Good luck with the dogs. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    What to look for terrain wise...

    Welcome to the site Trevor. You picked the best web site for coues info that exist. Good luck on your draws and hunting here in Az. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    CWT BarBQ

    Wish I could have been able to make it. So far every CWT outing has been on my weekends to work. I'm beginning to think ya all know that. It's finally sinking in! Have a good time and post some pictures. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    courtney's first pig

    Congratulations Courtney on one fine looking pig. Great pictures! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    6A/B Headed Out

    Great pictures and thanks for sharing with us. Memories are priceless. I love the pic of you with your arm around your son. Awesome pic right there for sure. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Havin fun w/ Javi's...

    So that is what they look like. No wonder I got skunked. What was that aweful noise on the video at the end. Sounded like you sat on a cacti. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Hey Couse-n-Sheep

    Gino.... I'm looking forward to the pictures and stories. Good luck with the rest of the month. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    So far so good!

    First of all let me say you have one good looking family there Troy. 350 yards and on a bobcat to boot. Awesome job Ciarri. In all my years I yet to take one and my hat is off to you young lady. I can't even see that far. Congratulations to Courtney as well on her pig. Thanks Troy for sharing their success with us and good luck next week and keep us posted how it goes. Great job girls. I know your Dad is one proud papa. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    A Picture worth a 1000 words!

    Don't know when I'v seen a better looking deer. That buck will make an excellent mount for you. Beautiful! TJ
  23. Great looking picture right there. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Juniors javelina success! Video added.

    Thanks for the story and congratulations to your son on a great looking pig. I love the pictures. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Butcher shops

    Sorry but that is about what you are going to get. The butchers aren't as picky as if you would have done it yourself. Just to let you know I shot a pretty heavy buck this year and I only got 35lbs of meat off him and I'm picky and do it myself. My last years small 3x3 only netted 23 lbs. so go figure. I have been ripped off before and that is why I do my own. They charge way to much now a days but if you got the money it saves you time. Hope this helps you to decide what to do the next time.