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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2


    The wife and I fished it over the last weekend and only caught 13 crappies Sat and 1 bass. Sunday was windy as heck and we only fished 3 hours with the wife catching 2 crappies and 1 bass with me getting skunked. It still beat working. TJ
  2. I would support this as well. If you don't report then you can't put in the following year. A confirmation number would be issued to assure you had done it. There will be mistakes and if it's on the part of the g&f then you automaticly are drawn for your tag. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Senior Hunt

    I think a senior hunt would be a great idea but not with all the bull crap. Just make a certain age and be done with it. This is one not to many will agree with me on but I have said for years that the game wardens that patrol our woods and put there lives at risk each and every day should automaticly be given a tag of their choice each year except for the once in a life time hunts. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Mule Deer Video

    I sure would like to stick one of those bucks. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Welcome to Western Hunter!

    Chris, please thank everyone at Western Hunter and welcome aboard for being the newest sponsor of Coueswhitetail.com. I am going to subscibe to your magagine because of this. Have a great day and thanks again for your support. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Rattlesnakes are getting more active

    Amanda, if you are going to put yourself in them situations please don't tell us about it. What in the world would we all do if something bad happened to you? I couldn't imagine what the cwt members would do. PLEASE BE CAREFULL!!!!!! TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    The Draw System

    As do I. Kind of hard to fix a wheel that is not broken. There is nothing wrong with the way it is. TJ Thats because you are a lucky ducky! Yes I am and I do feel bad for those who didn't draw. I have always played the odds and the elk Gods have been good to me. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    The Draw System

    As do I. Kind of hard to fix a wheel that is not broken. There is nothing wrong with the way it is. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    They are up!!

    Woke up at 4am at San Carlos Lake to find, after several calls, that my wife drew her very first ever Az rifle bull tag along with my Dad. I'm sure every camper within miles was wondering what all the commotion was coming from that end of the lake. It made for a great weekend even though the fishing was slow. TJ
  10. To all my friends here at cwt I would highly recommend that you all stay off the phone line to g&f as you all are starting to make me very angry at each and everyone of you. Once I get thru and find my results I will let you all know when it's your turn to try and I will restore my likes for you all. TJ
  11. tjhunt2


    TJ, if you drew again I swear i'm gunna Tar and Feather you!!!! Sorry, but make it 19 straight for me. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    They are up!!

    You will hear that, don't hang up, if you wait till the end they will give you your results. Good luck to you and everyone else. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    They are up!!

    Holy smokes, another elk tag. 1st choice archery bull/19 straight! TJ
  14. tjhunt2


    OK, I am on cloud nine and it's ok for all of you to call now. Thanks to all my cwt friends who stayed off the line while I was getting thru. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Not a Drill!

    Amen Brother! TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Already hooked...

    That is awesome right there. He might not know it yet but the bones will give him, thru spirit, the ability to find these sheds as good as if not better than GRONG. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    mormons and big love

    Thank God! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Fun video of lots of critters

    Amanda,you got my blood pumping and I'm blowing the dust of my cameras today. Great video! My favorite are the piggies. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Bear and Bones

    That was an awesome write up and great picture taking. You guys must be in pretty good shape. I enjoyed traveling along on your journey and thanks for sharing your story. Much appreciated! TJ
  20. Real nice! Congratulations and a fine looking mount. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    So who is gonna do it?

    BINGO! It worked for me again this year. I called g&f and told them I was leaving the country on a water catchment project, in Russia, and really needed my results before leaving town today. Yippee yi a' TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    PSE BOW MADNESS MC BOW 2009 RH 27-30" 70LBS

    Can we see a picture of the bow? If it's new why is he selling it? Just wondered TJ
  23. tjhunt2


    elkster9..... it was nice meeting you tonight and I'm sure my partner will be very pleased with his new binos. It also was nice to see your future hunting partner hanging out with you. 7 & 1/2 more years and he can put in for the big game hunts. How exciting is that? TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    My first lion!

    Congratulations on your lion and that was a good story you put together. I don't know how old you are but you are young compared to most on here and most have never had the opportunity that you have had to harverst a lion so feel very fortunate. I bet your heart was pounding out of your chest for sure.That is something you can breg about for years to come and I hope you had it mounted. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures with us. That is one awesome lion. TJ