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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Unit 27 trip - Updated

    That is some neat looking country Brent. No wonder you like to go there. I take it you were by yourself on this trip. My wife hates it when I do the same but she doesn't understand it is in my blood and I can't get enough of the outdoors. Them were some awesome pictures of the country side. Thanks! TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Yet another Lion

    That's a good pic of the cat. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    San Juan River, New mexico

    The back is fine. I was just glad that I was able to help this person. We had a great trip and if any of you ever get the chance to fish the San Juan you will be in for a treat of a lifetime. It is absolutely beautiful and full of big trout. The only problem I had was trying to tie on those #22 flies. My fly fishing skills aren't the greatest and I lost some really big fish. Here are a few more pictures. I hope they don't turn out to big. Computer skills aren't good. Ted(Jackshoe) netting one of many fish. Cousin Jeff in action. Rick Hooley, our guide, me, Jeff, Ted, and Mike Not a big fish but the last one I caught. All fish were released unharmed for another day.
  4. tjhunt2

    My '09 Chiricauha Gould's Turkey

    Great job of getting it done Brian. That is one nice bird you got there. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Gobble - Gobble - Goulds

    What a beautifull bird. Congratlatrions and thanks for sharing your story. I can only hope I will draw one of those few tags someday. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Aravaipa trips

    That was awesome as always Amanda. You have got the life! It is great that you can share it with us all and where would we be without this great web site? I have been on here for hours this morning trying to catch up on all the stories and pics of the successful hunts and probably will be here a couple more hours doing the same. That is one mean looking rattler. Thanks again for sharing Amanda. TJ
  7. That was one heck of a story and awesome pictures to go along with it. Great job and thanks for sharing. I felt like I was there with the gang as you told it Lance. Thanks! TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Archery Turkey!

    Congratulations Troy on your archery gobbler. That is amazing that you have shot 2 already at such a young age. Finding that bird sounded tough but you stuck with it and didn't give up. Sounds like your Dad has been doing a great job of making you into a great hunter. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    1 day and 6 miles.....

    As always Jim, nice story and great pictures to share with us all. Congrats on the find. TJ
  10. That was a great story and congratulations to you and all the ladies from Peg and I. After Peg read your story she is so ready to try and get her first bird. Sounded like you all had a great time and that was so nice of you to put that hunt together for the ladies. Thanks for sharing with us all. TJ
  11. A Happy Birthday to Jackshoe and many more. We are heading to the San Juan River Wednesday and what a Birthday that will be. Have a great day my friend! TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    Holy cow! That is one big turkey right there. Congrats. TJ
  13. tjhunt2


    Congratulations young man. One nice turkey! TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Good Idea or Not

    I have to agree with that. Let's get the kids out there and have a great time. We who have done this for years have to get these kids out there and get them interested in this hunting. I've heard that there are those who don't like this because it puts presure on the area that they have scouted and now there are a bunch of hunters in the field. Give the kids a break and chill out. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Bunch of critters

    Good pics! I have got to get my cameras out. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  16. tjhunt2


    I really think Cathi would like for me to have it. I'll pick it up at the wedding. TJ
  17. I'm sure everyone thought I was making fun but it's true. My Grandfather was a tool & die maker and he was an avid hunter. I don't know all the history behind this gun but I do know my Grandfather told me I could shoot 28ga. shot gun shells out of it. I don't recommend anyone try this but I have shot squirrels with this gun back in the 60's. I'm leaning towards shooting a gobblers with it just to know my Grandpa would be proud. Being from Ohio I'm sure he would have never guessed in a million years a turkey would be shot in Arizona with this set up. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Easter Gobbler

    That is one big turkey Micheal shot and the picture is awesome. Congratulations to the young hunter. I've shot a few over the years but never one that big. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    New Mexico turkey

    Congratulations on your turkey and thanks for sharing the pictures. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Sucessful opening morning junior turkey

    Congratulations to Brittany and the picture saids it all. It brings back memories of a turkey hunt I helped a young girl on many years ago. Thanks for the story and I'm sure Brittany had some stories to tell the boys back at school. Way to get it done Dad and Jack C. TJ
  21. Way to seal the deal. Congrats and it must have been great to have had your Mom on the hunt filming. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    @ opening morning birds

    Congratulations on your birds and get them pictures up. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Anthem sighting

    Is this house for sale? Let me start the bidding. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Bull Video saved the BIGGEST for last.

    Wow, that has got my blood pumping. I can't wait till the elk hunt starts after watching that one. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  25. Mark, I also have a springfrield but it is a model 1884. Serial #52187. It belonged to my grandfather and I shot squirrels with it back when I was in high school. See ya at the wedding. TJ