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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Quality Time With Mom!

    That is just awesome. Sharing time with Mom and setting up the hunt was a great thing you did. Memories with family and true friends are what life is all about. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    San Carlos 4/2

    Thanks for the update Brian. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    New guy here!

    Welcome to the site and congratulations on your cow elk tag. Take lots of pictures because that's in big demand on here. Welcome and try to make it to the Flagstaff Get-tegether this June. TJ
  4. Finally one of these get-togethers landed on one of my weekends I don't have to work. The wife and I will plan on being there this year. We will be bringing our new family member along with us but I expect she will be a little bigger by then. Lexie Mae @ 9 weeks TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Ancient Art

    Now that is some good stuff right there. I can just imagine the indians writing on them rocks. What a library. Thanks for sharing Jim. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Just Got back from San Carlos

    Good luck Brian and keep us posted. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Just Got back from San Carlos

    Awesome! Wish I wasn't at work and on the lake. Thanks for posting. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday CJ

    Good luck on your elk tag and Happy Birthday. TJ
  9. Jim, I can imagine how frustrated you are, and rightly so, not drawing an elk tag and I feel your frustration along with all the others in your catagory. I know you are saying, I possibly can't feel your frustration, after drawing 20 elk tags in as many years but believe me I do. I see you and a few others are always saying I don't put in for trophy tags and I understand your point of view. I personnally don't use that word ( TROPHY ) in my hunting vocabulary. I think of a trophy as something you get at a bowing alley. I love to hunt and I'ld rather go hunting every year than wait several years not drawing a tag because I think a big bull is not more important than the hunting experience itself. My way of thinking isn't on the same page as alot of you who want to put a big bull on the wall or in the books but I do respect your decisssion. I don't keep it a secret and never have that I hunt 22 and I have a million memories with my late Mother on those hunts. I wouldn't change a thing. I love to hunt and that is what is most important to me in life. I play the odds because I am a hunter and want to hunt, period. I really envy you and your outfitter's business and know you are a class act and hope you finally draw that tag someday you have been waiting on. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    25-06 For Elk

    You can kill an elk with a 22, not leagally, if placement is right. I have a 25-06 and my suggestion would be to go with something a little bigger unless you know for sure you are going to shoot it at a close range. Good luck on your hunt. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Got Drawn!

    Congratulations on your tag and enjoy every moment of your hunt. Good luck! TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Daniel took a Coati!

    How exciting is this, another family member on the rise. Can't wait to hear and see the stories from both brothers this year. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm

    Happy belated Birthday and good luck with the antler hunt. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    two elk tags here

    TJ.....archery cow My wife.....rifle cow Good luck to the rest of you! TJ
  15. tjhunt2


    Them are definitely some impressive sheds for sure. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    two elk tags here

    No, not even close but I have had my share since my first in 1976 after moving here from Ohio. I have had 20 elk tags in a row now and wouldn't know what it would be like not going elk hunting every year. I always put in for bull but have gotten a cow tag a few years on my second choice as I drew this year. I definitely have been blessed by the draw GODS. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Would like to have some Misquite

    Thanks Shelvin for the wood. Sorry you didn't draw your elk tag. It was a pleasure meeting you and your little girl. Hopefully your buddy's will draw and you can help them out. That certainly was a full pickup load and I really appreciate it. Thanks again! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Finally They're UP

    Ok, here is what you need to do. Call 602-942-3000 and press 0 for an operator and ask for your results. You will need your ss # and your name if you can remember that much. Good luck! TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Finally They're UP

    Only if you know how to get the results other than the regular way. The regular way will be up in an hour they say. Just found out my wife drew an rifle cow tag. We are one happy hunters. results of wife's tag @ 1000 TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Finally They're UP

    I drew an elk tag and good luck to the rest of you. results @ 0930 TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    **Draw Results**

    That funny out of all the people that sad something about when there going to be up YOU are the only person I believe LOL. She is our leader you know! TJ
  22. And there are those who condemn those who don't want to go to Mexico until the war is over. Wake up and smell the roses (I mean the blood). Prayers and thoughts go out to the family and friends. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Life size javelina

    This isn't the best of mounts I've seen but will give you an idea of some others. The full mount was a medium size pig and I used her original teeth. The half mount I never was very cool with but another to compare with. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Desert Bighorn Mount

    Great looking sheep and I only wish I had the opportunity to make a choice on either of the sheep here. Over 35 years of putting in and counting. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Roosevelt Lake Fishing

    Fishing was slow but a nice get away. Windy on Sun. & Mon. but turned nice on Tues. My nephew and our friend Angie stayed over Sun. and Angie fished for the first time and caught her first fish which turned out to be the biggest of our trip. Here are a few pics and with my first try at digital scopping. My Sunday fish. One of many my wife caught. Angie's first day fishing with our new lab, Lexie. Angie's first ever fish and the biggest of the trip. 17&1/4" Angie & Peg's fish back at camp. Taken from camp at Windy Hill thru my 15x56's and a Kodak easyShare C613. One of the other ruins. This is a cheap camera and now with the zoom. After a hard day's work sitting around the camp fire. TJ