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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Sick Coues Doe

    +1 TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Smallmouth Jackpot!!

    Looks like azgfd needs to start restocking the smallmouths. TJ
  3. tjhunt2


    Peg and I was just talking about that one today. Can't believe you remember that one. TJ ps ....Thanks everyone! It was a relaxing day with a couple cold ones.
  4. tjhunt2

    Barking Frogs....ever heard of them?

    Yea right! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Thank You

    My hat is off to Azgfd. I sure like it when there is some positive reaction going their way. Great post Shelvin! TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Party at Jim Reynolds' house

    Tony, hope it's nothing to serious with Mom. Prayers coming your way. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Prayers needs "Family lost a son"

    Thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    Peg and I enjoyed our night out with all the cwt members last night at the OE4A banquet. As Chef said the food was great, beer flowed like water, and a whole lot of money was raised to help out this great organization. The number of people grew from last year and I can't wait to see how many more will show up next year. When you see the expressions on the kids faces during the slide show and the kids that were at the banquet it will melt your heart. I urge each of you to try and make this one of your on-going projects for next year. Eddy Corona and all the volunteers do a great job. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Barking Frogs....ever heard of them?

    That was a great video you put together Amanda. I have never heard of them but I"ll bet Lark(270) has something interested to say about these little guys. Thanks for sharing. Do they only live in the southern part of our state? Very cool! TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    AND.... there is that matter of a missed anniversary isn't there? LOL!! good point Ilene!! TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    Just because you aren't on the cwt table list doesn't mean you can't show up. I promise you won't be disappointed in the food, drinks, and just knowing what you have contributed too. It's a good time to show your support and give back a little. See y'al there! TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Unit 22 Predator Hunt

    I suggest you go back on Az g&f and print out another map. That seems simple enough. 22 is the easiest untit to access. There are roads everywhere throughout the unit. Good luck on your hunts. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    AKC dog papers

    I have known Jackshoe for a good many years now, thru our jobs with the City of Chandler, and we have discussed this issue many times over the past year. He has been reluctant to post this. I know for a fact that he has talked to Jim Johnson several times and has been promised he would get the papers on Reba. I would say a year is more than long enough. I recently bought a akc lab and had the papers a week after buying her. What Jackshoe has gone through is beyond what any dog buyer should ever have to endure. I'm glad you finally posted this Ted. It might prevent a new dog owner from going thru what you have. TJ *
  14. tjhunt2

    CWT Bass Tourney

    Maybe I missed it but have the rules been set yet? I think any legal fishing method should be applied. Worms, night lights, water dogs, ect. Any thoughts on this? TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Eastern AZ Mule Deer MoNStER

    That's a buck to be proud of right there. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Firstcoueswas80

    Happy Birthday Casey. I wish I was as old as you are. This one only comes once in a life time so enjoy big time. Stay safe on the job and thanks for being one of those whose got our backs. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Got my mount back today

    Awesome collection and one to be proud of for sure. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Christian...

    Hope you had a good one on your Birthday Christain. Good luck on your draw. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Wyoming draw results

    Congrats on the draw and awesome picture. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    New Turkey Tactic-

    TJ Tom, that was my response last night!!! I forgot that Mark was signed in...Man I feel stupid After I made the first comment I got to thinking about it on the way home and dang if I did not fall for that! I never noticed it was Mark. I actually thought it was you and bingo. You had me laughing so hard Kathi. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Wyoming draw results

    Congratulations Doug on your goat tag and good luck on your hunt. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    New Turkey Tactic-

  23. tjhunt2

    Hunting Celebrities

    I love being able to turn on the outdoor channel and watching the hunting and fishing programs and then find myself cusssing because there is more advertisement than program. I wish I could be one of the ones who hunt & fish for a living but it's not going to happen. I know how you feel Coach and I'm right there with you but that is just what it is. I don't buy something because of an individual endorsed a product. It's the way things are done and weather we like it ot not we can't change it. There are names on everything we buy. I think this is an awesome topic and most can relate to your thinking. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    My New Baby!

    Jim Mehl built the rifle for me. He is also the one who built COOSEFAN's gun. He does some amazing work! No brainer here Christain. I would call her Amazing. After every kill you can talk to your rifle and say " simply amazing Amazining." Have it stamped on the barrel. That's ok , you don't have to thank me. It was nothing! TJ