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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    BABYBOWHUNTAZ "2" just arrived

    Congratulations and thanks for introducing Adyson Mae to all her cwt brothers & sisters. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    "The Hunt For Deuce"

    I finally got a chance to read thru this and what a story. I'm sure even though some of the gang couldn't be there for the actual hunt , they were there in spirit. I'm glad to see they were all able came up to share the evening to the end of a great hunt. You guys have one heck of a track record for sure. Thanks for sharing with us Jim. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Ain't No Jib Jab Here!!!

    There has got to be a video someone is holding back on us. Get it on here please. Them are good times right there for sure. Brings back a few memories of a couple late camp fires I attended. You go Younghunter! TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    My Scimitar Oryx

    Thanks for sharing Tony. That is one beautiful animal and great workmanship as well. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Travis Mitchell and family

    I sure don't like to hear these kind of stories. Thanks Jeremy for bringing this to our attention and we will all pull together and pray for a safe recovery. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Where did all of the Turkey go above Payson?

    I was thinking the same thing until I saw my trail cams. The extra snow had me worried but the turkeys came thru with flying colors. I talked with the game wardens and they also had the same concerns but the turkeys are doing just fine. Believe me,I've seen alot over the last couple days to tell me it's going to be a banner year. TJ
  7. tjhunt2


    Peg and I congratulate you on winning the number 1 spot. Your video was great and you truely deserved to win hands down. We hope this helps bring a little comfort to you for all you've been thru this last week. I'm sure each of the cwt members are really happy you won and I'm sure they all feel the same way as I do. I said it once before and I'm going to say it again, " you have touched all our lives with this site and you are an amazing person. " Thank you! TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    I just had Peg read this and we hope everything is going to be ok. Believe me when I say I feel your pain. It's going to get better and we wish you a faster recovery than you're having. Thoughts and prayers until you recover. Tj & PJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    I would suggest to you newbie that you go out and learn about Coues deer habits for yourself instead of reading about them. Did you know the rains are here and the acorns have dropped , I have watched bucks in the past three weeks move more than three miles to get to the fresh new growth and acorns. I am curious as to what you might be implying? +1 TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Central Arizona Bear

    It might not be the biggest bear shot but some bears here in az just don't get to big. I said some bears! My brother shot a bear about the same size and we found out later it was 4yrs old. I congratulate you on your first bear and I'm sure the old heart was pumping 90 miles an hour. Thanks for sharing and don't let the negative response get to ya. Awesome! TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    First black bear

    Very nice and thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your first bear. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    AGF Commission Removes Slot Limit

    My wife is one happy camper. She can now fish legally once again. I won't comment on that by the way. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Who won??

    To bad the tournament wasn't a few weeks later. You could have kept all the slot fish you caught. No more slot as of Aug. 18th. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    I Bought 2 2lbs. Rainbow Trouts

    I have to agree with elkaholic's advise on the italian dressing. I've been using it for years on the meat I put in the ground and it always comes out good. I'm sure there are other marinades but you can't beat italian dressing and don't forget to add a bunch of garlic. Ya can't go wrong! TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    What do you think he'll score?

    He would score #1 in my book. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    My Brother's First Coues Buck

    Thanks for the story and if you ever figure how to post pictures I would like to see them bucks. Good luck this year to your brother and his son. Not having a tag isn't all bad when you can actually be there to enjoy and help out. Keep us posted. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Field Judging Coues

    Forget about the antlers. As you can plainly see everyone has their idea of what makes a good buck. Long tines, width, spread, outside the ears, inside the ears, and it goes on and on. If the old pumper is pounding 90 miles an hour and you are shaking like a mad dog then it's a good buck for sure. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    Ok, now that we know you have nothing better to do than monitor cwt we will have to watch our p's and q's. Glad you're feeling better. Any pictures of them stones? lol TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Pray For Amanda!

    Glad to see you made it home. Now remember what the doctor had to say. Paul needs to do double duty this week with the cooking, washing, cleaning, feeding the dogs, and .......well, you get the picture. TAKE IT EASY! TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Pray For Amanda!

    Thoughts and prayers from Peg & I. What a bummer! We hope all goes well. You are very special in our hearts and we wish you a speedy recovery. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Boar shot on Friday

    Congratulations on a nice bear. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    She just doesn't deserve any of this. She was to have a pieceful weekend in Young with Paul and another couple and now this. Peg and I will have her in our prayers and we wish Amanda a speedy recovery. Chef, please keep us informed on her progress. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Furs came back!

    Thanks! TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Hunting out of a blind

    I'm not sure I'm the right TJ but if I am that is very flattering. I have helped a few guys over the years and thanks for the kinds words. I take great pleasure helping and forwarding on my experiences and hope it helps to some degree. All I want to do is help someone be successesful in harvesting an animal. Coues4ever............Not sure who you are, but thanks for the kind words. TJ Ok Larry, what is it you want? Just kidding! I didn't know that was your member name and thanks for the kind words. I'm really not that deserving of all that. That was so nice of you to take your cooker up to the youth training outing last month and do all that cooking. Wished I could have been there along side of ya. Everyone involved with putting that together was very appreciative of your services. Is appreciative actually a word? LOL TJ