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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    shoot through mess windows

    Lots of good advise here for sure. Put that with some practice of your own and you will have your answer whether or not you want to shoot thru or not. I've only shot once thru mesh and my result was good. My bull was broadside at 13rds and the arrow angled hard right as it entered the animal. Not sure if it was from the mesh or off a rib so I'm not much help with your question. I have this thing about an arrow touching anything that just doesn't quite set well with me. I'll leave that to those with more experience on the subject. I will tell you this, from my experience, you can leave the window open and not worry about whether or not the mesh will interfere with your arrow. I have spent hundreds of hours over the years in my double bull and I always leave my shooting window open. I normally wear black or dark camo and sit as far back in the blind as I can. I use a head net most of the time but not during low light conditions. I have actually had animals within a few yrds looking in not having a clue as to my presence. My setup consist of a harbor freight blanket for a ground cloth, camp chair with arms so I don't far out while sleeping, and plenty of gator-aid and water. I have taken more than my share of animals from my blind and would say deer are more apt to notice the blind out of all the species I've hunted and shot. Deer, elk, turkey, and a couple lions. If I can be of any other help please feel free to pm me. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Good Morning From Payson

    Now that looks cold. Thanks for sharing the picture Jeremy. I was hoping one of you Payson guys would do that since that area is my second home. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Unit 23 Non-Burro Coues

    Congratulations Josh on a nice buck. Sure looks like it has a big body on him. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    It has been bugging me…

    Thanks Lark for that infomation. Now, why didn't I think of that? You're absolutely right again! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    It has been bugging me…

    coues hunter.....I hear what you're saying and I think I know where you stand from reading your replies throughout this post. You have some good points and so does everyone else for that matter but you have to remember, FAIR CHASE BY DEFINITION, was written back when we didn't have all the new technology and gadgets. I'm sure you probably don't use any of them since they would give you an improper advantage. Just saying! I don't know where I heard this but it must have came from a wise man: "as a group we could all attain a bit of balance in how we think and do" TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Jeremy Ulmer and late rifle coues hunting

    Sounds like the Ulmer family is on a roll. With the opening of their new store and Kristy taking a nice bull and now a coues along with Jeremy's other once in a life time buck it appears the stars are ligned up just right for them. When do we get to see Kristy's buck? TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Sadie Anderson got a nice one!

    Sadie, you have become quite the huntress. Congratulations and it looks like santa was good to you. Wish he would have brought me one of those. That is one fine looking buck to be proud of. When do we get to hear the story?. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    It has been bugging me…

    I have been watching this post and at times wanted to express some of my feelings but glad I was able to restrain myself. I probably would have made an a$$ out of myself just because I wasn't schooled on long range shooting. I am just amazed at all the new technology out there. I do have some thoughts and concerns about hunters shooting long distances but will keep them for around the camp fire. However,with that said, we all do have to stick together and I have slowly changed some of my ways of thinking over the years. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Gino....a bit of balance in the way we think just became one of my favoriye quotes of all times. Well written and thought out. An Old Dog, TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Trad. arrows apache style

    Dewey.....man did you do a great looking job on them arrows. Good luck with the bow and maybe you could take pictures as you progress from start to the finished product. That would be way cool. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Trad. arrows apache style

    Oneshot....that is one awesome picture. That deer looks alive. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  11. Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. Best wishes to her and your wife. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Guess a Double! - WINNERS POSTED

    Congratulations to both hunters on beautiful bucks. I'm going with 191" Don't bother with the rest of the scores just send me my prize. TJ
  13. Great story and pictures Ernesto. Congratulations on your success. I really don't know much about their breeding season or if it is the norm to have so many in an area of that size but I can tell you I have noticed much more coyote activity in all the areas I hunt. They caused one of my many excuses not to tag a cow during my archery hunt this year. I have to admit I'm a softy when it comes to shooting them. I shot one back in the mid 70's and almost cried. lol I just couldn't believe I killed something so beautiful and I wasn't even going to eat it. I will leave the thinning of these dogs to you predator hunters and shoot a few for me because I know we have way to many. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Hunting in the rain?

    There was a time when rain or wind would not stop me from walking the hills but as I get older I'm not walking in the stuff any more. It will stop sooner or later. I now will go sit in my truck and wait for it to stop or sit in the comfort of my ground blind staying warm and dry. This storm moving thru our state, starting tomorrow, will lite them bucks up so be prepared for some great glassing. Rain won't bother them much this time of year when they have other things on their mind. Get out there. Beats sitting at home or in camp. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    2010 Muzzleloader Coues

    Congrats on your buck. How far was the shot? TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    A Little December Success!!!

    Congratulations to all the hunters and you on your buck. Nice bucks for sure. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Jeremy Ulmer and late rifle coues hunting

    My congratulations to Jeremy on another amazing buck. I'll bet alot of work went into this and my hat's off to you Jeremy. Just awesome! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    GRONG turns a year older today!

    Hope this day brings good health and a big present. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Found A Few While Out Huntin

    Welcome to the site and posting pics like that is the way to get attention for sure. Great find and thanks for sharing. tj
  20. tjhunt2

    Trevor's late 24A Coues Buck

    Ryan, how you doing man? Been awhile since we've talked. Glad to see you all had some success. Great buck and thanks for sharing. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Rage Slip-cams

    I tried the rage and couldn't get them to fly accurate from my set up and returned them for a refund. One of the blades fell apart and that was enough to turn me against using them. I want to really try and use these mechanical blades but still haven't found one that I can trust. I will continue to try everyone that comes on the market. Not impressed so far. TJ
  22. tjhunt2


    Good seeing you also at basspro this evening Christain. You seemed like you had your mind on your San Carlos hunt more than work. You sure seemed excited about it. Don't really blame you. I hope you shoot the buck of your dreams. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Unexpected Visitors

    Sounds like you need to buy a trail camera from Amanda and you will never miss another unexpected moment that could be shared with us all. lol TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Prime Rib?

    Chef, you got to pm Peggy and I your phone number. Peg is an excellent cook and it shows on this body of mine but she is always wanting to try different receipes. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Gamehauler.

    Happy Birthday Mike and best wishes for the new year. TJ