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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Sausage Recipes

    azslim, how crazy is this? I wake up at 4:30 this morning and decide to finish cutting up the pork butt for my javi sausage. I sit down here at the computer to figure out how much mix to add and turn on cwt and you have posted some recipes. I have even been taking pictures this morning as I go and needed a little break. Great minds think alike. I really don't need to post what I was figuring on because your right in line with how I proccess mine. I also use 50/50. I picked up a sausage mix from Von's in Chandler yesterday on the way home from work. Thanks for all those recipes. It all sounds great. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Got my first Lion pics

    Gino, I think I know how you feel getting your first lion trail cam because I've yet to get one myself. I know it will happen someday. Thanks for sharing! TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Matt's First Coues

    Congratulations Matt on your first buck. I never shot my first till I was 25yrs old. Great writeup and an awesome trophy for the wall for sure. Thanks for sharing and I got a feeling this isn't the last of your seccuss stories to come. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    San Carlos Part 1

    First of all thanks Christain for the indepth explanation of your hunt. I was wondering how you were during in that snow storm that hit up there. Congratulations to Mathew on his fine buck and I hope you can seal the deal on yours as well. There is no doubt if anyone can do it you will with your determination. Good luck and I look forward hearing the rest of the story. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Drought Continues

    Congratulations to your buddy and good luck on the rest of your hunt. Have you ever tried calling them in with a varmit call? If not I suggest you buy one if you don't already have one. I found one of the best times to use one is right after someone shoots and the heard splits or gets uneasy because they know something is up but can't figure it out. Blow the call as loud as you can and be ready for some quick action. Remember to take the call out of your mouth before you shoot. It hurts like he!! and makes your arrow do funny things. Keep us posted on your hunt. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    OPENING PIG HUNT / pics added Jan 5

    I've done them many different ways over the years. Lately I have been making sausage out of them. Never touch the meat while you're skinning them out due to the scent gland odor that is embedded on their hair. After skinning wash your hands really good and continue to clean out all blood shot and bone it out. The most I have ever gotton was 15lbs on a gutted out 43 pounder that my wife shot. I will probably get around 8lbs of meat off this one. Whatever the lbs come out to I purchase pork, whatever's on sale, and add the sme amount and grind together. Then I add a sausage mix and grind it again. Awesome eating. You can purchase sausage mix from most meat proccesors. Good luck on your hunt and if I wasn't so far away I would take it off your hands. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    OPENING PIG HUNT / pics added Jan 5

    Well, Peg thught I should rest one more day but yesterday had our house alive with daycare and I headed out by 11am and I was into pigs by 2pm. I was at a stand still for over 3 hours and never got a shot off. Had them at 40 yds but couldn't close the deal. Today was another day and I knew I didn't have a whole day in me so I left the house at 11am again. After 2 hours out I heard some rocks fall above me and knew it had to be pigs. I stood there for 30 minutes and finally saw a pig working my way. I couldn't get the range finder out of my pocket because I had other pigs off to my side. After 1 hour a pig worked in to my shooting lane and I thought it was 25yds but found out later it was 30. I have only killed an animal once at that range and pulled back and let an arrow go. I misjudged it and hit low. Found some blood and after 30 minutes I jumped her and got another arrow in her but way back. I waited another 30 minutes and then started tracking and jumped her again and finished her off with a perfect lung shot. It weighed 100 pounds by the time I got it back to the truck. This made number 32 pig kills over the years and all but one were arhery. I'm one happy guy tonight but don't know how many more of these archery pig hunts I have in me. Not the best pictures but I had to leave the camera at home to seal the deal.
  8. tjhunt2

    My 2011 Archery Buck

    Great story and pics. Now that's a buck to be proud of. How cold did it get that night? You certainly worked for that one. Congratulations! TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    my december rifle hunt

    That was a great writeup and pictures to go along with it were awesome. Felt like I was there along side of ya. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on a nice buck. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Still looking!

    Good luck and keep us posted. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    global warming?

    That's the best one I've heard yet on the global warming issue. Good one Bill! TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Jay's WOW FACTOR buck

    Wellcome to the site. Your avater looks exactly like my 11month old Lexie. How old is your lab? ........not meaning to take away from the post just wanted to wish our new member to the best whitetail site on the web. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Jay's WOW FACTOR buck

    Congratulations on a beautiful buck. Great story to go along as well. Thanks for posting. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Our Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

    It just doesn't get any better than that. Congratulations to all of you and that is a great picture of you all. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Luke's (Tracker) first elk hunt.

    Congratulations Luke on your first elk. I bet you are ready for next year already. Congrats to all the other hunters. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    First coues 24A december tag filled

    Another congratulations from another cwt member. What a beautiful buck. Thanks for sharing with us all. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Jeremy Ulmer and late rifle coues hunting

    Kristy, way to go girl. I only wish I could even have the chance to pull the trigger on such an animal. Congratulations to you and Jeremy. I will stop by the next time thru town and hopefully get to hold your buck in my hands. WOW! TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Happy New Year

    Back at ya Shelvin. Hopefully I'll be chasing pigs around the mountain. Happy New Year! TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Snow in Mesa

    Did I say water leak? You must have heard me wrong and good luck on your lion hunt. TJ
  20. Now that's a picture to be proud of. Where abouts are you? TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Snow in Mesa

    About 20 minutes ago I went down the street to a neighbor's house to check on a water leak and it was spitting snow. Mesa Drive/Southern TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    shoot through mess windows

    If I had to go out and buy a new blind today it wouldn't be a double bull that's for sure. Mine is the old style and the rods have never gave me any trouble. I paid $480 back then. The new ones changed the rods, not sure how, but they are always breaking. It cost me $90 to send a new matrix 360, that I borrowed from a friend, back to primo and have them repair it. They would not warranty double bulls policy since they took over.For the money there are many blinds on the market under $200 that I would buy. I saw one in bass pro the other day, not sure the make, but it had sliding windows instead of velcro which I like alot and the material seemed like what's on my old double bull. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    shoot through mess windows

    I usually have plenty of cloths on but I also have a sport heater that runs on a coleman bottle of gas for 18hrs. I've timed the bottles and they actually run from 14 - 18hrs. Works great! Thanks for reminding me, I need to get it back from a friend I loaned it to a couple yeas ago. TJ