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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Adventures in Alabama!

    Glad to see you home safely. Great writeup and the woods in the pictures look really thick. Sounds like you had an awesome time. Let us know how the pork turns out. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    A quick prayer is needed

    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Spot and Stalk Coues

    Congratulations on your first coues buck and I hope you get another chance to hunt them some day. Good luck with your move north. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Birthday pig

    Well Happy Birthday and one he!! of a present from the hunting Gods. Now where are the pictures? TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Another javelina **UPDATED**

    Glad to finally see the story and congratulations again Frank. It's great to have a good hunting partner. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    A day on Saguaro Lake / pics

    After purchasing my duck stamps on friday I was biting at the bit to take out Lexie on her first duck hunt when Peg decided we needed to go fishing. So yesterday I loaded up the gang. Peg, Lexie, Missie, and myself were on the lake by noon and the fishing was slower than slow. I constantly was checking out the back of coves with my binos for ducks. Peg and I was enjoying the day even though we hadn't boated a fish when she yells out I got one. After netting her bass she says "you owe me 2 bucks. One for the first and one for the biggest". Never fails! We were about to call it a day when two mallards flew and landed along the shore ahead of us. Now I was getting excited since I hadn't shot a duck in over 20yrs. I just wanted Lexie to have the opportunity to retrieve a duck. I had Peg drop me off 200yrds down the shore and I hiked up over the hillside and thru the wait-a-minute bushes until I was inline with the birds. They must have heard me and started out in the lake and I wasn't near as I wanted to be but it was now or never. Probably 50yrds but I was shooting down at them so I let the steel shot fly. I hit the female first and then swing on the male as he starts up in the air and miss. I shoot again and down he falls. After fighting my way thru the mesquite and landing in the water over my shoes I motion Peg to bring the boat over. I get Lexie out and show her the birds and she is in the water and swimming out to the first mallard with me as proud of her as can be when that emotion went from proud to what the hick. She smelt the bird and swam back without it. She made another swim to the other and did the same. I guess she figured they didn't smell like doves and were to big for anything she has been trained on. Of course I was disappointed but I had expected way to much from Lexie and I know I have alot more training to do. What a way to finish the day off and was back home in time to enjoy a beer and some football. Lexie before we lift for the lake. She brings these in the house everyday. My pile is going down quick. Got this eagle just before it flew off. Lexie's not sure what to think of these mallards Lexie and I. I will use these for training. Peg and her 3lb bass that cost me $2
  7. tjhunt2

    Pops and I got it done!

    Absolutely nothing like hunting and making memories with your Dad on a pig hunt. Congratulations and a great picture. TJ
  8. Congratulations on your birthday buck and look forward like the rest to see and hear more. TJ
  9. Why in the 2nd paragraph of this article did they use the word "accused"? he did it, 100% he did it. ridiculous. Yep, this whacko is guilty. Unfortunately nobody is allowed to tag him guilty until a jury of his peers decides so. The media using the word "Accused" burns me up too! Simply take him to Tombstone and hang him from any tree and call it good. Pi$$ on what anybody thinks. Justice served! TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    A day on Saguaro Lake / pics

    Thanks guys. Tomorrow will have me on Canyon Lake with my Dad and can't remember when the last time I fished that lake. Probably over 20 years would be a good guess. I'll keep you posted how it went. Hopefully I'll get some photoes of some sheep. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Rage Slip-cams

    hey TJ just wondering if you have tried the Blood Runners by NAP????? No I haven't! TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Another javelina **UPDATED**

    Looking forward to his story and thanks for keeping us posted. I just love these javi stories. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Maricopa deer

    You're not far from Gila bend and there are many water holes that have big muleys watering this time of year at catchments in the area. Learn their locations and with a little patience you just might score on a trophy of a life tme. Good luclk! TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Had a Good Day

    Great story Shelvin and sorry your stalk didn't go as planned. After years of arrows falling off my rest I finally went to the biscut. Problem solved! Thanks for sharing and there is still time for another stalk if you have a day off. Good luck! TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    34a javy

    Congratulations. One arrow left in the quiver is a familar sight when it comes to these pigs. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    2011 Archery Coues Bucks

    Them are just awesome bucks. My congratulations to you and Dad. Looks like the family has it dialed in correctly. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    It's been a good month

    Sounds as if your new year is going your way for sure. That is an awesome buck and good looking pigs as well. Congratulations and thanks for all the pics. TJ
  18. tjhunt2


    Thanks for taking me along on your pig hunt this morning as I sip my coffee. I have been in your shoes many times over the years and know how frustrating it can be. I hunted pigs 4yrs before I finally took my first one. What I have learned, since that moment back in the 70s, the situation you discribed will happen more than everything going right. That's why it's called hunting and not killing but the one thing you have going for ya is, you aren't going to let it kick your butt. You're going back out Monday and that's the right attitude and confidence you have to have. Can't wait to hear your success story here. Good luck! TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Hope this day is a good one for ya and enjoy. I was going to buy you a really good camera for your Birthday but heard they were complicated to use for seniors. Sorry! TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp

    Thanks Amanda, that is just what I needed to know. I will be going down on the morning of the 10th. See ya there. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Yesterday afternoon

    Been years since I've seen one as big. Congratulations on a biggie. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    got a wild hog yesterday in alabama!

    Glad you finally got your pig. Sounds like a pretty good trip. You will have to fill us in on your trip when you get back. Congratulations on the pig and the deer you shot. Have a safe trip home. TJ ps....Peg says congratulations as well
  23. tjhunt2

    2001 pig

    A big comgratulations on your pig. I assume you were aiming for his ear TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Video of The Devil Bull

    That is one big son-of-a-gun. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    2011 New Mexico Mule deer

    Holly crap, that is a brute of a buck. Congrats. TJ