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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Turkey 2011

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Peg should be home thursday night so she might get a chance to get out in the woods this weekend if she's up for it. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Lions, Snakes, Illegals, Oh My!

    Thanks for sharing Amanda. My guess would be that the little fellow got really tired and exhausted after mating in your tent. The males hardly ever stick around to help after the fact. Poor little thing will now make it, with the help of you and Paul, to breed another day. Just think what she will tell her little ones. "Stay out of tents!" TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    "Little" something different.....

    That's one heck of a nice mount. That thing looks like it's alive. Great job! TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Lobsta from Lark

    What a shame, you have to eat those nasty things just to survive. I wish I had your problem. I hate ordering lobsters out because I can't aford to get enough to fill my belly. I would think one would get sick of it after awhile but I sure would like to give it a try. Eat a bunch for me. TJ
  5. Peg and I are planning on being there. It was nice meeting and putting faces with cwt member's names. Here are a few pictures of last year's get together. Lance and family did a great job of cooking. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Unit 27 Turkey Adventure!

    I couldn't help but laugh reading it all. You acted like it was no big deal. You are to be congratulated not only on your beautiful bird but for turning a bad day into a great adventure. Great looking family by the way and way to hang in there. That's one you won't soon forget. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Turkey in unit 27

    congratulations to all the unit 27 turkey hunters on here that got their turkey. Keep after it couesbowhunter1 and good luck if you get back out there. Keep us posted. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    2 more gobblers down

    Good story Tommy and it all came together because of all the help you were to the others. The hunting gods always reward those who help others. Great write up and congratulations on getting it done for yourself. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Apache Lake windy but fun 4-30-11

    Looks like little X is on his way to becoming the next big X. Apache has always been my favorite lake, Not always the best fishing but the best good times. Thanks for sharing and I hope to get to fish with you guys sonetime. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    My Second AZ Goulds Turkey

    Congratulations Brian. I have got to start putting in for them. That is a really nice bird. Great story and beautiful pictures to go along with it. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Hunting Related Tattoos

    Now that would be a fun contest! I agree. Let me check with Peg but then again maybe not. I could just surprise her. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for Dogs

    I just happen to talk to jackshoe this morning and he was coming back from getting his pointers snake proofed. Hopefully he will see this and chime in on where he went. Not sure of the cost. I'll give him a call. I need to get my Lexie done as well. Thanks for the reminder. TJ
  13. Adam, you made a really good point with the positive attitude. I always praise my dog, even when she takes something she shouldn't have but brings it to me. There has only been a few times, I can count on one hand, that I actually scorned her for something I actually caught her doing. I have always made it positive and fun no matter what. Another note on the shock collar that Ron made about using for known commands is right but it can be used for breaking her of running after your truck and it just might keep her from getting run over. The very word shock sounds terrible and my wife had a fit until she saw the results. Just remember it is a tool that needs to be used properly and not for punishment. Think of it as getting her attention instead of shocking her. I hope more dog owners chime in on here. There are many ways of training as I found out searching the web. You will figure out what works best for you and her. Keep us posted on her training. TJ
  14. You got a beautifull lab and I had similar problems but at an earlier age. I didn't want to use a shock collar at first but finally gave in. It was the best thing I could have ever done. My lab is 15months now and I can't keep her out of the truck and she kennels when I want her to. There are alot of do's and don't's with the collar. There is a ton of UTube videos on the web that can help you in the right direction. I always put the collar on her with all the training, not always using it though, so she gets use to it and associates it with fun times. Now when she sees it she can't wait for me to put it on her. I kept my kennel in the house open at all times for her to go in and out as she pleased. Lexie, my lab, didn't like it at first but had no choice if she wanted to eat. Feel free to pm me with any questions you might have. I'm no experienced dog tainer, and far from it, and alot of cwt members helped me and I appreciated everyone's help so I hope I can pass on some of what I learned. Good luck with the training. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Spaghetti Tonight

    The recipe sounds good and it's always much better when you've prepared it from one of your own tagged animals. Much appreciated Bill. TJ
  16. This sure brings back a few memories. On my first archery elk hunt I shook so bad my Dad had to grab and shake me after I shot an arrow 90deg. from where the bull was standing at 20yrds. The arrow landed in the middle of the water tank and I asked if I had hit it. I can't remember how many blown pig shots I've missed under 10yrds after watching pigs charging to my rabbit call. I even managed to shoot the call out of my mouth several times with my bow string. OUCH! I won't mention any names but I once watched a friend, cwt member, lounch an arrow half way down Preacher Canyon thinking the elk was much closer than it really was. It was pretty funny to watch as the excitement unfolded. I'll leave the rest of my stories for around the campfire. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Opening Day Tom

    Nothing like watching a spring gobbler coming to a call. Congratulations to Jason on a great looking tom. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    WOW!!! check out these new sheds...

    Got me as well. This definitely is not funny one bit. TJ ps.....Ok, it did get a laugh out of me this morning.
  19. tjhunt2

    Spaghetti Tonight

    Please let me know what size batterries you need for your camera. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Wall tent flooring ideas?

    I never had a problem finding carpet before the hunt. I would ask around and I always found someone who knew someone getting new and I never cared what the color was. I'ld throw it away right after the hunt. Never had to pay a penny. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Mark, it will be Peg and I's first so we are looking so forward to this event and it's always a pleasure seeing you and Kathi. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Sightings in Payson

    While driving home from turkey scouting the wife & I saw a black, either late model bronco or blazer???, vehicle pulling into the Home Depot area as we drove on to 87 from Houston Mesa Rd at 5pm. Sticker was on the front windshield. The other was a white ford truck, maybe a chevy, crossing 87 at the light in front of us with a sticker on the front and one on the back window with a back window guard. Not sure of the name of the gas station but it was something like shop and go across from where they tore down a gas station and now is a empty lot. 5:05pm. Who is you! TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Grilled Rack of Lamb

    How the heck am I going to loose any weight if you keep this up? Enough is enough! Just kidding hector of course. You just keep all the cooking post coming and have you ever thought about maybe having a cooking show? You could video it with different cwt members in each segmen and post here for our viewing enjoyment. God that looks great. You didn't threaten that little buddy of yours, to eat it or else, at knive point did you? That's mean Hector. TJ