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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    My White Sands Oryx, Oct. 2010

    What a beautiful animal. How many years did it take you to draw the tag? Congratulations and thanks for sharing. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Looking at 5th wheels

    I agree with what Pine Donkeys said. Flip the axel for sure. I have a 29ft and if my wife ever saw where I've pulled it she would kill me. I use a goose neck with a ball in the middle of my truck bed that I can remove. I wouldn't have it any other way. Just a pain climbing up to put the pin in the older I get. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Mark and I hope this day brings friends and family to share it with you. Have a great day! TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    A Few Pics

    Congratulations on your first bear pic. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  5. tjhunt2


    Thanks for the reminder LeRoy. How easily so many forget who haven't served. Thank you for your service to this country and all of us who haven't served. God bless America and our service men and women. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Memorial Day / Giving Thanks

    Let's give thanks to all our troops who have given their lives and for the men and women who serve our country. Cooked out at work yesterday and hope everyone has a great weekend as well. Lexie can't wait to get to cwt Flagstaff outing. Our cooking area at work. Ribs with our special rub. The final results after 5hrs on the grill. I'm working while you all are hopefully enjoying the holiday. TJ
  7. I was just wondering how many of you are planning on attending. I'm sure it would help Lance out to know how many people and what day you'll be there. Peg & I are planning on coming up Thursday night. Look forward to seeing everyone again and some new faces as well. See ya all there. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Prescott area fishing-her first fish!!!

    First let me say them pictures are awesome. BikerRN is right on the money when he says to start a scrapbook. If nothing else just write it down. You'll be glad you did 20, 30, & 40 years from now. Thanks for sharing Ryanne's fishing experience with us. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Finally made it to the Black River

    It's been many years since I've been to the river. Thanks for sharing and I enjoyed all the pictures. Sounds like you and the family had a great day fishing and watching all the wildlife on your trip in and out. That's living right there. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Making a Salt Lick

    Deer cocaine is a good product and I've used both the powder and the liquid. I score all my 50lb salt blocks completely around the center and then tap them with a chisel and hammer until they break. Easier to carry and place in a shallow hole and pour your deer cocaine on it. Rain will melt your salt into the ground so continue to replace the salt and you're in business. Sometimes they attract quick and sometimes it takes awhile to establish. It all depends on the amount of animal traffic in the area. I like to dig a small channel leading to the salt to carry more water to get the salt melted quicker at first. Pick out a tree or a good spot for a ground blind before you choice a salt lick spot. Good luck! TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    My cam shots!!!

    Everyone who knows me can tell you my favorite thing to hunt are the pigs. I'm glad to see you showed them doctors how wrong they were. That is a long time to recover and it must have been a long painful recovery before you rejoiced with a successful archery pig hunt. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Agent J. Garza

    Thoughts and prayers from the Joiner family. We hope thru prayer for a speedy recovery for your friend Casey. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    My new hunting partner

    Another cwt member for sure. Congratulations to you and your wife and thanks for sharing Hunter. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    My cam shots!!!

    My vote goes to the pig pics. Thanks for sharing. Where did you say this was? TJ
  15. tjhunt2


    Thanks Jeremy, how long is the sale good for? Good seeing you at the ada banquet. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    A sad loss

    First of all I would like to say how sorry I am to hear of your loss and the same for your friend who had her house trashed by some low life scum bags. I hope someone comes forward with some information that will lead to an arrest and all the property returned safely. We should be allowed to shoot people who are caught. They did it right back in the day. Hang the dirty stinken thieves. Keep us informed on how this turns out. I feel your pain. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    I too haven't won a thing that I can remember on anything I've ever played. I'm sure glad you are feeling better. TJ ps......don't think I took the time to thank you Amanda for the work you put into the banquet and all you do for us. THANK YOU!
  18. tjhunt2

    BIG BOY!!! "2 more pics added"

    Looks like you have the first piece of the puzzle now put the rest of the pieces together and don't forget to show us the end results after deer season. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what he will look like with his next set of antlers. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Goulds Turkey Mount

    Congratulations again Doug on your turkey. I've never seen one mounted like that before but I've seen them in the wild that looked just like it. He did a great job of duplicating the pose and I like the freeze dried head. What a beautiful bird. I think it's time that I start putting in for the Gould. I had the pleasure of meeting Chris & Shannon at the women's javelina hunt. I had forgotten he helped on your hunt until I reread your hunt story. He's a good guy to have in camp. I enjoyed reading it as much the second time around as I did the first time. Thanks for sharing with us. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Slide Rock

    I agree! Your photos are breath taking to say the least. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Last night's banquet was all and then some what I had invisioned it would be. The food was good and the atmosphere was full of happy people enjoying the evening. Even though I didn't bid on any of the hunts, it was exciting to watch the bidders bid against each other. Ilene & Roger, along with Kathi & Mark, were the high bidders on some awesome hunts. Here are a few more pictures to go along with Chef's. Ellen & Tony Gary enjoying the evening Peg & I Ilene & Roger Mark & Kathi Roger checking out the goodies in his new cooler Ilene was extremely excited with Roger's winning bid Amanda with replica of Josh's awesome buck Mark & Kathi stopped by the house, after the banquet, and we shared a very good bottle of wine over a few hunting stories. The perfect ending to a great day.
  22. tjhunt2

    Fall Black Bear

    I felt like I was standing there with you as you told the story. Great job of that and a big congratulations to you and Kyle pulling that off. One of the biggest bears I've seen on here or any place else for that matter. Thanks for sharing and I too will be waiting for the video portion of your exciting, to say the least, hunt. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    looking to buy a ground blind

    A ground blind is an excellent choice for you to get your wife interested in archery hunting. Make sure you make her as comfortable as possible so she can enjoy herself during the long waits that sometimes is neccessary to harvest an animal. No matter what make or model you buy a good ground cloth is a must. Not only does it keep the dust down, it makes moving around quiet. I use a moving blanket from Harbor Freight which is gray/black in color. Black side up to help keep the light low. Stay away from the ones that have the leafs along the seems or cut them off. Just because you can look out a window doesn't mean your arrow will clear so sit in one before you buy it and hold your hand up like you would be shooting. I have noticed some of the newer models have made the windows to high for us short people to have the proper arrow clearence. Ameristep is as good as it gets for the money. I personally wouldn't buy a primo blind. The old saying of "you get what you pay for" doesn't apply to most ground blinds. There is a reason why primo sells repacement parts. Double Bull blinds use to be the best built and trouble free until Primo bought them out in 2007. Primo is not worth the money you pay and they no longer warranty the lifetime warranty that came with Double Bull blinds. Happy hunting and good luck with your new blind. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    jerry's taxidermy coues

    Very life like indeed. That's one of the best looking mounts I've seen. Congratulations! TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Skull Cap / Horn Plaque Mount

    That is an awesome picture with it in the wood pile. Congrats on your buck and thanks for sharing. TJ