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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    big family weekend in unit 1

    Congratulations to Cory on his elk. I'm glad to see you had the family along on the hunt and the future family as well. Congratulations Casey to you and your lovely wife to be. Please don't give her as much trouble as you give the rest of us. jk! The pictures are great. TJ
  2. Thanks for posting. The pictures show you all had a good hunt. I'm still waiting to get my Lexie out for the first time. Got to get the deer hunt out of the ways first. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Matthew's First Youth Deer Hunt

    Sorry to hear Mathrew didn't tag but sounds like he had a great time of trying. I still get some buck fever once in a while and it just seems to never get any better when it hits you. This experience will just make his first buck that much more meaningful. Good luck next time Mathew. You will get it done. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Gabe Ward and His First Mule Deer

    Congratulations to Gabe on a huge buck. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    6A JR Success

    Ryan, that was a good writup and a great picture of Chase. Please give him my congartulations to him and good luck on the his jr hunt. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Another Scarbrough Kiss

    Another great story from you Gino as always. Coingratulations to Jett on an amazing shot and buck. Jason has to be one proud dad for sure. Sounds like Jett has been putting his home work in on shooting for a few years now. That's great stuff to read about. Over the years of reading your posts Gino it certainly appears Colton has turned into one fine hunter and seems to be always there helping someone hanging their tag. Good luck with the rest of the season. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Jr elk Success

    That's a huge cow and congratulations to your little brother for getting the job done after all he went thru. Good luck on his jr hunt. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    TJ's first buck

    Now I know I'm getting a little forgetfull but I first thought I must have been on a hunt already. Then I see this huge muley and know there was no way I could have forgotten this. Thank goodness for that. Congratulations TJ on a really big body muley. Thanks for sharing the picture and the name, "TJ" says it all. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    2011 Mullins Outfitters Early Season

    As always Jim, I can't never get enough of your great stories and pictures. Like all the others have said, you guys seem to always find a way to get the job done and nothing but good things have I heard as well. Good luck with the rest of the season and thanks for sharing the Mullin's success with us here on cwt. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    2011--A Great Year for Youth

    I totally agree! I'm just getting started looking thru all the post and not sure I will get to read them all today. Just unbelievable of all the success the young ones have had. Makes me so happy to see all this happenning this year and to have a great web site such as this to post all their pics & stories. Now back to reading some more post. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    The boys get it done!

    Congratulations to Tanner and Cody. Thanks for sharing the great pictures of the boys. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    elk hunt

    Courtney is no stranger on cwt that's for sure. Another success story and my congratulations to you young lady. What a shot and great pictures as well. To top it off with a little fishing just makes it all that much better. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    My good friends jr deer hunt

    Congratulations to your friend's son on his buck. Awesome picture! TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Jaycie's First Big Game Hunt.

    I'm finally getting around to going thru some of the success stories of the youth hunters and what a first post to view. The pictures and video were great and the story was just as good. Jaycie did a great job on this hunt and shot a beauty. That's bigger than any buck I've ever shot and with the help of Phil and Hector she nails her first buck which is huge. My congratulations to Jaycie and it certainly wasn't an easy hunt. With all the ups and downs she hung in there like a real trooper. The pictures of this beautiful little girl and her buck saids it all. Happy happy happy! One proud dad right there for sure. Hope everthing is well with your dad Phil since he wasn't able to make the hunt and being in the hospital at the time. Prayers sent. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    lost bull found with horns cut off

    Sorry to hear that about your Dad's bull. There seems to be alot of that kind of stuff going on this year. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Beagle Stud

    I grew up hunting cottontails with a pack of beagles. It's a blast. They take them rabbits clear out of hearing sometimes and then bring the rabbit right back to the spot you jumped it in. Spent many of days in sub-freezing weather listening to the dogs run. Hit a rabbit once on a date and went back and picked it up so I could take it back home and train my new pups on a fresh kill. She never went out with me again. Go figure! lol TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    New Mexico Bull(Video)

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing the awesome video. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Beagle Stud

    Bailey sure is one good looking beagle. Glad to see he is still active at 15yrs. You must have taken great care of him. I bet you have a ton of memories stored up and would love to see more pictures of Bailey. My family had nothing but beagles while I was going up in Ohio. I sure miss the rabbit hunts back in them days. Thanks for sharing. If I hear of anyone I'll let you know. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Arizona Extreme

    Congratulations and when do we get to read the story?
  20. tjhunt2

    Arizona Extreme

    Congratulations and when do we get to read the story?
  21. tjhunt2

    Opening morning bull

    Aswsome story and congratulations on the elk. Thanks for sharing. Very nice! TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Gabe Ward Whacks his first Bear!!!!!

    Congratulations to Gabriel on his bear and his shot. Now that is something to brag about at school. TJ
  23. Don't believe that. There are some serious bulls but they are in some remote areas. You got to work for'em. Congratulations 308 on your bull . TJ
  24. Congratulations on harvesting a couple bears and sharing them with us. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Northen AZ...I love This State!!

    That squirrel sure looks good. Thankks for sharing. That beats staying in town any day. TJ