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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    3 pigs down

    Great writeup and pictures as well. That had to be some exciting fun for all. Thanks for posting. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Ticket to ADA Banquet

    You're going to make someone's day for sure. My wife & I are heading out the door in a few hours for a full day of fun at the show & banquet. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    My 2012 Archery Javelina... Vid

    Congratulations on your grass pig. TJ
  4. tjhunt2


    Hope this day is a good one for ya. To bad you got the crud. Happy Birthday! TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Archery pig

    Congratulations on your pig. That's the way to start the year off. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    POPPIES are blooming!

    That picture of Paul along with Julie & Sunshine is one of my favorites. I hope no poppies were hurt in taking that picture. lol TJ
  7. tjhunt2


    Awesome buck for sure Jim and thanks for the story. Your pics are always welcome here. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Proud Poppa!

    Good looking pups Gino for not being labs. jk Them are some healthy looking little guys for sure. Thanks for sharing! TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Aggressive Pig Attacks When Called In

    I to use an old circi call but mine has a cottontail reed. Can't wait to see the final product. Keep up the good work.
  10. tjhunt2

    Aggressive Pig Attacks When Called In

    I just love that piece of video. I couldn't keep from laughing. I have called my share of pigs before at that exact range and it's always a heart pounding experience for sure. That pig actually was not attacting your Dad but definitely charging the call. The pig's momentum coming over and thru the grass carried him into your Dad and when it saw your Dad jump out of the way it had the same idea and was trying just as hard of getting out of there. I'm sure you know that but that doesn't take away from some exciting video. It was some of the best I've seen and thanks for sharing. I have got to watch it a couple times a day just to keep my blood flowing. Awesome! TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    I always hear the Texans want everyone to come and help control the herds but the money in their pockets seems to be more of a comcern than the hog population. Just what I've seen. This is something I would like to do sometime. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Water Catchment Project in 37B - March 8-12 2012

    I worked on the 2010 project and found it very rewarding. The tortilla soup was the best after a hard days work and I will try to be there on Saturday & Sunday. TJ
  13. Congratulations on a beautiful buck and thanks for sharing the video. Great job around. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    First Barbary!

    Congratulations on your ram. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Women's HAM hunting camp, Feb 17-19

    Peg and I had a great time at the Women's Javelina Hunt Camp this year. If you have never been to this event you need to make a point to schedule it as a mentor or a newbie hunter. Amanda puts on a first class event. Youth Outdoors Unlimited did another good job of keeping everybody with full bellies. To see the excitement on the ladies faces in the mornings, in the cook tent way before daylight, with the anticipation of the upcoming day's hunt was priceless. It was an experience you just have to experience for yourself. The number of mentors who showed up was just amazing. They were as excited as the hunters and gave their all. By the time everyone got to meet each other you would have thought everyone was old friends. Saturday night was my favorite around the camp fire. We were entertained by a couple young ladies around 12 yrs old with a couple songs that were just awesome to say the least. I'm sorry I have forgotten their names but I'm sure Amanda will help me out here. It was the icing on the cake. Peg & I would like to take the time to thank azgfd, youth outdoors unlimited, the women hunters, all the mentors, volunteers, and of course Amanda of coueswhitetail.com for making our time the most enjoyable and welcoming. My only regret is I never took my camera out of it's case. I guess we were just having way to much fun. TJ
  16. With the HB 2072 bill we have seen alot of talk on how they tried to back door it and upsetting many of the hunters in this state. My concerns are with the upcoming ADA banquet. Is ADA going to feel an inpact because ADA hasn't come clean one way or the other on whether they are going to support AZSFW in the near future? Here's my thought. I will continue to support ADA until I've heard otherwise. I will attend the banquet because I feel they do a great job in helping out our deer population and the habitat. I incourage you all to attend the banquet. If for some reason the ADA continues to support AZSFW then this might be my last banquet. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    A SET

    That's a good find for sure. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Why Do I hunt?

    This is how I feel about the outdoors. Funny how great minds think alike Bill and Hector. lol Many years ago my Grandmother passed away on Christmas day at the age of 92. I was her first grandson and she spoiled me like most grandmas do. I grew up in a very small town and went to church every sunday except when our family was on a fishing vacation somewhere. As I got older and moved to Az I stopped going to church. Everytime we spoke on the phone grandma would say " when's the last time you went to church? You need to go to church". I would always tell her "my church is when I'm in the woods alone with myself and that's quite often grandma. I don't have to pray as hard to get the message to the lord thru the roof. It's much easier that way". She would always laugh. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Why Do I hunt?

    I can't help it! It was bred into me! It's my life! Plain and simple! TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Regrets of the Dying

    Thanks for posting this Chef. Makes ya wonder how ya can still change before the big day. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Got this via email and thought to share it here...

    Thanks for sharing Gino. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    My new Popup Camper

    They definitely will want to raise it up especially the places Amanda likes to go. The axle is different than most but I'm sure there's a way to left the frame. Julie & Sunshine are going to love their new home away from home. I can just hear Amanda now "No Paul, it's your turn to get up and let the dogs out." TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Desert Sheep Skull for sale...

    Now that's funny! TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Desert Sheep Skull for sale...

    Bill, do you know how the law is written on a person finding a bighorn skull. Can that person claim it? With that kind of money I might start looking around. I know there has been several probably found. Just wondering! TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    BenBrown- HBD

    Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one. TJ