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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    San carlos

    Very nice and congrats on cleaning up on the crappies. I'm pretty sure this storm will shut things down but look out next weekend. It should be red hot by then. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Javelina extraveganza

    Congratulations on your second pig and welcome to CWT.com. You have landed on the best hunting site available in AZ. Thanks for sharing your story and pic. I'm going to make it one of these days to Montana before they bury me under. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Found a few.

    That's awesume Phil. I think I'm the worst shed hunter in the world. I never find them when I'm looking for them. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Wet couple of days!

    Chef, I didn't see your post before I started mine. Didn't mean to still the spotlight my friend. TJ
  5. I'm still not getting it. What's going on? TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Brady Wash Unit 37B - great time

    It was my pleasure Amanda. What a great time we had on this project. I love cooking and I was pleased that the guys appreciated the pheasants that Ted & I shot. There's nothing like watching a bunch of hungry guys eating your cooking at the end of the day. Here's a few pictures I took:
  7. tjhunt2

    Guess the Score of this San Carlos Coues shed!

    59&7/8s. BINGO! TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    2012 Big Set

    Nice find and I'll take a little luck on my side any day. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Prayers needed for A fellow hunter!!

    Thoughts and prayers for family & friends. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday ScottAdams

    Happy Birthday Scott and many many more. I am celebrating my mothers birthday today as well. Hope this day brings all you could ever wish for in life. Enjoy! TJ
  11. Just walked in from work and found my letter and survey from ADA. Thanks ADA and it will be back in the mail tomorrow with my signature and a small explanation as to why I think the ADA needs to not support the AZSFW anymore. imo TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Bartlett Lake March 11

    Looked like ya'all had a good time. Thanks for sharing your fishing with us. The sun will always make your hair look gray. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    2012 sheds

    Thanks for sharing your antlers with us. The fire pic is awesume. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Bobcat with a bow

    I lion and now a bobcat, wow. You're on a roll. Congrats! I've yet to tag my first bobcat. I'm still hoping. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    First lion

    Congratulations on your first lion. That had to have gotten your heart beat racing. TJ
  16. Lance, I think that is a little harsh asking Amanda to stick with them or resign. She is a board member of the ADA and things need to be thought out. I know where you stand and I'm with ya on that but we still need to work things out. I was told 3 weeks ago at the ISE Show that I would be getting a poll guestion sent to me on how I felt about HB2072 and I haven't seen anything. It would be easy for me to say the ADA can shov it but I will wait a little longer. The ADA does great work for our deer habitat and I support them for what they do but I agree they need to make a stand. Sh!t or get off the pot. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Canadians first Javy Hunt!

    Congratulations to Dan and Sylvie on their success and welcome to AZ. Great video as usual and thanks for sharing. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Brady Wash Unit 37B - great time

    I want to thank the azgfd along with all the volunteers for making me feel so welcome on this project. For those of you who haven't attended one of these workshops, I highly recommend you take the time and do so. There's an overwhelming feeling at the end of the day that you just have to experience for yourself. Knowing you contributed to a great caus in helping out our wildlife is so satisfying to the soul. It was my pleasure finally meeting and putting some faces with a few cwt members I've only known as their cwt names. Amanda is right on when she said the azgfd guys are a bunch of nice guys who are great to share a campfire with. They are some of the hardest workers I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Saturday night Ben Brochu cooked up some posole that was to die for. Ben's posole alone would have been worth the trip. I can't say enough about the great group of guys and gals that shared the evening campfire. Do yourself a favor, if you get a chance, and don't miss out on one of these water catchment projects. You won't be sorry you did. Thanks again to everyone that came out and helped this weekend. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Water catchment 37B day one

    Thanks for sharing some pictures Stephen. I would have liked to have met you and Mychalb but I didn't get there til friday night. Thanks for helping out on the project and showing your son what goes on behind the scene. There are alot of hunters out there that need to know the hard work azgfd puts in to helping our wildlife in this great state of ours. Thanks again for your work on the project and I look forward to seeing some stories of Mychal's hunts. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Mt. Lion Hunt, March 2012

    Now that had to be one awesome turn of events for sure. Congratulations on your lion and I hope you buried your shorts deep. TJ
  21. tjhunt2


    Thanks for sharing that awesome little clip that Jake put together Lance. Good job Jake. Sure wish I had the knowledge to do something like that. Can't wait to see more. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    March 29th @ 3:05 pm. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Where to Hunt?

    If you like to fish the salt lakes then try calling them. When the fishing gets tough then take a break and pull off anywhere and give it a try. Lots of coyotes near the lakes. Most people don't carry there calling equipment anf rifles while fishing. Bobcat country for sure but make sure it's still in season before you pull the trigger. Good luck. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Treestandman!

    I know you're still with us. You are truely missed. TJ