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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Elk almost fight on road!

    That was a good video Graig. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Crappie Bonanza San Carlos

    The video was awesome Brian. You and Dad know how to get it done that's for sure. Wished it would have worked out for the wife and I when we where there. I always enjoy your fishing reports and pictures. Thanks! TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    TJ's First bird

    Congrarulations to TJ on laying the smack down but then how could he go wrong with a name like TJ. Great write-up, pictures, and thanks for sharing. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    San Juan River, New Mexico 2012

    As I'm writing my wife is preparing some stockers I brought home. Here are a few pictures. These are done up with: mushrooms slice onions chopped 1/4 c. chopped parley 1 1/2 italian bread crumbs pinch of sage 1/4 tsp onion powder 1/4tsp gar;ic salt 1/4 tsp celery salt It is smelling so good as we speak. 10 small stockers stuffed Basting with butter Ready for the oven. Got to go and eat!
  5. tjhunt2

    San Juan River, New Mexico 2012

    I think I know where you're talking about. Yes we did. They have made alot of new holes in the upper braid. They have been improving alot of the river for better fishing. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    No Browns, but some are black

    Thanks for sharing. The boys did well. Hope everyone had a great time. To bad about the elk getting trapped. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Little Tucson girl needs help.

    Thoughts and prayers for this little girl and her fasmily. I pray it is a happy ending and she is found safe and sound. TJ
  8. Wow, that was some tribute to your friend. I actually wiped a few tears from my face before replying here. I'm a big softy when it comes to dogs. They certainly give us more than we give them that's for sure. I've lost my share over the years and it doesn't get any easier. Thanks for sharing that great tribute to Apache with us here. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Josh's First Turkey

    I haven't been on here in a week and what a way to start my viewing. Congratulations to Josh on his first bird and a great one at that. Another congrats to Nick with a beauty as well. Good luck to Matt. Hunting as a family can't be beat and thanks Coach for sharing some of it with us. That Josh is going to catch up to his older brothers real fast the way he's going. TJ
  10. For me, it is a matter of lack of knowledge. No idea what all of these different comittees represent, who the members are, what they represent, where the money goes. I put in for hunts, buy my hunting license, feel lucky if I get drawn. Go hunt. Always under the assumption that my money for tags, etc. is what took care of what I know as Game and Fish. When I started reading stories of hunting on this website, I started learning a whole lot about hunting and what is going on outside of my little, enclosed world. I learned that not everybody has the same idea what "ethics" are and it is a pretty heated discussion. I have learned that there are many factors that play into what Game and Fish has to deal with. Salt licks, blinds, two tracker roads vs. "maintained" roads. I have learned that there are many important issues out there that I honestly had no clue of and still wouldn't if it were not for all the info I have gleaned from this site. I realize that there is much at hand and much that is very important for the future of our hunting and fishing youth. Many people spend many hours on behalf of something that I have taken for granted. Even if I have not agreed with many things that have been said on this site I have still learned. Ignorance is what I blame my position on, but now that I have become more informed, I need to decide what is best for me to do to help. That decision becomes difficult though, when so many people claim one thing is what we need to do, and then a whole nother side of the spectrum says we need to do just the opposite. I am a rookie at this stuff, but I think I have a good grounding on what I expect from professional people who would represent my ideals and concerns. I feel I have met many people on this site that I would trust to make sound decisions on behalf of the future of our wildlife. I am willing and ready to help be a part of the solving of the problems that face us. Well said my friend! TJ
  11. tjhunt2


    Congratulations to all three kids. Them are some awesume pictures for sure. You must be very proud. Thanks for sharing. I would have liked to have been in your camp during that hunt. It had to be a blast. Great job of getting it done. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    A bad day of flyfishing

    That T-shirt pretty well sums it up for me. I suck at flyfishing but I do enjoy it. I love the shirt. I'm heading for the San Juan River after work tomorrow night. An 8 to 9 hour drive and should be there by 8am tuesday morning. There is 12 of us going and we will fish for 5 days. It's a beautiful river with lots of big trout. I'll post when I get back with lots of pictures. Fishing them #22 flies makes it hard for me to tie them on. I still can't believe them trout can see the darn things. There are Rio Grande turkeys along the river and they should be talking up a storm when we are there. It's nice to see them at full strut when your in the water fishing. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Change of the Rules

    We are very fortunate to have all the public forest we have. If you were to look at other states you will see we have a good draw system. If you and your wife can't get drawn for a rut hunt then try and change your priorities. You can draw every year if you weren't so picky. Don't blame the guys who get drawn every year. The wait period isn't the answer and don't blame us who draw every year. Pick a unit that you can draw and put your work in. Hunting in the rut should be illegal. Like catching bass off their beds. Just kidding! :lol: TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Meat grinders

    You won't go wrong with any of the horse power grinders. I think mine is a 1/3 hr power and it does everything I need it to do. Elk or deer isn't a problem. I'm sure the more HP the better the grind but my little grinder does just everything I want it to do. TJ
  15. tjhunt2


    My wife says the minnows have to go. She says I can't keep them in the refrigerator any longer because the bucket has sprung a leak. I don't know what the big deal is but she says it's time for them to go. It's saving someone $10 but I will send them on a mission down the toilet tomorrow. Last chance for some free minnows. I have got to get rid of them before I start naming them like Jim Mullins names his bulls. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    drew a unit 1 archery tag

    Bill, I would have loved to have walked and rode horses along the Little Colorado River with you. I'm sure the memories are awesume and know one could ever imagine what you got to witness over the years. You certainly have lived an exciting life and I hope you continue to build them memories for years to come. I hope to see you this summer. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    My Introduction

    Jake, welcome to cwt.com. There is a ton of information on this site along with alot of excellent whitetail hunters. You definitely have come to the best whitetail site there is. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your success stories and pictures posted here. Good luck on your hunts. TJ
  18. tjhunt2


    If we're going to eat those things raw then you better bring an 18pk . TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Change of the Rules

    I wonder who that would be? Matt, let's get all the facts before everyone wants to throw me under the bus. It's been 24 yrs sraight and only because I play the odds. My unit was a 99% draw last year for archery bull, and I ended up with my second choice cow, and many years it was 100%. It's not luck it's just wanting to hunt what everyone else doesn't want. It's not hard to figure out. I'm 17 for 23 so far and I'll continue to take what ya'll don't want. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    The new edition!

    I like it. Congrats on some great looking deer. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    San Carlos Crappie Fishing 4/10/2012

    Way to get it done Brian. Thanks for the pictures. You definitely know how to score on the fish. Glad to see you and your Dad making more memories. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    For All You Lucky Tag Holders!

    That was some good footage of some giants for sure Jim. Good luck to your staff and clients this upcoming year. I'm sure, along with a bunch of others, we can't wait to see what this year brings from the Mullin gang. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Turkey Hunt

    Congratulations on your bird. That's an awesume picture of all of you. Our future hunters look like they are ready to go. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    This is Stupid!

    How's the hunt going? Can't wait to see some pictures. Good luck on your hunt and on your draw. Say hello to Roger for me.
  25. tjhunt2

    Post you results

    The streak continues! Good luck with the bull tag TJ. Did you put in for an elk tag? You can share my camp any day. TJ