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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Why am I posting this pic?

    I win now what do I get? That's exactly what I thought it was. TJ
  2. tjhunt2


    Great piece of work Jake. Awesome to say the least at the size of all them bulls. Congratulations to the hunters and to TLO. Thanks for sharing!
  3. tjhunt2

    Happy 4th of July

    Well said! TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Trophy's Steakhouse

    I have got to go check this place out. The food looks as good as the senery. Wished I could have joined you last week but already had another commitment. Thanks for posting Chef. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    rem 1100 ***Sold***

    pm sent
  6. tjhunt2

    OE4A Fundraiser Banquet

    As of now I'm working for a co-worker while he's on vacation. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Sunflower Fire...how it started

    Justin, I've probably spent more days and time in Crabtree than anyone I know. Many many good times and a ton of memories have been made there. The big cottonwood tree has finally fell down where I hung many critters over the years. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    OE4A Fundraiser Banquet

    Thoughts and prayers for Thomas, his family and friends. He will truely be missed. I can't say enough good things this organization has done for the kids. Thank you Eddie, Chris, and all the volunteers that make up this special group. Come out and join the cwt table for an evening of intertainment and support for the kids. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Why am I posting this pic?

    Finally! The wife and I have been looking at this for the past 20 minutes. I think I found it. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    7 WEST BULL PHOTOS updated monthly

    HICAP, these pictures are awesome to say the least. Keep'em coming. You are very good at this and may I ask what set up you are using? I can't decide which one I like the best. They're are good. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  11. Thanks for posting up some pictures Justin. Dillion & Jackson really cleaned up on the raffle tickets. Sounds like everyone had a good time. There's no doubt Lance and family hosted another great outing. The picture Amanda posted of the food looked awesome. TJ
  12. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to give it a try. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    My 2012 Crazy Bear Hunt

    Congratulations Lance and a great story. No one ever mentioned you were a little crazy or just the bravest man in the world. Could you imagine being in that cave and the other bear coming in behind you? Wow! Thanks for sharing your hunt and story with us. It's one of the best I've read on here. TJ
  14. Just put a 10 hr day in and couldn't wait to get home to see if anyone posted pictures of the outing yet. Peg and I are wanting to see some pictures so please post up what ya got. I'm sure everyone had a good time. Sorry we had to miss it. Pictures please! TJ
  15. I received mine yesterday and have spent most of the morning reading the stories and thumbing thru the pages. I can't say enough good things about this Outdoorsman's Resource Guide. From the stories, pictures, and the ton of information is just amazing. Graig and Richelle, the work you two have done to publish and make available to the public at such a great price needs to be commended. Thank you both! I urge everyone to get their hands on this issue and you will see for yourself why this needs to be part of your travel gear. TJ
  16. Thanks for sharing this information with us. It will come in handy when I draw my sheep tag this year. I just got the feeling! TJ ps....just like I had the feeling every other 30+ years.
  17. tjhunt2

    Cool color phase bear

    Each their own. If you want to take this bear then good luck on taking it. Shoot straight! Thanks for sharing. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    OIALA Fishing Trip is only 16 Days Away

    What do you say Shelvin? You got the money and I'll carry your luggage. We can do this. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Prayers for my son please

    Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Our continuous prayers for your son and father-in-law. I'm glad to hear he is at Barrows. They are one of the best in the country. Barrows placed a titanium plate in my neck years ago after a hunting accident. You're in good hands. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    NEW 24b trail cam pics

    Got to agree with Shelvin. Great close up. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    OIALA Fishing Trip is only 16 Days Away

    Can't wait to see some pics of your trip. One of these days. TJ
  22. Took me until now to figure this one. I know I'm a little slow but at least I figured it out. I bet some of you are scratching your heads.
  23. Well, I guess I should have read the opening post a little better then I would have understood that they updated from restrictions to closure. There is a difference between restrictions and complete closure. Under restrictions your were still allowed to hunt even though shooting was prohibited. Closure means just that, stay out. I would follow the ruling and hope everyone else does as well. soazarcher.......yes, I'm new here and just got off the boat. TJ
  24. How could anyone not be happy with this mount. It's awesome to say the least. Congratulations to the hunter and the taxidermist. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    What is this?

    Could it be an old bee hive? Got me puzzled. TJ