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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Credit Card Hits

    Card got hit while I slept. Deer & turkey somewhere. It doesn't even matter. Good luck to everyone on the draw. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Card got hit today!

    Card got hit while I slept. Deer & turkey somewhere and it doesn't even matter. I'm going hunting! Good luck to everyone on the draw. TJ
  3. OE4A is having their fundraising banquet on July 14th. If you haven't attended you are missing out on all the food you can eat and all the beer you can drink with the purchase of a ticket. It doesn't come any better than this. If that wasn't enough it benefits all the good things they do for helping out kids in need. Look up their web site and I'll bet you will want to help out this great organization. Amanda usually gets a couple tables for the cwt gang. What do you say? Come and experience a great evening of fun, eats, drinks, and intertainment. They will be drawing the AZ big game super raffle and it's alot of fun listening to the winners on the phone. You will leave this banquet with a heart warming experience like never before. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Elk Fever

    +1 TJ
  5. Good job Rica. I don't believe I've ever seen one live. Beautiful bird! Your picture taking is top notch Doug. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Yellowfin Tuna Fishing - Hawaii

    Sounds fun! But you know it would fall on a weekend you had to work!! Oh no it won't. lol As of now my work schedule for next year has me working 4/10s with every weeekend off. No more missing projects, banquets, and our first ever San Diego Fishing Adventure. I wonder how many would sign up and who would be willing to put something like that together? TJ sounds like you should put it together then!! No thanks, just checked and I have to work that weekend. lol TJ Didn't you mention something about retiring next year? Yes I did. My plan is to retire in Dec of 2013 just in time for my sheep hunt. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Yellowfin Tuna Fishing - Hawaii

    Sounds fun! But you know it would fall on a weekend you had to work!! Oh no it won't. lol As of now my work schedule for next year has me working 4/10s with every weeekend off. No more missing projects, banquets, and our first ever San Diego Fishing Adventure. I wonder how many would sign up and who would be willing to put something like that together? TJ sounds like you should put it together then!! No thanks, just checked and I have to work that weekend. lol TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Yellowfin Tuna Fishing - Hawaii

    Sounds fun! But you know it would fall on a weekend you had to work!! Oh no it won't. lol As of now my work schedule for next year has me working 4/10s with every weeekend off. No more missing projects, banquets, and our first ever San Diego Fishing Adventure. I wonder how many would sign up and who would be willing to put something like that together? TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    CouesWhiteTail Shed..

    I like them coues bucks that have mass like that. Good luck finding him this year. He should score pretty well. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  10. Good luck this year Jim and thanks for keeping your CWT brothers & sisters entertained with some of the bulls you'll be chasing this coming year. Most guides wouldn't be showing their hand but this shows the Mullins are a class act. Beautiful bulls as always. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Yellowfin Tuna Fishing - Hawaii

    Sure looks like a good time. I only fished in the big pond once out of San Diego and told them I would be back when they stocked it. Wouldn't it be great to get a CWT fishing trip planned out of San Diego? I'ld jump on board. Thanks for sharing your fish with us. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Lion And Mule Deer are Complete

    It's always good to see something different and this is no exception. Great job and thanks for sharing. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Proud Father

    That is a great picture and you have every right to be a proud father. I wonder who weighs the most? Thanks for sharing and like Pine Donkey said, welcome to the best hunting site on the planet. I look forward to seeing more pictures.of your horns. TJ.
  14. tjhunt2

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    Can you guys send some of that up our way? Sure would like to get in to check out the cameras. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    OE4A Fundraiser Banquet

    That was the least we could do. I'm stuck here at work all night and have done nothing but think about all the fun and food everyone was enjoying. I know everyone had a good time. Looking forward to next year's banquet. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    How long does meat last in the freezer?

    It sick'ns me to throw out game I havested but it happens. We try to eat all our game within a couple years but find an occasionally piece left from a few years back. Some have been good and some have not. We have been putting our meat in vacumm bags as of late and find it to last for a couple years before going bad. Most our meat is gone before the next huntig season rolls around. so it hasn't been a big issue with us. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Outcast Discovery 8'

    The price was in the topic headlines I thought but if it didn't appear it's $400 Dan TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Drawing Results Contest Deer 2012 ****Updated***

    July 20th please @ 3:20pm. Can't wait to get my new knife. Thanks Eric. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    What? No guess the Time/Date Contest?

    I'm taking a wild guess for July 20th. If they're not out by then I will say July 24th or maybe the 26th with the 27th as a backup. That's my guess. TJ
  20. tjhunt2


    I was told that a bunch of Bureaurocrat BS got in the way of azgfd and the forest service catching this bear. Instead of contacting one of the many houndsmen in the area right away, they had to wait on paperwork and a government trapper to get here with dogs not suited for this country. In the mean time they put out their traps and started baiting. Of course they attracted more bears and by the time the trapper got here there were several bears to chase and kill easily. None of the DNA matched from the bears killed. I'm not surprised. This is how it was put to me by a very reliable source. I actually don't have any facts to back this up. Anyone hear the same? TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Coues Highlight Video. TLO

    Thanks for sharing the video. Always good to see some of Jake's work. Good job guys and good luck to TLO this year. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Come see this GIANT buck!!

    Awesome to say the least! Thanks for sharing Amanda. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Why am I posting this pic?

    Welcome to the site John. Alot of good info here along with some very good hunters who like to share their skills and shooting abilities. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    question about august archery in the desert

    Lance hit it right on the head. 9am to 2pm has more activity than any other time of the day where I hunt. Pack a small icecooler with some froozen water bottles and use them to cool yourself off with and then drink them when they melt. Keep a bandana in on ice for your neck. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    My 2011 Last Day Coues

    Congratulations on your trophy and good job on the video. My first deer was a spike and I can still remember the excitement I had that day as I shared it with my Dad & brother. Thanks for sharing! TJ