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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday Willhunt4coues

    Happy Birthday and many many more. Hope this day turns out to be very special. Good luck in all your hunts. TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Leftover Tags

    Good luck on your hunt Christian. I hope your Dad was one of the lucky left overs. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Thanks Jason, it's fellow hunters like yourself that can make this work. Together we stand, divided we fall. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Hunting in august...

    Of course some deer grow faster in where they live, age, and what they eat. Look at the Kaibab conpaired to the central region of deer. Your problem was you passed up a buck that you thought was still growing wnen you should have been thinking that deer had a few more ounces on his steaks than the year before. Just my humble opionion. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    We've been down this road before. It's not hard to see that the anti groups will stop at nothing. Whether you agree or disagree on how your fellow hunters use a cetain method or the tools of his/hers likings should be of no significant. We must stand up and support each other in this fight and not divide ourselves over the little things. It's what they want us hunters to do. I feel each critter organization, and we have many, should send a representative to the meetings to express on behalf of us hunters how we feel. This doesn't let us off the hook for our own resonsibility and each of us should still send letters, e-mails, and place phone calls concerning our position on this baiting issue. Let's keep this positive by standing together. If we let them pick a piece off here and there before you know it our rock is down to a measly stone. Don't just agree with this post but pick up a pen, type a letter, or make a phone call. It's a start. Thank you! TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Single best tip for fall turkey hunting??

    Best tip....................spend more time in the field than in camp. Best strategy...........water Best angle...............doesn't matter: straight on, sideways, 45deg, or the back door. It's all good. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Guess the Score of this Nontypical buck

    I'm going to say 125". Thanks for the hint Amanda. jk TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    More good bucks and one ugly bear!

    What's the big hoopdedoo about the deer? Didn't anyone here see them pigs??????? Now that's something to get excited about I'm telling you. TJ ps.....almost forgot with all the excitement over them pigs, thanks for sharing. Good luck to your wife.
  9. tjhunt2

    22 tag holder

    Corky's wife, Cindi, did a great job of capturing Cork's hunt. It's not easy seeing thru a camera and getting what you're after. Congratulations to Cindi and Corky. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Bow hunting turkey: which points to use

    Hey TJ dont hold out on me. Send me one also please. James T. :lol: I gave him your spots so I didn't want everyone to know. :lol:
  11. I start out with the typical camo pants and shirt but end up down to my shorts before it's over. Not a pretty site to see. I take a small ice chest with some frozen water & gater-aide that I continue to rub over my body as the day goes on and then drink it when it thaws. It's dam right hot but I have found it to be very productive while everyone else is back in camp. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Got my 2011 Archery Coues Skull Back!

    Thanks for sharing. They look great and it's a start to better things to come my friend. Good luck on your future hunts. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    Congratulations to Corey and everyone that helped him to harvest this magnificent bull. I'm sure this elk just didn't drop out of the sky after all the other hunts were over. This elk has been around for many years and alot of regular tag holders had a chance at him. In my opion the money that was generated from this tag out weighs this awesome bull. It's a win win situation for our wildlife, the hunter, and for all of us who enjoy hunting. I would like to thank the azgfd for making this tag available and for those who have spent $$$$$$$ in much needed project funds. TJ
  14. I'm wantin to buy a hand gun for my wife but haven't a clue. I'm leaning towards something that doesn't kick much. Any suggestions? TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    Hoochie Mommas

    So, there are to different ones? The big ones and the small ones???????? I didn't know this. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    Women's hand gun for protection

    Thanks for everyone's comments. I'm sure glad I asked this question because there was alot I wouldn't have thought of. This site sure has alot of knowledgeable people. That's what makes it the best all-round huntin site on the web. After reading DesertBull's comments I just might have second thoughts. lol TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    3A-3C Deer Hunts!

    My question is, there seems to be alot of excitement about the big bucks now in 3A/3C. Have they always been there or has the fire & the new growth developed a kaibab like deer? TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Just can't be...

    I like all your pictures of your success. You are on a roll. Keep up the good work and keep us informed on your future hunts. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Just can't be...

    I just can't believe 107" is the biggest ever taken by a woman, figured it would be bigger Yea, I kinda thought the same thing. I bet someone here on CW.com has already done it or will do it. To many good women hunters here on this site. I haven't come close to 107" but I'm a meat hunter but you can bet one of these CW.com huntress's will certainly smoke that 107" TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Free Archery Stuff

    That is quite generous of you to give and help out someone who can use this stuff. Another example of good people here on CW.com. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Just can't be...

    So what is the problem with this woman shooting this buck and saying it is the biggest coues shot by a woman? Not sure where you're coming from. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    New Call For Huachuca Gould's Sierra Vista NWTF Banquet 8/4

    That's one good lookin call. You do good work. What do they sale for? TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Only watch this if you need a laugh today!

    I can't believe you are allowed to watch CW.com at work. What would the principal say? lol I too thought this was pretty funny. My wife came running to see what I was laughing at. I still laugh when I think of it. TJ