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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Couple pictures from todays excursion

    Thanks for sharing your good pictures. They are awesome! TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Coues hit list for 2012

    You got some very nice bucks and good luck putting one on the ground. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    YOU TELL ME!!!

    Elkhunter1jr, I love your avatar of the pigs. My favorite of all big ten. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Good video

    I watched the video again , after some much needed rest, and wished it had been longer. It really was an excellent piece of work by professional for sure. I get the message it was striving for. Sometimes it takes me a little longer. TJ TJ, it's just a trailer for a movie that the guy made....just a sample of the larger movie. NoW I got it. It's he!! to get old. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Good video

    I watched the video again , after some much needed rest, and wished it had been longer. It really was an excellent piece of work by professional for sure. I get the message it was striving for. Sometimes it takes me a little longer. TJ
  6. Not going to see much here in the valley because of all the lights. Thanks or sharing and I wish I was out of the valley to witness it. I always like watching the show especially if I'm in the mountains. TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Good video

    I don't get it. Yes, it had some good video but I thought it was way to short. I don't think it described hunting and why we strive for it. Maybe I missed some of the video. Just my opion. Then maybe I'm just tired after working 32 straight days in a row and drinking a few cold brews. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Locked and Loaded

    TJ, What is up with you and the critters moving into your sleeping quarters.....the ringtail and now the skunk? LOL! Great pic CouesBuckHunter! Don't rightly know why I'm tarketted. I have a few more stories but will keep them for the camp fire. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    1st time out with the new trail camera

    Thanks for sharing your pics. Them are some good pictures. Keep'em coming. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    Locked and Loaded

    That's a good pic Eric. Last year, 2am on my deer hunt, I woke up to something rubbing me under my cot. I had left the bottom zipper partly open and one of these critters got in my tent. After 1/2 hr it finally found it's way out. Man was I sweating bullets. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    4th and final installment before the hunt

    Good talking with you tonight Stephen. Good luck on your archery hunt. Keep the pictures coming. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    Bear Down, Opening Day

    This is a very nice bear. Congratulations and thanks for taking us along. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday RagHorn

    Hope this will be the best Birthday ever. Enjoy the day RagHorn. TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Stolen! Giant 144" Mexico Coues

    Thanks Jim for sharing this story and unique buck with us. This is one buck you're not likely to forget so hopefully someone spots it and lets you know. TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    4th and final installment before the hunt

    What time do I show up? TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    The Giant 7x7!!

    Wow is all I can say. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    4th and final installment before the hunt

    Those last two deer are great looking bucks for sure. Stephen, is there room for my blind along side yours? Just to watch you take down one of these would be a treat. Good luck and I can't wait to hear the outcome. TJ
  18. Also wondering if they come as shown with the case? TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Neat pic from this week

    +1 for sure! TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Unit 22 Mule Deer help

    + 1 Very Intelligent knowledgeable guy. Thanks for the kind words but you guys have got me mixed up with someone else. Wisdom, intelligent, knowledgeable and experienced ?? Ok, experience I do have but leave all that other stuff out. I have made a bunch of memories in unit 22 over the years and I'm willing to share and hope I can be of help. Please pm. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Lifesize Bobcat ready for pickup......

    Awesome job! One of the best I've seen. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Decent Buck

    Thanks for sharing the pigs with us. Oh yeah, the buck as well. TJ
  23. tjhunt2


    Thank god it didn't or I might not be here. It ranks right up there with the time I had a ringtailed cat get in my sleeping back. I'm sure those two incidents alone took a few years off my life. TJ
  24. tjhunt2


    Thanks for sharing this topic with us Becker. What a great picture and I can just imagine how startled you must have been. lol GreeneMachine..........that was an accomplishment in itself let aone getting some good pictures at that age. What a hoot that must have been. This brought back one of my fondest memories of getting the crap scared out of me. It was in the early 70's, after moving to the big west from Ohio, and I was making my first trip from Apache Lake. It was dark and I had just topped out on Fish Creek Hill and was driving along the first few switchbacks and was thinking how scarry it was being here be myself. You got to remember, I was new to these parts and still learning what this land had to offer. As I drove past one of the cutouts in the wall next to me a big owl flew out and hit the side of my truck with one of it's wings coming in the window and hitting me along side the head. I wasn't sure what it was but I just knew something had got me and it was the end. As I screamed, heck yeah I screamed,and I almost drove off the cliff. These are some of my favorite birds and thanks for letting me share one of my owl stories. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Younggunz in Globe!

    That's one good lookin family and there's no doubt each and everyone is as nice as Carl. Great shot of the family Carl. TJ