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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Stolen Jeep with sticker!

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm going out and pull all my stickers off the truck, boat, and camper. Wouldn't you think the thieves would be smart enough to just ask Amanda for a sticker or two. TJ ps....all kidding aside I feel your pain and sorry to hear about the jeep being stolen.
  2. tjhunt2

    Couple of 100"ers

    I would have the first picture blown up and put on my wall. What a great picture and thanks for sharing. Awesome bucks together. TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Another first archery goat

    Not sure how I missed this post. Congratulations Mark. That's a beauty for sure. I too have 15pts and counting. Hopefully next year. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Utah Hunt 2012 VIDEO

    Great job guys and thanks for sharing. One of the best I've seen. A must see for sure. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Archery Lion!

    Congratulations on a very nice lion. You certainly are on a roll. Beautiful cat! TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    2012 SCOUTING! 100+ PICS OF BUCKS!!!

    As always, thanks Lance. Good luck with all your hunts and I can't wait to see your success stories and pictures. TJ
  7. Glad to see this posted and thank you PRDATR. I picked up hundreds of spent shells last year. So far I haven't seen the mess as in the past but will continue to pick up if I see them. I put my birds on ice and clean them at home. Thanks to all that take the time cleaning up even though it isn't your mess. I know it makes me feel better knowing I have helped alittle. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Got my Mexico Coues back today

    That sure is one beauty of a buck. Got to love the points coming together. Congratulations on a fine buck. TJ
  9. Well, after working a 12hr day and not getting to bed before midnight, Peg and I decided we both needed to sleep in and we had a chance to get Lexie a snake vaccine in the morning so the evening hunt it was going to be. The time had finally come to load up and try to beat the crowd to one of my favorite spots. As we loaded our gear, water, and cooler our lab Lexie was going crazy with excitement knowing the shotguns meant the time had finally come for her to have some fun. We arrived at 4:30 and only saw 1 other truck on the way in. On arriving we noticed it looked as if no morning hunters had been there. We continued to hunt the evening not seeing another hunter. I thought we would sit in the airconditioned truck until the birds got going but Peg was anxious and wanted to go sit in the shade. I got her set up and then Lexie and I headed for the other side of the tank. A dove flew over, "BANG", and Lexie was swimming out to retreive the first bird of the evening. As I was walking back to the truck to put my bird on ice, I see Peg pull up and take her first. Lexie retreives her's and from then on I had the most fun I can ever remember on a dove hunt. Peg had shot her first ever dove on the fly and was juming up and down like a little kid. The glow on her face never left her the rest of the afternoon. She was using my new 12ga pump and it didn't fit her very well so I told her she could shoot them if they landed in the tree in front of her. I no longer got that out of my mouth and three dove landed in the tree. Peg pulls up and shoots and all three hit the ground. She was screaming with excitement and I couldn't believe it myself. I don't know when I ever had so much fun watching her shoot them birds. She picks another out of the air and now the bragging starts. "I have 5 how many do you have?" I said one but I'll catch up. Well I never did and she had her limit and I was still on 2 birds. After getting my shotgun back I finished out my limit. Lexie was acting a little strange all day and it didn't dawn on me she was having a reaction to her vaccine shot with all the running around in this 100deg. heat. She also tore two of her pads on a front and hind foot. It wasn't until she couldn't jump up in the truck that I finally put it all together. With all the fun and laughter Peg and I was having, I had over looked Lexie's condition. She was a trooper and continued to retreive but I should have caught this earlier and rested her. She's doing alright with her feet bandaged and I just couldn't pull myself together to go out today without her. So Lexie and I hung out at the house most of the day and then Peg and I went shopping for a new gun for her. Peg & Lexie hangin in the shade My two best dove huntin partners The end to one of the most fun filled days ever. Lots of laughing, high fiving, and just plain fun. Don't let Peg and Tom let you think for one minute these are their birds. I retreived them all and they actually belong to me. My feet are a little sore but I'll be ready to go in a few more rested days.
  10. You are absolutely right Casey. Labs are known to be over weight and Lexie's no exception. I've been walking her for the last couple months and trying to get her pads toughened up along with shedding a few lbs, both her and me, but it's hard to do working mostly 12hr days. It doesn't leave much time for anything and living in town doesn't help the situation a bit either. Not making any excuses, for I know I have to work her alot more. I assume you didn't work with your dog on the gun training. I started out with a cap gun, then a 410, and finally a 12ga. while letting her chase pigeons I caught in town. A good friend of mine helped with Lexies training. I bet it's not to late Casey. There are alot of good books and info on the internet. Good luck with her. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    2nd chance Bear

    Congratulations on a beautiful bear. Great story by the way. TJ
  12. tjhunt2

    2nd archery coues

    My hats off to you Daniel. Not only is that a nice buck but one heck of a nice writeup. I hope you are writing all your hunting stories down somewhere so we can read your book someday. Congratulations to you and big kudos to your pa. TJ
  13. You must be one of the proudest fathers around. Having two of your kids take archery deer mean there must have been alot of hard work gone in before the hunt started. This is a great buck and one he certainly has bragging rights over. I doubt I ever shoot one that big in my lifetime. Congratulations to your son and all the family. Great story and pictures. TJ
  14. Thanks Pro Kid. If anyone is interested, Paul's Ace Hardware Store on the corner of Gilbert & Baseline is holding a clinic for rattle snake bite. I will miss the opening dove season to stand in line with my Lexie. After that look out cause I'm going knock them dead. Well, I'll try and do them better than last year's shooting.
  15. tjhunt2

    Another Year Another Bear

    Holy crap for sure. Hope the mess wasn't to bad cleaning up. Congratulations and what a story. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    My 2012 Buck

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing. That's awesome you have before and after. Looks as if you put your homework in. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Our first girl!

    I would like to extend my congratulations to you and your wife on a beautifull little girl. She's a doll! With 3 brothers, she will be pretty well protected that's for sure. I like the name Brightly Ann and thanks for sharing your lovely daughter with us. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Happy Birthday NRS

    Happy Birthday and many more to come. Hope it was a good one for ya. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    Remington 870 Express Super Magnum

    Let me just add I resently purchased this very same gun and can't tell you how much I like it. I shot it at Ussery Pass Gun Range on clays and really surprised myself how good I shot. This is a sweet shotgun that you won't be sorry you bought. Can't wait for dove seasson to open. This gun just has a great feel about it that I can't describe. TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Best Etiquette for a Squatter

    This same scenario occured a few years ago and this is how I handled it. I had put up two tree stand on a game&fish trick tank so no matter which way the wind was blowing I had it covered. I had left a note that I would be hunting it on opening day of elk season but you were welcome to sit there during any other hunt. I approached my tree stand an hour before daylight, opening morning, and someone was sitting in my stand. He said he would get down and I said I would just go over to my other stand which was on the same tank. He said his buddy was sitting there. He offered to get down and he and his buddy would leave. I told them to hunt out the morning but expect me hunting here for the rest of the season. I went to my backup spot and killed a nice 5x5 that morning. I never saw them hunters again. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    New and Improved CouesWhitetail.com website coming soon!

    Amanda, just my little way of saying thank you for all you've done for me and all our members. You are the best! TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Two nice dogs ---- FREE to good home

    Surely with all the members we have, hopefully someone would take them or know someone who needs a couple companions of their own. I hope this ends in a happy ending for these two dogs. It's nice that the Arboretum have gave temporary shelter to these dogs. Do we have any veterinarian members, that might be able to help, on this site? Please keep us informed. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    New and Improved CouesWhitetail.com website coming soon!

    I'm with Pine Donkey on this one. Can't wait to see the new version of cwt. The wait is like the night before Christmas: Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a member was stirring, not even a mouse. The computers were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Amanda soon would be there. The members were nestled all snug in their beds, While new versions of couewhitetail danced in their heads. When next to the chimney there rose such a clatter, Members sprang from their beds to see what was the matter. They flew like a flash with mouse in their palm, To see the new version of coueswhitetail.com. She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work, And fixed all the computers, then turned with a jerk. And laying her finger aside of her nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney she rose! Amanda sprang to her sleigh, to her coues deer gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But members heard her exclaim, as she drove out of site, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    SCI Jr. Camp 2011 36A SUCCESS!!

    That was a great writeup and picture. Congratulations to your son. What a dandy of a buck. Good luck on this years hunt. It's stories like this that puts a smile on my face and big thanks to SCI and their youth camps. Thanks for sharing. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Anyone going for turkey?

    Congratulation on your turkey. I used the wrong pin in all the excitement and clipped a few feathers at 20yrds. I forgot I put that 10yrd pin on for pigs. TJ