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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2

    Deer Banquet last night

    Glad to see the tag went for $245,000. WOW! TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Swhacker Broad Heads

    Well, that explains it. Thanks Cole for educating me on that piece of history. Wish I had known before posting.
  3. tjhunt2

    Got my archery bull back.

    Your friend did an awesome job and it actually gives me an idea if I ever shoot one worth mounting. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Around the Campfire

    That is just not fair. I'll get out of the driveway one of these days. Great post and pictures. The labs are an awesome picture. I will post some pics of my own when I get home from work. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    New Lion Video

    Congratulations to the hunter and outfitter. Loved the video. TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    I would like to give a special THANK YOU to Amanda for her generous kindness and support of all the banquet tables she provides for the cwt community and especially her more than generous support of our Veterans. Thank You! TJ
  7. tjhunt2

    Job Opening at Archery Headquarters

    Good luck with your new job as well. I have dealt with HQ for years and there is no finer bunch of people to work with. I don't stop in much but when I do need something I will go nowhere else. TJ
  8. tjhunt2

    Mosquito Control

    If you take me with you I promise I'll show you how to keep them off you. Let me know when to pack my bags. TJ
  9. tjhunt2

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Congratulations on winning all that stuff. When it comes to these banquets I've never seen a more generous couple with donations and the purchasing of tickets to benefit whatever species the banquet sponsors. Glad to see you getting something in return. OUCH! That is one mean looking sunburn Mark. I bet it's not as much fun today as it was yesterday. TJ
  10. tjhunt2

    New Mexico Bear

    Congratulations on a very nice bear. My hat is also off to you young man. Thanks for sharing. kidso.........I know your heart got pumping overtime when you saw this one. TJ
  11. tjhunt2

    Sheep Draw Odds

    Is that .81% or 81%?
  12. tjhunt2

    Sheep Draw Odds

    I got 20pts so what are better odds for me, desert or rocky? Thanks! TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Oh Kathi, I wished you hadn't done that. That is so refreshing looking. I passed this up for work? Someone just shoot me. I feel good knowing no food will go to waist with Paul sitting with you'all. Peg and I will be thinking of yens. Win some rifles! TJ
  14. tjhunt2

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    :lol: Now I feel so much better, thanks!
  15. tjhunt2

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    You're killing me with these posts about sitting around pool side and sippin on a cold one. Peg and I also wish we could have made it. There's no doubt you all will have a great time tonight and toss one or two down for me Mark. TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    More Pictures!!!

    Nice mounts for sure. Where was the last picture, with all the antlers, taken from. I assume a fenced in property. TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    trail cam opinions

    I really like the coverts sold here on cwt but I also agree with Coach that any camera can be taken with a battery pack grinder. I have had a couple taken and it really pisses me of. I wish I could continue putting out covert cameras but the cheap wild view cameras make better sense. I know a person in the Payson area who has been stealing cameras and equipment. He has also admitted to the Sheriff Office he has been doing this for many years. My friend actually caught him, his wife, and young son with his blind, 2 cameras, feeder, and chair on their quad while trying to get away. The thief is well known in the Payson area and his Dad runs a well known business. The Tonto National Forest and the Sheriff Office are pursuing charges as we speak against this scum bag. I will post his picture as soon as I get the ok. TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    Found some trail camera pictures

    Thanks for the cam pics and congratulations to your kid on her first critter. TJ
  19. tjhunt2

    It's that time again...ATAA Convention in Mesa.

    Good luck this year and I'm anxious to see what you bring to the table this year. I'm sure it will be outstanding. TJ
  20. tjhunt2


    Boy does that look good. A friend of mine passed away being a camp host at that lake and his ashes are spread over the lake. Thanks for posting. Peg and I will be up there in a couple weeks. Hope the fishing gets better for the little ones Shelvin. TJ
  21. tjhunt2

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Who all will be sitting at the cwt table? Take lots of pictures and hopefully someone will win a rifle or two. TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Heading to Kauai

    Congratulations on your marriage but why rush it. ....just kidding you know.
  23. tjhunt2

    Old Magazines

    I recently had to tear down a utility shed to make room for a 5th wheel. I had a car port sale the last two days and got rid of a bunch of stuff I forgotten I had. I have over 500 magazines that someone might want to read. They go back as far as the 80's and 90's . I wanted to keep them so I could go back some day and read them after I retire but my wife has convinced me it's time to give them up. Each box has approx. 100 magazines. My original thought was to give these away free but instead I have decided to take a donation for them and will give 100% of it to help with the cost of coueswhitetail.com. $1.00, $5.00, or whatever you want to donate per box. Maybe these aren't worth anything but let's see. I.- Sports Afield (approx.100) 2.-Outdoor Life (approx. 100) 3.-Peterson Hunting and Bowhunting approx. (approx. 75) 4.-Mixed Hunting and Fishing (approx. 100) 5.-This last box could be quite informational to some of you young hunters or those new to our state. There are several of the old Arizona Hunter & Angler magazines in this box and they have the unit of the month in the issues. Most are back from the 80's thru the 90's and really do make for some good reading material. Our very own Tony Mandile, aka Outdoor Writer, is published in most if not all of these issues. Tony has some good stories about our game and where to find them. Also in this box I have several old Wildlife View magazines and several of the very first paper additions. For some of you old timers who can still remember back a few years I have a bunch of the late Bob Hirsch's Outdoor Almanacs I have also put away for later reading but will let go along with this box. TJ
  24. tjhunt2

    Big 5B Bull Down!!!

    There is no doubt Lance you are the one to contact if someone truly wants to score on a buffalo of a lifetime. Congratulations to Brady on a great hunt. When I talk with people about buffalo hunts I can't help bringing up Lances name. Lance, the write-up is first class and being able to get those pictures along the way is amazing. No magazine could do any better and my hat is off to TLO once again with another successful hunt for their client. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see another once in a lifetime buffalo hunt from TLO. TJ
  25. tjhunt2

    Old Magazines

    All 5 boxes are gone. Thanks! TJ