My names Brandon and I have Been a member for a few months, Ed F referred me here to find a cape for my 2020 muley.
Just got back from my first couse hunt in AZ. I had no expectations and just knew My buddy from Utah and I were going in blind.
Awesome country and it blew my mind. I love glassin and this was the hunt for it.
Hunted this buck hard for three days and was finally able to connect, spotted him the day before the opener and on opening day he was no where to be found, we new he should be In The area and stayed the course, on Saturday we spotted him in the same bench we found him a few days wait let and made the plan. Got to 1200 yards my buddy got his spotter out said he was bedded in the same location and after a back and forth on who was gonna go in( I was pushing him to go in and he was pushing me) I caved and went in. My buddy is a way more accomplished hunter then I am so he was happy to see me work in on this buck.
popped up on the finger next to the bench he was on, ranged him at 196, cross haired him and waited for him to stand. Bout 15 mins later KAPOOOW, the 6.5 creed ate for the first time and he dropped in his bed.
If you guys want to hear more details and how my buddy filled his tag as well, check out my podcast- we are based out of Southern California. I did a semi live 3 episode podcast on this hunt but am going to be posting a in-depth in studio recap of the entire trip so be on the look out for that.
podbean, iTunes, google play and any platform you listen to podcast on.
Ridge2Ridge outdoors podcast
Instagram @ridge2ridgeoutdoors
I love Couse hunting.