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About tcharchery

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  1. tcharchery

    Hunting license

    I wish Game and Fish would let us buy the otc tags online. Too many times of not being able to purchase a deer tag until1/1
  2. tcharchery

    In Need of Home Electrical Advice and Help

    Could be an outlet itself blew. Check both sockets on your outlets. When you find one that one works and the other don't, there's the problem. Replace the outlet and all should be good. Just a thought.
  3. tcharchery

    Want to Fill a Tag Close to PHX

    So much more to this game than "Filling the freezer". Hope the light comes on for you soon. Good luck with your hunting.
  4. tcharchery

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Wal Mart in Benson is selling 2014 tags and license today.
  5. tcharchery

    Elk Scent and cover scent

    So I found out that the wafers are made with synthetic, but no go on the elkfire.
  6. tcharchery

    Elk Scent and cover scent

    It was brought to my attention that Arizona has banned the use of products containing cervid urine. In the past, I have used "elkfire" and the cow elk urine waffers. I have looked at the containers, but there is no description of the contents. I have emailed the manufacturer asking for the ingredients as well as an MSDS. Until then, anybody have any information or a list of such banned products?
  7. tcharchery

    Can you believe this!!! (B of A error)

    All I can say is WOW!!
  8. tcharchery

    Can you believe this!!! (B of A error)

    Right now the issue is getting this resolved so that tags are issued. That's the #1 priority. Then, they can deal with the bank however they choose. I also deal with boa and did not have an issue. Definately not sticking up for that particular bank, or form of communism whatever they are.
  9. tcharchery

    Can you believe this!!! (B of A error)

    For some of us not in the big cities, their the only show in town.
  10. tcharchery

    Can you believe this!!! (B of A error)

    No, the bank actually cancelled their card and is going to issue a new one.
  11. My brother in law and two nephews all applied on-line for elk. They applied seperately, using my brother in laws bank card for payment. They received one charge for 114.00 this past Tuesday, and then two more charges of 114.00 each yesterday. Good deal, everybody has drawn. My sister checks the account this morning to find one charge missing. Called the bank and they said they cancelled one of the game and fish charges as it appeared to be fraud. BANK OF AMERICA said that there is nothing they can do about it, can't reverse their mistake. Besides changing banks, any ideas?
  12. tcharchery

    Closing units to December archery hunting

    They have a sure fire plan though. I see that unit 29 is open again in January, so they must be planning on the herd rebounding in the next 17 days. Oh, but the rifle hunts still go on. Biggest bunch of crap I have ever seen.
  13. tcharchery

    WTB "Down on the Blue"

    Picked this book up just yesterday at the tackle shop in Alpine. Interesting to see some of my relations in there.
  14. tcharchery

    Use of a freezer in sept Show Low/Heber area

    Just take a chest freezer with you and problem solved.
  15. tcharchery


    Your post indicates that the equipment is new, so probably your string has settled. Try and slide one of the knots either above or below the peep to get it turned into position. Push them towards the peep. If this doesn't work then you will have to remove the peep and reset it.