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Everything posted by 257wby

  1. 257wby

    Deer in traction

    Got this from a friend. Supposedly this deer got caught in a fence and broke his neck. Now he's in some vet school in Texas. What a stud! Mike
  2. 257wby

    otc elk tag success ?

    A friend of mine bought one, I think its more of an excuse to get out of the house and pretend to go hunting. We went up to alamo last weekend just looking around. Its a chance to improve on my glassing skills, so its not a bust to me. Sure would like to know where G&F has those 15-20 elk tied up, because we glassed for a while, but at 2000 ft. where can they hide. Mike
  3. 257wby

    otc elk tag success ?

    Just a little over $300k, guess they'll be out buying some new trucks to go with that shiny new building. Mike
  4. 257wby

    My dec. buck

    Way to hang in there and get it done. Congrats!! :lol: Mike
  5. 257wby

    Club Buck Down!

    Congrats on a real nice buck, love the mass. Mike
  6. 257wby

    Hard Decision???

    here is a link, this way might save you some money so you can get that Vortex scope sooner. http://cgi.ebay.com/Swarovski-SLC-10x50-WB...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. 257wby


    Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday. I hope everyone had or is having a great hunting season as well. I would also like to thank Amanda and the rest of the moderators on a fantastic site Lets see if we can't get this site in the top ten next year. Mike
  8. What do you guys think about the otc elk tags? Just curious. Mike
  9. 257wby

    Penguin Slugger

    GH, you're better for it if you don't look. Mike
  10. 257wby

    Playing in December.....

    That is a great buck, especially for a first. Congrats. Mike
  11. 257wby

    Penguin Slugger

    All I can get is 320.5 with a pop fly best of 207.2. Wow, how addictive. Mike
  12. 257wby

    Scoring question

    Thanks for the responses. He doesn't flare alot, its more like when the beams get to his fourths, they just keep going at a gradual rate. When I get it back from Clay, I'll post a head on view. Thanks again. Mike
  13. 257wby

    Scoring question

    I have an elk that I need to score and I need some clarification. The main beams never curl back in at the top, so can my inside spread be measured at the tips of the main beams? Here are couple of photos of my elk, sorry they're blurry(wrong camera setting). I took him out of 22 north last week.
  14. 257wby

    Opening day success

    WOW!! Congrats to you uncle on a spectacular buck. I'm sure that is the first of many to come this bow season. Mike
  15. 257wby

    Weatherby ammo

    I am curious if anyone is reloading either 257 or 300 wby ammo. I have a bunch of brass that is takin up space and I'm looking for a consistent load. I've also been told the factory ammo is a little inconsistent. Thanks, Mike
  16. 257wby

    9 Bears poached

    Score one for the good guys! Way to go AZGFD. Mike
  17. 257wby

    Late bull fun!!!

    That was a really good story, couldn't have happened to a better kid. Hope my story, which will start friday, ends that good. Congrats again. Mike
  18. 257wby

    Caught Red Handed

    That is fantastic! Karma really is a b#*@h, ain't it. Mike
  19. 257wby

    want to buy 243 for youth

    I saw an ad in yesterdays paper for either BPS or Cabelas that ha d a youth 243 that also came with an adult stock for free. Sorry I don't remember what brand the gun was. Good luck. Mike
  20. 257wby

    Late Bull Bring It On

    Good luck everyone, I still have to wait for 3 weeks, but I'm so ready! Mike
  21. 257wby

    My 2007 AZ Coues Hunt

    Congrats Amanda. I'm with GH, I felt like you took me hunting with you. What a great story, what an awesome deer. Mike
  22. 257wby

    Christmas Fun!!!

    Who says white guys can't dance! You guys need to take your act out on the road. Good luck with your new careers! Mike :lol:
  23. 257wby

    draw results are out

    I drew a 23 early turkey, this will be my first turkey hunt. Can't wait. Mike
  24. 257wby

    Got One!!!

    Wow, thats a great buck. Good luck toppin that one, it won't be easy. Congrats. Mike
  25. 257wby

    Very last day buck

    Congrats on a real nice buck. Way to be persistent. Mike